Confessions Thread #2

*evil laugh* Ehehehehe, they go down with tha rubbles man!

:lol: But seriously, I think there are some. They're still finding a decent place to live in, I guess. The demolishion won't be taking place anytime soon though. Until the whole building is empty, then they'll start taking it down.
Confession: I keep putting off cleaning my room even though I can't even find a pair of socks in the clothes pile anymore. But I don't want to bring myself into submissing to do work.
Gawd I'm lazy D:
Confession: The last week I havn't done anything about my school work, I just spent all my free time reading books and watching CSI:....
Confession: My boss just called to see if I would come in early and I told him I couldn't, I was working on something new for my groups. Instead I was right here reading the message board and I might go lie in the hammock. I'm so not in to work right now. Am sick of almost everyone involved, and am suffering from major burnout. Argh
*evil laugh* Ehehehehe, they go down with tha rubbles man!

:lol: But seriously, I think there are some. They're still finding a decent place to live in, I guess. The demolishion won't be taking place anytime soon though. Until the whole building is empty, then they'll start taking it down.
Oh, I just hope those occupants manage to move somewhere else. I'm also thinking of those who've grown attached to the apartment they're living in. Since you said it's old, they probably have been living there for ages.
^ *looks with one eye at zippy and Casp* guys.. I need to know that whole 'choi ah' thing.. what does it mean?? Hmmm.. choi.. choi.. choi.. Sao Choi ..Kwa Choi..Gan Choi..Ching Choi.. Ping Choi .. Gap Gi Choi..Chung Choi.. Chap Choi .. Pao Chap Choi.. Fung Yang Choi .. Hok Choi..Pek Choi..Kap Choi.. Dap Choi.. Hmmm.. yeah.. probably all of these words are written differently.. nevermind, I'm babbling and am carried away :rolleyes:

Confession: I get really restless and get a temper when I'm not going to the riverbank in the evenings.. even when it's raining.. gawd, I love this new addiction!
I know there is another thread for this, probably, but I want to know: all you regs., are you boys or girls? I want to make a comparison on the types of confessions you make. Jaynie , I'm guessing you are a girl.
I am constantly procrastinating. I do my homework at the last minute, this gets me in quite a bit of trouble sometimes.:rolleyes:
I'm a girl, BTW
Confession: there are days when I wish I was a boy. But that all changes when my crush enters the room :D
Then I feel SO glad to be a girl ;)
JayneEmilysRealm said:
^ *looks with one eye at zippy and Casp* guys.. I need to know that whole 'choi ah' thing.. what does it mean?? Hmmm.. choi.. choi.. choi.. Sao Choi ..Kwa Choi..Gan Choi..Ching Choi.. Ping Choi .. Gap Gi Choi..Chung Choi.. Chap Choi .. Pao Chap Choi.. Fung Yang Choi .. Hok Choi..Pek Choi..Kap Choi.. Dap Choi.. Hmmm.. yeah.. probably all of these words are written differently.. nevermind, I'm babbling and am carried away :rolleyes:
:eek: :rolleyes: :lol: what da.... :lol: What are THOSE Jayne?! Choi is a Chinese word meaning...umm...err...maybe Casper can explain better?? :p Well, it's something like saying 'touch wood' but in Chinese instead. Yup, there ya go!

Celtic Angel, there was a male/female poll here at Misc. but I dunno where it is now. And the big big BIG majority of TalkCSI(at least those who come to Misc.) members are female.

Oops forgot my confession.

I'm not a morning person. I can go without talking for hours and hours and I'm grumpy for no reason. I'm a person of extreme. Sometimes I'm a chatterbox, sometimes not at all.
zippy said:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
^ *looks with one eye at zippy and Casp* guys.. I need to know that whole 'choi ah' thing.. what does it mean?? Hmmm.. choi.. choi.. choi.. Sao Choi ..Kwa Choi..Gan Choi..Ching Choi.. Ping Choi .. Gap Gi Choi..Chung Choi.. Chap Choi .. Pao Chap Choi.. Fung Yang Choi .. Hok Choi..Pek Choi..Kap Choi.. Dap Choi.. Hmmm.. yeah.. probably all of these words are written differently.. nevermind, I'm babbling and am carried away :rolleyes:
:eek: :rolleyes: :lol: what da.... :lol: What are THOSE Jayne?! Choi is a Chinese word meaning...umm...err...maybe Casper can explain better?? :p Well, it's something like saying 'touch wood' but in Chinese instead. Yup, there ya go!
It's food! :lol: I only knew Chap Choi (well the Dutch write it like 'Tjap Tjoi') the others I got from the menu card.. yes, the chinese menu card :rolleyes: You're not the only one who's insane today Zippy! :p

Confession: my parents are leaving tomorrow and return sunday evening.. yay.. now I planned all evenings with visiting friends though my parents think I'm going to study.. and now my brother phoned me to tell me he's coming over during the weekend.. :eek: must cancel appointments.. arghhh!
FOOD! Ok choi also means vegetable but with a different intonation. However...besides chap choi, I know nothing from the menu :lol: Hey you got fooled!
Choi! Ahahah! Dude you knock my socks off man! :lol: Wei, ni ah! Pu che tao mah! :lol:

Anyways, speaking of socks...

Confession: I can't believe how OLD and TORN my sports shoes are. :eek: New sneakers here I come!!