Crime Of Passion - Las Vegas/New York Crossover RP

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Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny was happy and relieved that Lindsay was giving him a second chance, because if she forced him out, he'd probably then be begging on his knees. Danny gently ran a hand through Lindsay's hair, kissing her cheek once. "I'm sorry..." he appologized again, feeling like what he was saying and doing right now, wasn't enough. He'd hurt her, and that was an incredibly stupid thing to do.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"It's okay Danny." Linds said softly as she felt his hand go through her hair. It felt good. She just wanted to out and say it 'Danny I love you', but she didn't want to yet. She wanted to know at least where they stood before she even thought about that.

Linds snuggled into him, letting her head rest close to his heart. He smelled so good. She wonered if it was too good to be true. She hoped it wasn't.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny, by now, had figured that Lindsay hadn't forgived him fully, so he was going to try and make up for everything. He held her close to him, curling almost protectively around her, his cheek resting against the top of her head.
Re: Crime Of Passion

I love you Danny, I love you Danny, I love you Danny... It kept repeating in her mind, but she wouldn't let it come out of her mouth. She sighed contently when she felt his cheek against her head. She nuzzled up against him, feeling totally safe and happy in his arms. I love you Danny
Re: Crime Of Passion

((Our cheerleading show was ACE! We were the best there - and I'm usually pretty modest, but heck, we were!! But now I'm completely trashed so I'm gonna reply once and then crash for the night.))

Sara nodded weakly and followed him back to the house, her hand safe in his. When they got inside, she realized exactly how weary she felt, like the only thing that had kept her eyes open and her brain functioning was waiting to hear what he would say to her confession of love.
"Can we go to bed?"
She asked tiredly, wanting just to curl up in his arms and fall fast asleep. Then she realized what her question had sounded like and her eyes widened a little.
"I mean...oh, you know what I mean."
She said, too weary to explain herself. She knew he understood.
Re: Crime Of Passion

(well done!!!!)

Grissom nodded and lead her to the bedroom. Good the ways he'd imagined doing that and this wasn't top of his list! He slipped her jacket off her shoulders and sat her down the edge of the bed. He saw the tiredness in her eyes. He slipped off her shoes then unbuttoned her trousers and removed them too. He folded everything and put it on the chair in the corner off the room. He then removed his own trousers and walked back over too her. Man she looked hot in just her shirt and underwear but there'd be plenty of time for that in the future. He pulled the sheets over and lifted her onto the bed before slding in next to her. He pulled the sheets back over them and wrapped her up in his arms. Suddenly he felt sleep overcome him too. He yawned and muttered "I love you" before slipping off to sleep.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara, despite the fact that she was exhausted - physically and emotionally - stayed awake for about a half hour after Grissom fell into a lull of sleep. She turned her head and just watched him, a small, contented smile on her lips.
"I love you too."
She whispered, although he was already asleep. She rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into his warmth as she recollected how many times she'd dreamed about this. Of course, her first time in his bed was much different in her dreams, but this was perfect for where they were at in their relationship right now. She'd always imagined him as being equally giving and conscientious as a lover as he was as a scientist. She leaned over and placed a gentle, feather-light kiss on his lips before returning to her position of being snuggled into him. And before she knew it she was drifting into a peaceful sleep.
Re: Crime Of Passion

For the first time in years Grissom slept well, really well. All thoughts slowed, he didn't wake up suddenly remembering something or toss and turn all night. The feeling of her in his arms made him calm, peaceful. She fitted so perfectly in his arms it was unreal. His head finally shut up to a whisper, letting his heart take over for once.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Sara dreamed of him that night. She dreamed of them together, living in a little house in Summerlin with white picket fences, 2.5 kids and a little dog running around as they sat in the lawn chair enjoying the sun. It was the perfect dream. And she never wanted to wake from it.
When she finally awoke the next morning, she was a little scared to open her eyes in case he wasn't there and she found herself in her own bed, realizing it really was just a dream that they were together. Even feeling his arms still around her only served to reassure her a little bit. Eventually, she craxked one eye slightly open, a smile dancing onto her lips and her eyes sparkling as she saw him still asleep, his features softened as slumber resided over him.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Grissom fidgeted in his sleep, waking slightly. "Stop watching me sleep" He yawned, without opening his eyes. He could sense her eyes on him, could feel her in his arms and it brought a smile to his face. He opened his eyes slowly and smiled. Yes she was still there and damn did she look beautiful.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny's mind was also repeating the same words Lindsay's was. He wanted to say it, but he shouldn't risk it. Danny was almost certain he was still treading on eggshells. The young man moved the covers over them, wrapping Lindsay close and tight in them as he did so. "Sleep..." he said softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"Okay." Lindsay said as she lightly closed her eyes. "Danny?" she asked, pausing for a second. "Do you love me?" she asked him, she couldn't sleep if she didn't know. She would be awake all night wondering.
Re: Crime Of Passion

"You won't hate me if I tell you my answer, will you?" Danny asked, looking to her. "Yes.. I do love you, Lindsay."
Re: Crime Of Passion

Lindsay opened her eyes and smiled at him. She cupped a hand to his cheek and then gazed up at him. "Good, 'cuz I love you too." she told him softly.
Re: Crime Of Passion

Danny smiled as well, leaning down to kiss her softly before taking her hand in his. "Sleep, Lindsay.. we have a night shift to take care of later.."
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