Conquences: The Trial

Alyssa stood up and said to the judge, "My client is innocent of these charges against him."

After saying that, she looked back briefly at the CSI's and saw some frowns and people shaking their heads. She ignored them and turned back ot the task at hand. Trying to get Eric out of here a free man.

(hope that was okay. . . . . yet another example why Casey Novak isn't the best role-model :p )
Judge Jessica Andrews looked at the DA for NY. "You may proceede." She said as she looked at the DA. She had him in her court on my occasions and each time he had shown her the upmost respect.

*I PMed the guy who was the DA. If he doesn't get back to me, I'm gonna need someone to be the DA for NY.*

**Sorry for the short post everyone. I'm only the judge in this case, not the DA**
((Oh crap. Lindsay's first on the stand and then Danny. :eek: I need to read the rest of the RP so I have a clue what they're supposed to be saying.))
MacsGirlMel said:
"We can protect each other" Nick replied. "Heck, I wouldn't want to mess with you when you're angry. And you haven't given up on me yet."

Mac laughed. "I should be able to handle it, I spend my life smelling things that are far worse." Diapers might be bad but he hadn't found anything yet that smelled worse than advanced stage decomp.

Catherine chuckled when Nick said that, and playfully nudged him and laid her head on his shoulder, and raised her head back up to look at him and leaned in to whisper into his ear, "I love you"


Stella smirked, "Sure you say that now, but one day your going to look at me and say, 'Stel, I'm gonna kill you' and then I'm going to look at you and say, 'Shouldn't have knocked me up'"
(awww :) )

"I love you too" Nick replied. "And you have no idea how much I wish we weren't in public right now and what I'd do to you if we were alone" He whispered with a snicker.

"I'll actually be lucky just to survive the pregnancy hormones intact" Mac whispered back with a laugh. "I may be glad to get down to the icky stuff if it means you won't be trying to kill me anymore" He snickered again. "And heaven help me if you ever have twins" he laughed.

"But every bit would be worth it...I'm seeing the possibility of realizing dreams I thought were gone forever..." He then tried to focus back on the trial again. "Not much of an opening statment" he commented.
((*Blushes* Eek, sorry I haven't been here guys, coursework and things, but Im back and ready to play!))

"I can?", Danny asked with excitement. Danny looked at Flack and Sofia, "Well, Lindsay has a doctor's appointment and we're gonna find out what sex the babies are. Me, I want a couple baseball players", he said as he squeezed Lindsay's hand.
* * *
"Before you say it Flack, yes, I'm touching her again. I can't help it. The babies are so fascinating and I get to touch her."

Flack smirked at Danny and was about to respond when the Judge walked in.

sofia turned her head over to the judge, and saw it was jessica. 'she's good. i had her on an important case before, with a plane crash, where we thought that somebody sabotaged the plane. the defense was very good back then, but EVERY SINGLE time we said 'objection your honour', she allowed it, we never heard her say: objection denied. she NEVER did that, and that's why i really think she's a great judge. she never makes her decision out of pity for the guilty person, never, HER decision is always based on the evidence. i think we'll be able to lock delko up, now. especcially with this judge..', sofia whispered to flack, with a soft voice. she then kissed him on his cheek, out of excitement. when she realized she kissed him in court, with all the people around her, where they could see her, she felled a bit ashamed. 'sorry for that, i'm just really excited for what's gonna happen', she whispered, then she cleared her throat, and looked at the judge again.

Flack leaned close to Sofia. "Really? Thats good, we need a good judge right now." He then smiled at her and lowered his eyes.
"And, its ok, Im not one to protest a kiss!"
Catherine smirked and gave his hand a squeeze, "Down Nicky, we'll be alone later" she winked at him and listened to the trial and then looked back at him, "I'm still nervous about this"


Stella pointed a finger at him, "I have twins, you're dead, thats all I got to say" she smirked at him after she said it, and then listened to what he had to say about the trial, she sighed, "I hate trials that start out like this"
Nick laughed at her softly, trying his best not to call too much attention to himself. "Yeah me too. Especially with that Alyssa involved. It's obvious they're falling for each other and love is a dangerous thing in a case like this."

