Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny gathered up everything into his kit, one hand now resting on his lower back and kneading out a particularily tense muscle. "Yeah, I'm done," he replied, loading his kit into the back as well.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Linds noticed he was rubbing his back. "You alright?" she asked as she worked out the knot in his back. She knew that she probably shouldn't provoke it, and lead him on, but she still cared about him, and she still wanted to be with him. Her heart was ruling over her mind right now and it was making her one very confused and hormonal woman.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny let out a slight groan when she began to remove the knot, his shoulders dropping a bit as he relaxed. "Jet lag and movin' ta night shift is startin' to kill me," Danny replied. That was partially true, the other half was due to trying to convince Lindsay. Danny soon felt a spasm rip through his lower back, turning away from Lindsay's touch so she didn't feel it under her fingertips and looking down to hide the wince. "Thanks.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay nodded. "Sure." she said as she got into the drivers seat and started up the car. She wondered if that was really the reason he was getting the knots. She felt it was her fault, and it hit her right at that moment that everything was her fault. She waited for Danny to get into the car, and when he did, she drove back to the lab, which wasn't too far away from the scene.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny soon climbed in, trying to hide the wincing as best he could. "So.. Any ideas of what you think happened?" he asked, referring to the crime scene. Danny leaned forward on his seat, elbows on knees, stretching his back out as best he could to try and cease the spasms, but playing it off like he was thinking.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Hmmm, when they get to the lab it'll be very interesting lol. We can maybe bring in the triangle? FUN! lol))

Catherine had been anxiously waiting for either Grissom or Danny to return and was only hanging onto her patience by a thin thread that was threatening to break. When she saw Danny's rented car pull up in the parking lot she fought the urge to run out to him. But she didn't, she waited for him to at least get into the lab.
When she did she approached him as calmly as possible.
"Danny...have you seen Sara?"
She asked, subtley covering the anxiousness in her voice.

Sara shook in his arms as the pills and alcohol caused her to voilently convulse. Her breathing was dangerously shallow and she felt as if her throat was closing up, gasping for breath and trying in a panic to get air. Her eyes were wide and haunted and she looked up at Grissom fearfully, gripping his shirt. It hit her right at that moment. She didn't want to die in his arms. As much as she hated him for driving her to this, she still loved him with all her heart and knew if she died in his arms, he'd never get over it. Part of her screamed "Good! Let him feel guilt!" because he'd been the one to make her feel this way, but part of her just wanted him to live and be happy and not constantly think about what was happening right now. After all, it wasn't as if the sight of her in his arms, slowly losing her grip on life, was an easy image to forget. She tried to tell him that she didn't want to die in his arms, but she didn't manage the whole sentence.
"I don't...wanna die..."
Was all she managed before her breathing became more difficult. Too difficult to speak properly. She did want to die, just not right here with him holding her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissoms breathing became more frantic as tears began to splash down his cheeks. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried but then again he couldn't remember feeling as devastated as he did now. "You're not" He managed to squeak, his voice strained. He looked up and quickly scanned around him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the ambulance pull up not far away. Before he knew it he was being pushed away by medics, his view of Sara blocked. What if she had already gone? He wiped his eyes roughly and found himself back in his car. He rested his head against the steering wheel and closed his eyes. This was all too much.
Re: Crime Of Passion

It was ironic, but as soon as Grissom was moved out of sight by the EMTs she felt a wave of relief wash over her, almost masking the pain for a moment. They incubated her right there and then and it felt as though she was choking even more. She struggled to adjust to the tube shoved down her throat but eventually, strapped to a stretcher and lifted into the waiting ambulance, she began to breathe a little better. Tears streamed down her face and she tried to talk but found she couldn't. Not with that tube stopping her. She desperately wanted to tell them to stop trying to save her, that she wanted to die. But she couldn't communicate that and the meds kept trying to "reassure" her everything was going to be fine. She shook her head vehemntly and thrashed about on the stretcher though she didn't get very far. They sedated her and she whimpered as she lay limply. When she saw that Grissom was in the ambulance she squeezed her eyes closed and tried to will her life away. This was too much for her to stand. She'd tried to kill herself and thanks to him they were going to save her. She didn't want that!
Re: Crime Of Passion

After a lot of convincing an EMT had convinced him to go in the ambulance to the hospital. But now, seeing the look of pure hatred she gave him as she was carried into the ambulance he suddenly began to panic. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to go home and be on his own. When you're on your own then you have no dissappointment, sadness. Why had he let anyone into his life? He had known it would mean trouble. He ran a hand through his hair and looked away from her, not wanting to see her glares or just the state she was in.
Re: Crime Of Passion

When they got her to the hospital she was rushed into rhesus. so they could try and get her stable. They had to pump her stomach to get the alcohol and pills out of her body and Sara felt like she'd just been knocked down by a steam roller. It was like she was alive but still feeling the pain of dying. Like death but without the peace.
It was two hours later when they wheeled her into recovery. She was breathing on her own and the only machines that were attached to her was her heart rate and an IV drip to rehydrate her. She was lying on her side as they left her alone in her cubicle, tears sliding down her cheeks. Her throat hurt, her head hurt...her whole body was aching.
When the curtain pulled back she didn't even look to see who it was. She didn't have the strength. Plus, she already knew who it was.
"You should...have let me die."
She whispered, her voice hoarse and painful to use. She couldn't speak in any more then a whisper - the incubation tube had done a number on her throatand she found it difficult to swallow.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom paused, the curtain still in his hand. He'd wanted so much just to turn around and go home, back to the solitude he was used to but something stopped him. "How could I have let you die Sara? I love you" He managed to whisper back. His voice didn't seem to want to raise any higher than hers. He stepped forward and let the curtain swing close behind him. Taking a seat next to her bed, he put his head into his hands and sighed.
Re: Crime Of Passion

She watched him as he sat down next to her and swallowed painfully, her lip trembling.
"You've got a funny way of showing it."
She choked out, wincing at the pain her throat was causing her.
"I love you know that. But there's...only so much my...heart can take."
She tried to stop the tears escaping her eyes again but she didn't have the willpower or strength in her body to do so. They rolled down her cheeks and a small sob passed her lips, making her whole body shake.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and looked down. "Just because I love you, doesn't mean I think it will work between us" He said softly, her tears breaking his heart all over again. It killed him to say it but it was true, or atleast he thought it was. He tapped his foot nervously on the floor and looked down at his hands.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"We could at least try...this morning....was the best morning life."
She whispered brokenly, wishing he would see that and not break her heart all over again.
"You've that we can be p-perfect and...then you took it away...from me. I can't take...this anymore Grissom."
She said, coughing a bit to try and relieve some of the pain in her throat.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom fort the urge to reach for her hand but his body finally won. He took her hand gently in his and bowed his head. "I'm sorry" He whispered. "I'm just so used to being on my own, not having to worry about anyone but myself" He sighed deeply and looked at her hand.
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