Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Girssom wiped away the blood with his sleeve. He looked down at her and pressed agentle kiss against her lips. "I love you too" He managed to croak, shaking her again as she seemed to dip in and out again. "Sar, stay with me please" He whispered, holding her against his chest.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Gah! >.> How am I supposed to get Danny involved if I have him with Lindsay right now???)

"What Danny?" Lindsay asked as she continued to kiss him and let her hands roam all over his body.

As much as I love this.. Not now.. Danny first thought before verbalizing his somewhat strained words. "Lindsay, we need to get to work.. Not now, 'kay? After, when no one will suspect anythin' went on," he soon said. Danny pushed himself up onto his hands, leaning back on them. His gaze soon drawed over to Lindsay in his lap. "My mind will be all 'muddled' too if we continue right now. As much as I'd love to, later.."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay got off of him and sighed. She was hoping that it wouldn't come to having to stop, but she guseed her expectations were wrong. She rolled off of the bed and put all of her clothes back on, while not saying a word to Danny. She didn't want to say it, but she felt rejected. She felt like she had just been pushed away like a little rag doll. She straightened herself up and looked beautiful again. She sighed as she strapped her gun and her badge to her belt and then sat down on the bed and took out her compact. She redid all of her makeup and then fixed her hair, all in about ten minutes.
(Oh you know I'm about to make this angsty lol)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny sat up, pulling his clothes back on and soon moving over close to her. "I'm sorry," he appologized in a whisper, brushing her hair to the side a bit and kissing her neck then her cheek. "I'll make it up to you?" he asked.

(>.<; Ugh.. Jess, you do wonders.)
Re: Crime Of Passion

(I know I know lol)
Lindsay flinched away from his touch. "Danny, don't." she told him as she pushed him away. She sighed and grabbed her kit. "Are you ready to go?" she asked him. She wanted to just get to work so that she could concentrate on something other than Danny. She wanted to clear her mind of all it's burdens and just focus on something that wouldn't stress her out as much. Because all she could think about right now was the truth. Even though he said it, Danny didn't love her, he just wanted her for what she had to offer. At least, that's what Lindsay thought.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny was starting to get a little annoyed with her acting like this. "Lindsay, what the hell am I doing wrong now?" he asked, frustration tinging his voice. "Isn't it possible for me to try and focus on the job while we're over here instead of.. Agh.. I just want to know what the hell is the matter with you?" he said, standing up, getting more frusterated by the second. "Everything I do either comes off wrong or you don't like it. What do you want me to do?!"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay's lip was quivering now, but she wasn't about to show him that. She simply walked out the door, but before she could, she turned to him, looking hurt. "I just want you to love me, because it just doesn't seem like it, I moved us too fast, and I'm sorry, but I just want you to love me for who I am, I want you to show me that you love me, until then.......I just can't keep doing this. Pretending to have something that I really don't." she said as a tear came down her face and then shut the door and walked out of the hotel to her car. She rested her head against the wheel and started to lightly sob.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny removed his glasses and swiped a hand across his eyes. He did love her, but for some reason, she just couldn't understand his motives for saying 'no'. Danny soon found his back wanting to go into painful stress spasms, so he wandered over and popped about three pills, not even thinking about looking on the bottle for what the reccommended dosage was. Rubbing his temples he paced the room a bit.

"Great Messer, you screwed up big time now.." Danny grumbled before grabbing his bag and leaving the hotel, shutting the door with an unnecessary amount of force. He made his way downstairs to the lobby and soon outside, hunched over and looking at the ground, his glasses propped up on his head. Danny took a look around and noticed that the car they rented hadn't left yet and he noticed that Lindsay was still inside it.

Walking over to the car, he leaned down and lightly tapped on the window. He wanted to appologize a billion times over, and say he loved her, but Danny thought it was a slim chance she would believe him now. At least, if she drove away without him he could walk to the crime lab and try to speak with her after hours.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay just wanted to drive away. She didn't want to go to work, and she didn't want to go back to NY. She just wanted to go back to Montana, where she didn't know Danny. She wanted to be back with her family, she wanted to dance with her daddy like she used to when she was a little girl. She wanted to go to barbeques and listen to country music. She wanted to stare out into the wheat feilds all day long.

But now that she had met Danny, none of that was possible. She didn't know if she could live her life without Danny in it. She had to come to terms with the possibility of having to get over him, and move on. Maybe she would move back to Montana. Maybe if she moved back, she could forget this ever happened. She missed her family, her mom, her dad and her little sister. She missed being in the open feilds, and she missed not having to worry about love.

She loved Danny, but it just wasn't convincing to her that she loved him back. It just seemed to her like he wanted her for a good time, and then he would leave without even saying "thanks it was fun". She looked at herself in the mirror. Phisically, she looked great, but behind the fake mask, there was an emotionally torn woman, who would probably never be the same old country girl that she was before. "Why did I have to fall in love?" she asked herself. Her cousin was right, love only brought trouble, and she was in the deepest trouble love could give her. She was in love with someone who didn't feel the same way, or so she thought.

Lindsay was brought out of thought when Danny tapped on the window. She sighed and unlocked the door, quickly wiping away her tears as he got in. It was definatly hard to wipe away her tears and look normal again in less than two seconds, and she hadn't done too good of a job. Her mascara was halfway down her face, and her eyes were red and puffy.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny climbed into the car, storing his bag at his feet. Looking over to Lindsay, he felt horrible, blaming himself for all that has gone wrong. "I'm sorry," Danny said quietly, shifting to reach into his bag and pull out a piece of cloth. "Let me say this.." he then began.

"Lindsay, I love you so much.. But whatever I did to you, I don't know. All I requested was that we slow down a bit first of all. I appologize if that isn't to your liking but we have a job to do down here. Now, I know things I've done today haven't been the best between us but I'm tryin' to make things right again."

Danny took a couple moments, reaching out to try and get her to look at him. "I love you so much, Linds, but everything I do just gets thrown back at me. I can't deal with things when they're like this, so can we please, at least talk about this later? I'm deeply sorry and I wish things hadn't taken this turn, but we don't have time do deal with things like this right now."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay was indiffrent. She pulled away from his touch, not wanting to seem harsh, but giving off the vibe anyway. She wanted to beleive him so bad, but she just didn't know if what he was saying was actually true. She just nodded and drove off towards the crime scene, not wanting to say anything in fear that he might catch the uneasiness and sadness in her voice.

She wished that she could be alone right now, where she could think for herself. It wasn't his fault, this was all in her head, she just haden't come to terms with it yet. "Don't be sorry." she said as she made a left towards the scene. She wanted so bad to say 'I love you too', but she just couldn't say it. She just decided that they would talk about it later like he had suggested and leave it at that.

She turned on the radio, determined to make the awkward silence between them less noticable. She was constantly sniffling, as a result of crying earlier, and it took her a while to get the makeup off of her face, although, she finally succeeded. She sighed once again as time passed and they pulled up to the crime scene.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny let out a frustrated sigh again, sitting back in the passenger seat and looking out the window at the blurry surroundings, his glasses still propped up on his head. Time, Messer.. Time.. Unfortunately that doesn't always work and appologies and stating things don't do the job either, he thought, squeezing the cloth in his hand tightly as his back threatened to spasm again.

Danny was slightly glad that Lindsay broke the silence with music. All though, it wasn't quite the same as New York, it was okay. Danny let himself be lost in his thoughts, contemplating different ways to try and get through to Lindsay later that evening, his foot bouncing a little as he sat there.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay pulled up to the scene, and stopped the car. She got out and looked at what they had to work with. She didn't know about anyone else, but it looked like a slam dunk to her. As soon as they found out who spit on the ground and who walked in the man's blood, they would be able to find out who did this. She set down her kit and took pictures of the area. She markered the evidence and recorded everything she saw. She left Danny to collect the evidence while she did the recording. She still didn't say a word to him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny didn't say much of anything either, choosing to respect her silence instead of provoke anything further. He went to work, swapping the saliva and a bit of the blood, going around the scene and collecting the evidence wherever Lindsay marked it. Just finish today then talk later.. Don't do anything untill then. There's a job to be done, he kept telling himself even though he wanted to speak up and talk things through now. Danny stood and stretched after being crouched down for a particularily long time, looking around the scene and wondering where everyone else was.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay also wondered where everyone else was. She guessed Sara and Grissom were tied up in some other case. "Let's get this stuff back to the lab, are you finsished?" she asked him as she stood up from a crouching position and turned off her camera. She loaded her stuff into the back of the car and then waited for Danny.
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