"I'm not exactly a sissy you know, I *am* a Marine...but if anyone could scare someone like me, it is *definately* you, so that does make me nervous" he chuckled. "Yeah me too...And it's never a good thing when the defense attorney and suspect are getting romantic, shall we say. I saw the way they were looking at each other earlier, and the looks and whispers going on between them now. They're definately more than just professional" he sighed. "But I can't raise any objection about it, I have no proof to give the court."
"That's it?", Delko asked Alyssa in disbelief. "That's all you have to say? That I'm innocent of all charges?" I sure hope you have more tricks up your sleeve than that." he said as he leaned back in his chair.


After the judge entered, they sat down and with a frown on his face, Danny whispered to Lindsay, "Oh you'll protect me from two girls? Iftheyarebothgirls", he said quickly, hoping she wouldn't cath that last part. "I bet you'll be helping them out. I'll have to call Flack for back-up", then he had to chuckle at that part. A grown man calling his best friend when his "yet to be wife" and daughters [one of which has to be a boy] ganged up on him. Yep, what a way to act like a man and dad.

When Delko's lawyer turn and looked at them, he grabbed on tighter to Lindsay's hand, "Ya know, you're first on the stand. Baby, don't let him get to you. If his lawyer upsets you too much, you gotta let somebody know. I don't want you or the babies in danger and ya don't want me gettin' thrown out of here for comin' to your rescue."

He threw that last part in hoping to get a laugh out of her and to relax her. All the while, hoping she didn't still have some sort of feelings for Delko. He didn't know about their past until just a few minutes ago and feared she left out a few details.


ETA: ((If the DA doesn't show up, I can play him. I'm still reading the other RP (I would have read it all yesterday but my internet was down the majority of the day. :mad:. I'm gonna try to read it all tonight (the relevant parts) and I've already read 7 pages of this one and I think I've been in the last 3 or 4 pages. BG, if you need any help with the defense part, pm me.))
"Well, Delko, would you rather that I say you're guilty of all the charges?" She said as she leaned over to whisper it to him.



Lindsays eyes narrowed at him before she hit him playfully on the shoulder. 'Oh, men.......' She thought with a smirk.

Then he said, "I'll have to call Flack for back-up", Which Lindsay frowned at and said, "Damn right you'll have to call for backup. Remember, I'm from Montana."

When Alyssa turned around, Lindsay tensed up a little. Then she felt Dannys hand tighten its grasp on her own. Listening to what Danny had to say, she smiled at him and started to relax again. "That's right," She started, "I dont want them in danger, and I certainly dont want you thrown out of here either. Because that'd mean I'd have to figure out a way to get thrown out too."

(( Thanks, I think I will :D ))
Flack looke dbehind him and look a little wary.
"Danny, me and, er, babies? Think thats wise? Especially if their both girls. Girls can be a handful!" He whispered, then moved over a tad so he didn't receive a vicious whack from Sofia.
Catherine crossed her legs, and moved her hair out of her face and turned to look at Nick, "Hopefully if they are, the DA can see it and fix this", she leaned against him, wanting to be closer to him.


Stella stuck her tongue at him at his first comment, and then nodded about the second one, "How can we prove it, Come on Mac, we should be able to find something to connect it, Can't we?" she said leaning in closer, looking in his eyes.
Flack overheard Stella questioning Mac and leaned forward.
"Actually, according to Delko, they were planing to run off to Italy together. Also, they both turned up at the resturant yesterday, him blaming her for the kidnappings and vice versa, could we use that?" Flack mentally kicked himself for not mentioning it earlier, it had completly passed his mind.
"Hopefully" Nick replied. He found himself smiling when she leaned on him, enjoying the contact.

"Good, that's good...though you should have spoken up earlier. Are there any witnesses, any hard evidence that you know of?" Mac asked Flack.