Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella pulled out the drawer and grabbed a hand full of brocures. She handed Mac half. "Look for some that are semi close, and maybe a little bit expensive, cuz, you're treating, right?" she asked with a grin.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"right...and since it's you I'm treating, I just can't say no" he smiled and chuckled as he started to look. "Must be your charm working on me."
Re: Crime Of Passion

(sounds fermiliar lol)
Stella looked towards him and smiled. "I know, I just have that natural Stella charm. The dress doesn't hurt either." she said as she stood up, finding nothing good in her pile.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara felt the heat rise on her cheeks at the mention of Danny's name. Catherine just had to bring that up didn't she!
"There was nothing going on between me and Danny, Catherine."
She said quietly, not wanting to look at Grissom. Truth was, she was very attracted to him. Then again, what red-blooded woman wouln't be? He was hot, and had a great personality to go with it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"No, it definately doesn't" he said, watching her. "Nothing, huh? I think I've got a couple here..." He offered them to her to have a look. (sorry, I'm terrible with names and things)
Re: Crime Of Passion

(Pick one that you know!)
Stella took them from him and then looked at each one. "I like this one." she said, handing him a brochure to Bruno's. "It's Italian, and it looks like a nice place." she said as she sat down next to him, unknowingly putting a hand on his knee as she read it over his shoulder.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"That sounds good" Mac nodded. "It's been a while since I've had Italian that wasn't take-out pizza, anyhow." He said nothing but did notice the hand placement, and he liked it.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella laughed a bit. "I think it's been a while since I've had any other food besides takeout." she told him, removing her hand from his knee and getting up.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Same here, we live on it." he laughed. "Takeout and coffee. You know if this goes well, I could go for doing it with you more often. Dinner, I mean..." he said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Stella eyed him and then smiled. "You know, I think I would like that Mac." she said with a smile. "Dinner, I mean." she added.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac was relieved she hadn't made a joke about his 'doing it' remark....although he wouldn't particularly mind *that* either, if they got to it naturally.

"I'd be delighted" he said.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom looked down at his coffee cup and stayed silent. He glanced up at Sara quickly before training his eyes back onto his cup. Tapping his foot impatiently, he realised that talk of Sara and other guys still made him uncomfortable.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara saw his discomfort and quickly tried to change the subject. Thankfully, Catherine complied.
"Uh, have we got anywhere with the case? Got the results back from trace?"
She asked, already wishing it was the end of shift so she could be alone with Grissom again. She knew it was going to be a long day, especially if they were confronted by Danny. No doubt the man would be a little confused about the situation he and Sara were in...if you could call it that.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom shrugged. "I left the case in Nicks hands, he should have sorted all those details. I'm still officialy of this case" He held up his hands and leant back against the seat. His eyes still hadn't caught Saras, he was avoided her gaze and knew it would probably be quite obvious.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara kept trying to catch Grissom's line of sight but he was obviously avoiding it so she gave up until Catherine noticed the tension between the two and made a hasty exit with some excuse of needing to find...the locker room. Okay, so not the best excuse she'd managed but it got her out of there, didn't it?

Alone with Grissom in the office, Sara felt like she was being suffocated, all the air being sucked from the enclosed space like a vacuum. She had hoped that since their encounter that morning, that any tense, awkward silences would be gone. They knew each other on a much more intimate level now and Sara had hoped she'd get that feeling where she could talk to him about anything. But she had to remind herself that this was still Grissom. Emotionally challenged, cagey Grissom. She eventually broke the impenetrable silence with a sigh.
"Grissom, talk to me. Why's it bothering you so much the fact that Danny and I are attracted to each other?"
She couldn't help that Danny was a good-looking guy, and he was also a typical man too - he liked flirting. So did she. It was natural that they'd hit it off. But he was acting like she'd started a torrid love affair with the younger man behind his back when in reality, at the time she and Danny had started flirting, she hadn't thought she was even a blip on Grissom's radar!
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