Conquences: The Trial

Sara looked at Nick hopelessly. "I need to freshen up." She stood up to run away, but tripped over Catherine's shoe and fell. She glared at Catherine and then got up, running to the Ladie's Room, tears stinging the corners of her eyes.
Bullet_Girl said:
“Uhm. . . . . Yeah, I do actual—“ She was about to answer him, but Flack had already kind of answered it for her. “—I..” She looked away from Danny briefly before continuing, “I used to be ‘Involved’ with him before I came to New York. I think he thinks my babies are his……” She finished, looking slightly paler than before, feeling really ‘off’ because Delko thinks her and Dannys babies are his.

Flack raised an eyebrow and glanced between Danny and Lindsey.
"How long ago? We don't want Alyssa to use that to try and free that scum." He stopped and tried to lighten the dark mood that had fallen on the group, trying to calm Lindsey who looked slightly paniced.
"So, Im guessing you guys have plans after this, huh?!" He said, smirking, carefully avoiding the elbow Sofia tried to prod him with.
"Oh hun' you should quit the good detective act, you know what Im talking about!" He smirked, whispering in her ear, before half turning back to Danny and Lindsey.
sofia smirked when she heard danny and lindsay talking about 'the keeping his hands of me'quote. she liked normal people to talk to. most of the time, she was with criminals in vegas, who all said they were not guilty. it was good to feel like she had a normal social life, with a 'normal' kinda boyfriend. well, he wasn't her boyfriend, but he was something special to her.. she knew they wouldn't have to say: well, guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend now', cause they just KNEW, and that was enough, or at least for her. she looked over to delko again, who was looking with a very strange look on his face. she hated that look. she smirked over at him, thinking about him getting locked away.. she really wanted the trial to start now, she was excited, confused though, about the fact if they would really be able to nail him, to just make him go into jail for forever. she wasn't sure.. the evidence wasn't very clear, the judge could hear a whole different story, allyssa would be defending delko, and she was a good attorney.. it was gonna be a hard trial, and she was kinda nervous. she layed her hand on flacks knee, just to calm herself a bit down.
Catherine smirked at Nick and leaned in again to whisper into his ear, "Why don't you and I have a conversation after the trials over?"


Stella leaned in to whisper into Danny's ear, "If your plotting something, and I find out, I'm going to kick your ass, Oh and your still an fu..tard" she smirked and then leaned back over to Mac, "I warned him I was going to kick his ass if he plotted something" she smirked at him, "Only we can do that"
"Sure, anyplace you had in mind?" Nick asked. He found himself unable to resist a little joke. "And then dessert?" he asked, playing with her a little.

"Good idea...although..." He leaned in and whispered "It's Lindsay who will do the most damage to him if he forgets to use his brain again, if you know what I'm saying. But we can help her."
"Involved with him? You never told me you were involved with him." Danny told her thinking that he never told her about him and Stella. He turned to look at Lindsay again, "Why would he think the babies are his? That's crazy."

"Lindsay, when was ya last with Delko?" Danny had a worried look on his face. Those were his babies, he just knew it and he wasn't gonna let Delko anywhere near them. He looked down at Lindsay who had suddenly gone pale. He raised her chin up and she met his eyes. "It's gonna be ok Montana. Ya gotta trust me on that."

"Yeah Flack, we have plans." Danny was grinning from ear to ear. He was also hoping to lighten the mood and get Lindsay's mind off of Delko. "Do you wanna tell them what we're doing after the trial's over?" he asked her hopefully.

Danny turned around to Stella, who was sitting on the other side of him, "Plotting something", he said as he pushed his glasses up his nose. "What would we be plotting?" Then he turned back around just wanting this trial to be over with.
"Danny, Flack.... I was with him years ago.... But he still creeps me out in so many ways...." She shook her head slightly to try and stop herself thinking about him.

Lindsay then saw Danny grin widely, which caused her to smile a little too. "You can, Danny...." She shot Danny a brief, flirty sort of look before finally managing to stop smiling.
Catherine smirked at him and leaned in to whisper into his ear, "What would you like?"


Stella chuckled at Mac, and playfully slapped his arm, "I gotta a better plan, how about you and me sneak into the bathroom in a few minutes?" she said as she ran her finger down his shirt.

She glanced over at Danny, "Oh don't give me that, I know you messer"
"I'd rather show you, but we're in glad to later though" Nick replied with a smile, feeling a bit tingly from the whispering and air in his ear.

"What for?" Mac whispered, a little confused. He wondered again when things would finally get started. "Though I know what I'd *like* to do in there" he added with a playful but soft laugh. He knew he mostly had to be all buisness here but he couldn't resist giving Stella a tease or two now and then.
greggoooo_fan said:
sofia smirked when she heard danny and lindsay talking about 'the keeping his hands of me'quote. she liked normal people to talk to. most of the time, she was with criminals in vegas, who all said they were not guilty. it was good to feel like she had a normal social life, with a 'normal' kinda boyfriend. well, he wasn't her boyfriend, but he was something special to her.. she knew they wouldn't have to say: well, guess we are boyfriend and girlfriend now', cause they just KNEW, and that was enough, or at least for her. she looked over to delko again, who was looking with a very strange look on his face. she hated that look. she smirked over at him, thinking about him getting locked away.. she really wanted the trial to start now, she was excited, confused though, about the fact if they would really be able to nail him, to just make him go into jail for forever. she wasn't sure.. the evidence wasn't very clear, the judge could hear a whole different story, allyssa would be defending delko, and she was a good attorney.. it was gonna be a hard trial, and she was kinda nervous. she layed her hand on flacks knee, just to calm herself a bit down.

Flack put his hand over the top of Sofia's and squeezed it, giving her the 'it will be ok' look. He realised, with a start, that he was happier now then he had been in a long time. Because now he felt slightly more normal, like he had a life outside of work. He smiled broadly and turned back to Danny and Lindsey.

"Danny, Flack.... I was with him years ago.... But he still creeps me out in so many ways...." She shook her head slightly to try and stop herself thinking about him.

Lindsay then saw Danny grin widely, which caused her to smile a little too. "You can, Danny...." She shot Danny a brief, flirty sort of look before finally managing to stop smiling.

"Oh, that good huh Monroe?!" He laughed. "But we're in a court of law, so you two better be good!" He laughed again, it was odd how this job threw them shreds off happiness every now and again.
Sara walks back into the courtroom, eyes red. She passes roughly by Catherine and sits on the other side of Nick waiting patiently for the trial to start. Calleigh notices this and goes over and sits next to her.

"You ok?"

"I'll be fine." Sara answers crisply.

"Ok. I just want to make sure you're ok."

"Thanks Calleigh."
MacsGirlMel said:
"I'd rather show you, but we're in glad to later though" Nick replied with a smile, feeling a bit tingly from the whispering and air in his ear.

"What for?" Mac whispered, a little confused. He wondered again when things would finally get started. "Though I know what I'd *like* to do in there" he added with a playful but soft laugh. He knew he mostly had to be all buisness here but he couldn't resist giving Stella a tease or two now and then.

Catherine smirked at Nick, "I'm glad, so Its me and you later?" she looked towards the courthouse, "Should we go in?"


Stella gave Mac a little pout, "Come on Macky, don't you wanna go play later?" she licked her lips slowly as she looked at him seductively.
"Alright Alyssa. I was with Lindsay a while back, then she left me. No, I doubt that's my kid but can't we at least question it? Sort of get back at her for leaving? I wanna walk out of here a free man. Is that gonna happen?" Delko asked.


Lindsay then saw Danny grin widely, which caused her to smile a little too. "You can, Danny...." She shot Danny a brief, flirty sort of look before finally managing to stop smiling.
"I can?", Danny asked with excitement. Danny looked at Flack and Sofia, "Well, Lindsay has a doctor's appointment and we're gonna find out what sex the babies are. Me, I want a couple baseball players", he said as he squeezed Lindsay's hand.

Danny turned to Stella, having heard what she said to Mac and leaned in to whisper, "Macky? Did you just call him Macky?" He said with that smirk of his. "And you think I'm plotting something? He winked at her and then turned back to Lindsay who had a puzzled look on her face. "I'll tell you about it later Linds, you won't believe it", he said as he once again placed his hand on Lindsay's belly.

"It feels like they're fighting with each other already", Danny told Lindsay as he rubbed his hand over her belly hoping to calm them down. He knew Lindsay was tired and that made the babies move around even more. "Before you say it Flack, yes, I'm touching her again. I can't help it. The babies are so fascinating and I get to touch her."

((ETA: Just out of curiosity, who's playing the judge and prosecutor and when will they be here?))
"Yeah, the sooner we do, the quicker we get it over with." Nick replied. "I'm not sure I'll ever understand Delko. But we'll all likely be happier if he's locked up. Anyway, back to us...You got it. That's a promise I intend to make good on" he grinned.

"Yeah,definately. It'll be a fun way to celebrate the end of this whole long thing." Mac replied. "I know what you're thinking though, that somehow your idea is kind of thrilling" he laughed a little. "Anyone catches us, I'll never live it down but I'm not about to turn you down." He gave Danny a glare. "Very funny. Just watch it, Messer" he said, just slightly annoyed but mostly mock-angry.
Catherine sighed, "When I meet Delko, I never thought he would turn out like that" she leaned in closer to Nick, and winked at him, "You promise, Nicky? You and me alone later?"


Stella listened to Mac, and looked at him, "You better not turn me down" she smirked at him, She really liked him and hoped that she could spend time with him.

She heard what Danny had whispered, and sat back in her seat, and waited five minutes and leaned over toward Danny, and gave him elbow hit to his arm, and lightly coughed, "Shuddaup Messer"