Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smirked a bit to her a bit when she answered. "All right, I plead the fifth, and are you being serious then?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay got up in his face, as much as she could with her height. "I can't lie to you." she said with a smile. "I'm being 100% serious right now." she told him seductively.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny gently pressed Lindsay against the wall before pressing himself against her and pinning her there. "Be careful, Monroe.. You might just get yourself into 'trouble'," he whispered softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay gasped a bit when he pressed her against the wall. After that, she became hungry for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hungrily.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny pressed against her a little harder, kissing her back with equal force. Danny's arms wrapped around her lower back, making her arch against him a bit. It was getting to the point where he didn't even want to leave for work, instead just staying here with her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara laughed a little at Grissom's taking command and let herself be led by him. Nothing had ever felt more right then just being with him. She was savoring ever precious moment they had together. Letting the warm water assault her body, she pressed herself close to him and continued the kiss until the need for air became too great and she had to pull away. Gasping for breath, she looked up into his eyes and smiled.
"I can safely say this is the best day of my life."
She whispered, not wanting to break the atmosphere around them. Tracing lazy circle down his chest with her fingertips, she watched the water slide down and followed it with kisses.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and ran his hands down her arms. "But this day isn't over yet" he smiled and leant down, kissing her gently. "How about we go out for dinner after shift?" He remembered the time she'd asked him to dinner but he knew it had been just because she was upset and forced himself to say no. God that had been hard.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Linday moaned a bit. She pressed every possible body part she could to him as he pushed her up against the wall. She liked it, and work was the last thing on her mind right now. All she knew, was that she was here, with Danny, her love. She could care less about work right now, she just wanted her Danny with her.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara nodded enthusiastically and lay her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and listening to the steady race of his heart.
"Do all the stuff couples do...we are a couple, aren't we?"
She pulled back to look at him uncertainloy. He hadn't specifically said at any time during the night before or the morning that followed that they were "together". She had just assumed that to him, sleeping together meant the same as what it did for her. That they were oficially an item. But she never liked to assume with him, because then he hadthe advantage of easily catching her off-guard. Plus, her insecurities always got the better of her with him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom smiled and ran his hands up and down her back. "Yes, of course we are" He said in a soft whisper. He tilted his head back and let the water splash down his face and neck refreshing him. His body felt tired but there was a new sparkle in him, making him suddenly feel alive.
Re: Crime Of Passion

She gave him a small smile as she shampooed her hair and a soft sigh escaped her lips. She was going to really make this whole thing work. She hadn't been in a stable, two-sided relationship in a long time, so she knew she was going to have to adjust. Heck, they both were. Grissom hadn't even dated, let alone courted, in much longer then her, and she knew this as pretty much a given. Plus, he was so stuck in his ways, having had his routine for so long, it was going to be difficult. But she'd get used to it. They both would. They just had to work at it and she knew it wouldn't be all that hard for her because she'd wanted it for so long and now that she finally had him, it felt like she was walking on air.

After she'd pursuaded him (it didn't take much) into a repeat performance of their earlier activities, they finally forced themselves to get dressed and Sara winced a little as she looked in the mirror.
"Shoulda guessed my clothes'd be crumpled. Oh well, once they see that smile that you haven't taken off your face all morning, they're gonna figure out that you either discovered a new bug and got your name put in some huge book of historic people...or that you got laid."
She teased, scraping her hair up into a messy ponytail that looked rather endearing on her as she looked at him through the mirror, a playful glint in her brown eyes that had gained a new sparkle to them. Stopping a moment, she caught his gaze through the mirror.
"So...tonight, are you staying at my place? We gonna alternate? 'Cause I don't think I can sleep alone now."
She smiled, returning to her attempt at tidying herself up a little.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Um...Is there any place in particular around here that you'd like to go?" he asked. He didn't know much about the area, that was the problem. "I really should get one of those Zagat guides or something, I have no idea what's around here..." (I can't remember, is this the game where Stella had booklets? lol)
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, watching her get ready in the mirror. He rocked gently with her next to him. "Whatever you want beautiful" He whispered placing a kiss against her neck. "Errm Sara? It's not that not I'm proud of you, us but this is going to cause us problems in work so i think its for the best if we take it easy and ease into this. What do you think?"
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara smiled and leaned back against him, her hands gently placing themselves over his on her tummy.
"I say we keep our personal lives away from work. They'll figure it out, after all we're CSIs, but we don't need to say anything. It's more special if it's just between us. Plus, if we announce it right off, it'll just add fuel to Ecklie's "I want to get rid of Sara" fire. So basically yeah, let's keep what happens in our bedroom, in our bedroom."
She smiled, a soft sound of appreciation escaping her lips at his kisses on her neck.
"Honey, I think we'd better cut this off right here before these clothes end up on the floor again."
She laughed, slipping out of his arms reluctantly and taking his hand to lead the way out of the apartment. As they were walking to his car, she started to think about what they were going to say when challenged about being so happy. And then she thought about Danny. They hadn't exactly gotten anywhere - they were just friends, as she'd told Grissom - but she couldn't help but feel there was something there that she couldn't quite explain. It was obvious he and Lindsay had some issues too though, so she thought it best to back off as much as possible without being cold.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom slid into the engine and started the engine. He took one last look at Sara sitting in his passenger seat and smiled. He didn't mind if people knew, he just didn't want to risk carear for no reason by jumping in the seep end. If people saw that they still did their jobs as well as they always did then there should be no problem with them being together he reasoned. He pulled out onto the road and began to drive to work with a content smile on his face.
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