Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Once at the lab, Sara got out and waited for him. It wasn't something she consciously did, and she knew that his hand guiding her on her lower back wasn't a conscious thought of his either. They were just in-tune to each other and that made her heart swell just to contemplate it.
As they walked in together, they got a few stares from nosy receptionists and random lab techs, but otherwise, everyone acted pretty much normal. Sara knew that as soon as Catherine or Greg caught on to this, it would be all over the lab and Sara was going to enjoy the blissful ignroance of the people who hadn't figured it out on their own.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom automatically bowed his head as they walked into the lab, his fingers grasping onto the small amount of contact there was still between them by guiding her. "We're late, I'm never late" grissom whispered just loud enough for Sara to hear but no one else. His tone was still light however, at any other time if he was late for work he would have been frantic.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"That's not why they're staring Griss."
She smiled a little, keeping her eyes trained on the floor as a small blush tinted her cheeks. She was endeared by his quiet nervousness and wanted to just hug him. Well, she didn't actually care if the whole lab knew, but she'd rather they kept it private for as long as they could. She'd make it up to the him at dinner later for being late. It was mostly her fault anyway.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(They usually have them at every hotel.)
"Well, go in the drawer and see what brochures they have." she said as she took a seat on the bed and crossed her right leg over her left.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled. His head was still bowed but he felt like he was glowing with pride and happiness. He was pretty sure everyone would make assumptions as to why they were noth turning up together so late but right at that moment he didn't care less. Let them know, he thought to himself, let the world know.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(:)eek: we ain't got a Catherine!! I'll fill in for this post and maybe someone can play her?))

Sara caught sight of Catherine with her back to them as they approached the breakroom. She was sorting some kind of paperwork out on the breakroom table and Sara looked at Grissom, giving him a reassuring smile.
"Hey Catherine."
She said cheerfully when they entered. Catherine looked up at them and cast a glance from one to the other, suspicious of their sudden closeness.
"You're awful chirpy today Sara - who's the lucky guy?"
At that she threw a glance at Grissom, hinting and Sara did the same. But her look said "What did I tell you?"
She'd predicted that at least one them would ask that. Now she was waiting for the "Ooh, look who got laid" comment. That one would most likely come from one of the boys.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom blushed slightly and distracted himself by making a cup of coffee. He knew Catherine would guess, she knew him too well. She always had been close to him, she was able to sense his every thought. If she didn't feel like so much of a sister to him, she would have made a perfect wife. "Hey Cath" He mumbeled as he waited for the water to boil.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"At last! I thought you two would never get to it!"
She laughed, clapping her hands together and grinning when she saw Sara flush a deep red and duck her head to try and cover it.
"So who made the first move? Lemme guess - Sara, it was you, wasn't it? He finally give in?"
She smirked, pouring herself a coffee from the pot Grissom had just boiled.
"Well congratulations you two - but can I say - what took so long?!"
She teased and Sara laughed nervously.
"Ever figure you could just be jumping the gun and assuming it's Grissom I'm bedding?"
She joked and Catherine shook her head confidently.
"No way honey - you never even looked at another guy. Well you may have done, but I could see that look in your eyes - comparing every other guy to Grissom."
Sara flushed again, this time avoiding Grissom's gaze. It was true. She just wished Cath couldn't read her so damn well.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom laughed and turned to Catherine. "And that is why you're on my team. You can't keep that..." He tapped the end of her nose and smiled affectionately. "..out of anything" He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and gave her an affectionately. He was in such a good mood it was remarkable!
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara laughed a little as she watched them. Catherine and Grissom had always seemed to remind her of an old married couple, and at one stage that had gotten to her. But she'd come to realize there was never anything more then simple understanding and family-love between them. Sure they cared about each other, but in the way a brother cares for his close sister and vice versa. She always wished she had someone she was that in-tune with. But maybe she and Nick appeared like Grissom and Catherine did to the outside world. They were best friends - some people had mistaken them for more - and Nick seemed to just know when something was going on with her. He picked up on everything and Sara valued his friendship more then words could describe. They flirted, yes. But that was as far as it went. He was her "brother from another mother", and thank the Lord for small mercies she always thought.
"It was a joint decision."
Sara smiled and Catherine laughed.
Hugging him back Cath dropped into a chair at the table.
"So I guess Danny's not in the picture anymore then? I saw the way you two looked at each other."
She raised a brow and looked over at Sara who looked away.. Way to go for bringing that one up.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny's hands were soon all over Lindsay, a small smirk coming to his lips for a moment as they kissed. What he'd forgotten about was setting his watch to remind him to get to work, so when it went off, he pulled back with a pout and checked the time. "Ahh.. Stupid thing.." he muttered.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay didn't care. She just didn't care any more. She wanted Danny, and nothing else right now. She wanted to lie in bed with him all day, just snuggling, or maybe doing something else. She was happy when she was with him. Sure, she would get to see him at work, but she couldn't touch him. She couldn't just grab him and kiss him like she wanted to. And there was also always that possiblity that one of them could get seriously in their job. She tried to push that thought aside for now, not really wanting to think about it. She just pushed him down on the bed. She let her hands roam all over his body, hungry for the time and passion that she had missed since she moved here. She was making up for it now.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom distracted himself once again by pouring himself a cup of coffee. was still a bit of a sore subjest between but he had to remember to thank the guy for oushing to take action. "Cath!" Grissom said, scolding her like a child but with a smile tugging at his lips. He sat down next to her at the table.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(You talkin' 'bout me? :p)

Danny barely got time to stop his watch from beeping when Lindsay forced him back onto the bed. He was spread eagle and looking up at her curiously when he felt her hands all over him. Danny let out a low goan. "Mmh.. Lindsay.." he whispered raspily.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Mac sat next to her, surpressing the urge to slip an arm around her and kiss her thoroughly. "All right." he said.
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