Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

"She'll do something stupid Grissom!"
Catherine called after him, feeling that dread tighten in her stomach. She'd known as soon as she'd seen Sara's hasty escape from the lab that she had one thing on her mind - getting away from the pain she was obviously in. Following him into his office, she closed the door behind her.
"Listen to me. You and I both know that Sara's not the most...stable person in the world. She looked like she'd just been sentenced to death row! I'm not asking to know what happened between you two, or what's caused her to tip off the edge. Just go find her before she...tries something that you'll feel the guilt of forever if she isn't stopped. She could've gotten into an accident somehwere and you're sat here brooding! Whatever you've done to her, go and try make it right. She's had her heart broken enough for one lifetime, Gil. And yes, I've heard what happened to her as a kid. Don't be the one that pushes her over the edge. She loves you, and she doesn't need another person in her life breaking her heart. To be honest, after everything - I'm surprised she's lasted this long."
Finished with her lecture, Cath stood with her hands on her hips, glaring Grissom down. If he wouldn't go, she'd threaten to get Danny to. And she knew that would shift him into action. To make sure he saw she was serious she pulled out her cell phone and warned him.
"If you won't go check on her, I know a certain Danny Messer will be over there in a shot."
She started to bring up his cell phone number, but paused and looked up to see his reaction.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom glared at Catherine and pushed the file he was holding into her hands. "Let him" He spat, turning again and walking away. He knew his pride was getting in the way of him doing the right thing but right at the moment he was too worked up to care. He stormed away down the corridor and out of the lab. Throwing open the door to his car, he slid inside and rested his head againnst the steering wheel. This was all too much for him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine stared after him in mixed horror and shock. What the hell had ahppened between them?! Once she managed to snap out of her train of thought, she dialled Grissom's cell phone and waited for him to answer.
"Grissom, come on."
She said softly, not wanting him to hang up. With silence on the other end she continued.
"She needs you. She doesn't love Danny - any fool can see that you're the only guy that'll ever have her heart. so don't crush it like everyone else in her life has. She trusts you. Just...go and check if she's okay. I'd go myself but Ecklie will fire my ass if he sees me leaving here once more today."
She was trying to keep her voice as gentle as possible but there was the panic she was feeling managing to creep into the cracks. Her final attempt to get him to comply was desperate.
"Please Grissom! If you keep letting your pride get in the way, we're going to lose her. We're talking on the phone and she could be-"
She cut herself off, not wanting to say it. She had a horrible image of them finding Sara's lifeless body in her apartment.

((Think anyone'd mind if we stole Danny for just these posts? Would you do the honors? That is, if Grissom won't go see Sara lol))
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shut the phone quickly and threw it into the back of the car. Pushing his foot down hard on the peddle he sped away. As he spproached the turning he hesistated. Straight ahead would take him home, if he turned right it would take him to Saras place. The traffic light seemed to linger on red longer than it normally would but eventually the green light illuminated. In a split second his decision was made and he hoped he wouldn't live to regret it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Catherine tried to put it out of her mind, praying Grissom would do the right thing. At least he'd heard her out before hanging up on her.

