Confessions Thread #2

Confession: I didn't go to school today because I didn't want to write an essay about bad decisions.
I had to give away the disk and delete it from my HD to get it out of my system, unfortunately, there are things called torrents....
Confession: I've been less cheerful. Listen to this joke I made:

Lecturer: The DIMM stores up to a some gigabytes so they have to be separated into slots. Whereas the SIMM is...
Me: *to friend* What is the difference between DIMM and SIMM??
Friend: ...No idea.
Me: It's the spelling! *drum beat!*
Friend: o_O?

My gosh, I need to get a life. Or at least a joke book. I think school life is sucking all this humour that is left in me. *stares at wall* Ohhh fun stuff! :(
Confession: Qwyzzle is evil. 20Q is spooky...

Casp I have a term for that kind of joke. It's called "Dirk's Jokes". I have a friend called Dirk who makes jokes like that all the time. Sometimes I get Dirk's Jokes Syndrome too.
Oh yeah - I like to sit by rivers too, I even take off my shoes and stick my feet in. It's just so calming. I sat by a river where I used to live once, and became incredibly sad when I remembered watching the minnow from the same bit of rock while the other people were fishing. someone caught a killer Pike that day - it was huge.
Water helps me think, but it has a melancholy feel for me.
Confession - I am a girl in love with another girl and i have no idea what to do about it. I'm not afraid of being gay, even in a small town, i'm just afraid of what she would say if she knew.
Confession: I know that the whole damn country loves soccer and that they want the country to win. It's the most important thing on earth and saying that you don't care is like a sin. Well, here is is: I don't care!!! I hate soccer!!!!
News, papers, friends, family, stop bothering me about it. I don't care!

Man, that made me feel better.
Confession: I'm actually thinking of telling my teacher how many wrong spellings of Gaelic words are present in her research book.. :rolleyes: Seriously, if you do a research about Ireland and Yeats and make references to the Gaelic language, you should at least know that's it's not written like Tir-nan-Oge.. :rolleyes: