Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm alot older than you Sara, you're going to get bored of me soon enough. I mean in a few years time I'm going to be reaching 60 and you're still going to be in your prime. Whereas Danny..." He trailed off with a sigh and stood up, placing his coffee cup down and walking to the window.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara bit her lip and looked down at the floor. When she spoke, her voice was even and calm.
"I'm not going to get "bored" of you Grissom. I thought you knew me better then doesn't just disappear when I wake up one morning. I wanna be with you for the rest of my life, that's gotta mean something. You're so worried about our age difference that it's stopping you from hearing what your heart tells you."
She slowly walked over to him, her eyes now locking on his. Leaning down, she gave him a soft, breathtakingly tender kiss on the lips before pulling back and searching his eyes.
"What do you feel when I do that?"
She asked, raw emotion in her voice. She was tryimg to get him to see that she was truly in love with him and he wasn't going to wake up and find a note from her breaking up with him a couple years down the line. Crushes came and went, but Grissom had stolen her heart and to be honest, she didn't want it back.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella smiled and stood up. She grabbed her little black purse and turned to him. "Are you ready to leave?" she asked.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom gently placed his hands on her hips and looked down. "It's not important what I feel when you do that, it's what you feel. I don't what I'd do if you ever left but at the same tie, I don't want to hold you back." He looked up at her, his eyes filled with a funny kind of sadness. He dropped his hands from her waist and turned to look out the window again, his hands now resting of either side of the frame. His eyes looked outside but didn't take much in, his mind was too loud to speak.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"I'll never leave. Not unless you want me to, and you're not holding me back. That's exactly the point. Just tell me what you feel Grissom."
She said gently, a little hurt by the way he turned away from her. She perched on the edge of his desk so that when he turned back around, he was looking straight up at her.
She loved him more then words and she didn't know why he couldn't feel that when she kissed him. She reasoned that he was "just scared" because he was finally letting some emotion in. But it was hard to accept that when her heart had ached for him for so long, she finally got him, and then he turned hot and cold depending on his thoughts.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"What...happens when I'm older Sara? What happens when I'm an old man and need taking care of and you'll still be young and full of life. I love you Sara, more than you think I do but I love you enough to want the best for you. And if I can't give that you then I love you enough to know when to let you go" Grissom voice was quiet and pained, almost as if he was biting back tears but his face remained emotionless. He never turned around, instead kept his eyes trained on the view outside his window.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Grissom, stop talking like that! You're the only one I've ever loved, the only one I will ever love!! There's 15 years between us - I've heard of people with much bigger gaps then that being blissfully happy! If you need taking care of, I want to be the one there for you...please don't do this..."
Her voice was strained and she felt tears stinging her eyes. Clenching her jaw, she tried to fight the tears threatening to overwhelm her. She needed to know if he was hinting at what she was terrified of.
"Are you...are you breaking up with me?"
She asked in no more then a brokenhearted whisper. They'd been together for less then 24 hours and he was already getting cold feet.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Whoa, I missed your post Lauren......)
Danny barely got time to stop his watch from beeping when Lindsay forced him back onto the bed. He was spread eagle and looking up at her curiously when he felt her hands all over him. Danny let out a low goan. "Mmh.. Lindsay.." he whispered raspily.
"What Danny?" Lindsay asked as she continued to kiss him and let her hands roam all over his body.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom still didn't look at her. "No Sara. I don't want to...but I think it's for the nest" His voice remained steady and calm but inside he felt like breaking down. Was he really doing what he thought he was doing? He took a deep breath and turned around. Without looking at her he left. He didn't know where he was walking he just was. As far away from everything as he could.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella brushed off her dress and smiled at his comment. "Thank you Mac, you look great tonight too." she told him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara stared after him, her lower lip trembling as she fought to stop the tears from eascaping their confines. But she couldn't hold it back any longer, her heart tearing in two as she dropped onto the chair, burying her face in her hands and sobbing, tears sliding down her cheeks freely.
She couldn't believe he'd done this. He'd shown her how perfect they could be, he'd given her so much false hope, and then taken it away without so much as a "thanks, it's been fun". She'd never had her heart so well and truly stomped on by any man, and had always thought herself too strong and independent to stoop to the level of women she'd seen crying when their boyfriends left them. But this was different. She'd given him everything, laid it all on the line for him, her heart, body and soul, and he'd disregarded it with no emotion showing whatsoever.
That was it, he'd pushed her too far. Standing up on unsteady legs, she stumbled toward the door, hellbent on making the pain go away. She didn't even tell anyone she was leaving. She just walked out and headed for home, sobbing the whole car drive.

When she arrived home she collapsed onto the sofa, spending half an hour just crying her broken heart out and hugging a cushion close to her. Eberyone she trusted, loved, in her life betrayed her or broke her heart. At that moment, she was wishing she'd never met Gil Grissom - she loved him so damn much regardless of what he did to her and she felt empty and broken when he messed her around so much, yet she was powerless to stop her heart yearning for him.
Dragging herself to the kitchen, she pulled out the alcohol she had stored away. She'd promised herself that morning when she'd left his that as soon as she got home, all the alcohol was going. She used it as a safety net for times like these when she felt she was being crushed by emotions greater then she could handle. But she'd been so blissfully happy that morning, lying in his arms, that she felt like nothing could ever hurt her or cause much pain as she was feeling right now.
Back to the sofa, she unscrewed the lid and proceeded to drink until she fell into unconsciousness - the only time she could get away from the pain of a repeatedly broken heart.

Catherine had seen her leave but had tried to get on with her work. After an hour, she was anxious. She went to find Grissom, wondering if something had happened that she wasn't aware of. When she'd first seen Sara rushing out of the lab, she'd figured there had been some breakthrough, but as she'd contemplated that, she knew that if there had been, there would have been a big call out for all the involved CSIs to be out...but there wasn't. The only one out of the lab was Sara.
Catching up with Grissom when she eventually found him, she just knew there was something wrong. He looked in a kind of daze - absent, distant - and she had to call his name a few times for him to even acknowledge her.
"Grissom...what's happened with Sara? She ran out of here distraught...are you alright?"
She asked worriedly, not sure whether to mention anything pertaining to their relationship. She didn't exactly want to say what she really wanted to, "what did you do?" because she knew that wouldn't be received very well. After all, it could be Sara's fault...not likely though.

((Wow, long post lol. And wouldn't this be a great time for Danny to get involved?! lol *hint*
Btw guys - maybe we could make our posts a little longer. I'm not saying this long cos I've gone a little OTT here but please, more then 1-liners. Remember "CAT" lol. Character, Actions, Thought. It makes it SO much easier for someone to reply to you with a good post if they have SOMETHING to reply to.))
Re: Crime Of Passion

(It also requires more patience and throught, something I don't have. School is just ending and I don't want to think literally right now, I'll give it a wing somewhere down the line.)
Stella smiled and swung her purse over her back. She moved to the door and opened it, letting herself out first. "So are you driving or am I?" she asked him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom sighed and looked down at the case file in his hands. He tried to drown himself in other thoughts, determined not to think about what had just happened. It broke his heart to know how much he'd hurt her. He shrugged and looked back down. Feeling Catherines glare focus in on him again he snapped his head up to look at her. "Look Catherine, this is none of you're buisness and I would appreciate it if you stayed the hell out of my affairs" He felt the sudden surge of anger weaken and replace it's self with a sickening feeling of guilt. He turned quickly and walked away as fast as he could.
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