Sara was passed out on the sofa, lost in the blissful peace of feeling nothing. No pain, no fear, no love, no emotion whatsoever apart from freedom. She was drifting in and out of consciousnous though she kept lingering back. She was trying desperately to give up, but a part of her wouldn't let go. She'd taken enough pills to do her harm and enough alcohol to knock her out for a week. She hoped that would make her forget. Hell, it was enough to put anyone in a coma. And that's what she was hoping for. Once she let go and fell into the blackness that was so alluring, there was no promise that she'd wake up.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissoms hand hesitated on the door handle. He took a deep breath and hoped he'd amde the right decision. He knocked sharply on the door. "Sara? Sara are you there?" He called, leaning his head against the door as he waited for some kind of response. Maybe he should have just gone home.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara heard Grissom's voice faintly in the background and tried to call out to him. But it just came out as incoherent mumbling. She was trying to say "Piss off you cruel son of a bitch."
It wasn't a shout like she had intended but it was easy enough to hear.
She was lying on her stomach on the sofa, unable to lift her head properly because of a mizture of drowsiness caused by mixing pills and alocohol, and the pain it caused.
She was faintly aware of the door being busted open and she muttered something again, trying to get as far as possible from him as he came toward her. Well, to her it looked like three Grissoms, and that freaked her out. She struggled against him, tears still staining her cheeks from all her sobbing earlier.
"Get...hell off me."
She slurred, squeezing her eyes shut when she was forced into a sitting position. The empty bottle of pills lay on the table, along with various bottles of alcohol...all empty. It wouldn't be long before her body would violently react to the abuse of the drugs and drink.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissoms angered surged through him when he saw the state she was in. "No I won't now shut the hell up and stop struggling" He hadn't meant to sound so overbearing but she needed to know he was serious. Leaning down, he picked her up and practically threw her over his shoulder. He pushed the door that he'd busted to one side and carried her out to his car. "I can't believe you'd do something so...stupid" He muttered as he placed her in the back of the car. Although he was angry with her, his touch remained gentle. His anger at himself had been displaced onto her. He jumped into the front seat and started the engine.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Is it any wonder?! I HATE YOU!"
She shrieked, her head starting to pound. She couldn't be in such a confined space with him, it was killing her. Even as they were driving she knew she had to get out. Gripping the door handle she shoved it open and tried to get out. She wanted to die. She didn't care how melodramatic that sounded. She'd had enough of life and didn't want to have to "cope" any more. She just wanted peace. For once in her 30 odd years of life, she wanted to feel no pain.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom turned quickly, his eyes fixed on the open door, her words still stinging him. With his eyes not on the road, the car swerved to one side. A car blared it's horn at them and he slammed on the brakes. "Jesus Sara!" He panted, leaning back against the seat, his chest achiong against the force of the seat belt. "Are you trying to kill us both?" He asked, not really wanting an answer.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Let me go!!"
She yelled hoarsely, tears choking her as she struggled against the arm he was holding her down in her seat with.
"I-I can't do this anymore!! GET OFF ME!"
She was starting to feel dizzy and nauseous and knew the drugs were kicking in. In one wuick move she'd gotten out of Grissom's grasp and was fighting with the door to get out.
She blacked out.
The door was open just enough for her to tumble out as she became unaware of everything.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Damn it Sara!" Grissom yelled, throwing the door open and running round to her side. He scopped her up in his arms as he crouched down on the side of the road. "You dare do this Sar! Open your goddamn eyes!" He yelled again, shaking her, trying to stir her to consciousness. He couldn't believe she'd do something as stupid as that.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Other cars were honking their horns at them and some called asking if he wanted help. Sara's eyes were firmly closed and she lay limply in his arms, her head jerking backward and forward everytime he shook her. She couldn't feel anything, though she was aware of Grissom yelling at her.
"Let me go."
The words escaped her lips on a sigh. Her rationalization of commiting suicide had been that noone loved her so they didn't need her. It was easier for her to end her life if she made herself believe that. She'd forced herself into believeing Grissom had never said the three small words that meant life or death to her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Don't you dare Sara, don't you even think about it" Grissom's voice was strained, broken. "I know you hate me right now but don't do this Sara. I need be ok" Okay that wasn't the way he'd expected to end that sentence. He looked down at her desperately.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara shook her head the tiniest bit, knowing he felt it.
"I can't go through this all anymore...I"
She kept slipping in and out of consciousness. Passers by had stopped and one had called an ambulance. They all kept a respectable distance though, seeing that the two were going through something none of them could understand.
"I...loved you."
She whispered, coughing as she struggled to breathe. Sirens filled the air and her eyes strained open, pleadingly looking into his.
"I loved you...let me go."
She choked, blood seeping from the side of her lips as she coughed.
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