cold case

I love Cold Case a lot and usually watch it every Sunday at 9 (Eastern Time) I'm a huge Nirvana fan and sadly missed that eppy :(
YIPEE a new episode ;) and the BOSS is back, the story of an electrical engineer, who was laid off, because of out-sourcing, and then his daughter died, and his wife left him, not a happy camper, so he felt he had to make a bomb and punish everyone for his losing everything :mad: and his brother was on his list, the guy just lost it, thankfully for a change no one died! and what-his-face is having a hot affair with his co-worker, geez this never happens [just kidding] :D and OK ep.
I love Cold Case. This episode sounds very great. I haven't seen it yet. I would love to get the seasons of Cold Case on DVDS.
^ Which sucks 'cause it's a really good show but sadly, not the first one who's been screwed by the music rights. :(

This was a ep. that was full of hate and crimes [1998] from the wonderful 'skin-heads' who hate everybody, and the poor girl who, becase of her abusive/alcoholic father, left home and decided to saty with thie mom and her son, who wore a Swastika :mad: sickening.. who was the main instigator, of this 'group' and when she turned up dead, you thought it was him, the boyfriend who she freaked out, when he shot a Hispanic mom to death, but was I stunned to find out it was the kid who helped her, move and he had his own issues with his mom! because the boyfriends mom told him, he was weak, and when he clobbered her to death with the hammer, I screamed, and come to find out the race they hated the Jews, he was half-Jewish.. and was blabbering away, about his sad beliefs, that it made him cleansed to do this deed! much to Lily's disdain and her team.. :(and on a personal note the black girl team member [don't know her name] had her own issues with her daughters father.. :(
The episode was a little bit of a disappointment for me, but that's not to say it wasn't good. It was good, I just had high expectations for it that it didn't meet.

I had pegged Spider's mom as the killer, but as soon as she was eliminated I went for the friend, I just wasn't expecting the reason. Nice twist there. And that poor girl, Tamyra. Completely innocent and just walked into the wrong house at the wrong time.

I did enjoy the B plot though, with Veronica's father showing up. I'm excited to see that storyline develop. It's nice to see Miller get a storyline (that's the black cop's name, btw ;)). It was so cute when Vera went to 'deal with' him for Miller. They would make such a cute couple.

Is that our last one until the post-strike episodes?
Another killer episode, transporting that serial freak from one state to another with Lily and what's his face, and him intimdating her across the drive, asking her personal questions, and him not getting to her, and her co-hort, snapped YIPPEE, and started beating up on him, and Lily stopped him and him kidnapping that girl and others encasing them in a 2x4 tomb like structure, and the whole thing was terrifying. But for once once of his victims was still alive, and Lily figured out where she was, by the church:thumbsup: as always good ep.
I didn't much care for this ep, I can't put my finger on it but it was okay for the most part. Except for Millers reaction to watching the video's and her Vera's interaction sarcasticly funny.

Desertwind, Lilly's Partners name is "Scott Valens" played by 'Danny Pino'. Course I don't blame Danny for what he did, course my reasoning is different I think I was just tired of the focus being on Lilly so much and not so much on the victims. While he (the perp) was trying to get into her head, I think this might be the reason I didn't care for the ep.
Thank's Destiny you'd think watching an hr. show I'd remember his name Danny, of course:brickwall:and I guess your right it wasn't an outstanding ep. I was just happy to see a new one, the car drive was a bit grueling:scream:I just liked the way Lily held her own with that freak-show!and the for once someone that didn't die, that survived the ordeal!
Well the fact of remembering Danny's name is easy for me considering that is the name of my nephew lol. Danny playing Scotty, think they have a think with double letters and a Y at the end for him. :D
I thought Sunday's episode was great. I love Cold Case. I will be interested to see the new guy who is starting next week.
I loved last Sunday's episode. But I am not going to watch this new episode. I don't like the new guy at all. I tis obvious that because they hate each other they will love each other. I think Lily deserves someone better. The new guy looks like he is butting into her case. He needs to go away. I know I didn't really give him a chance but after seeing the promos, I don't want to give him a chance. I love Cold Case but I am tired of having crime shows with romance. i like the emotions that you get from watching Cold Case but i feel like they have a lot of personal relationships that they aren't supposed to have.
Another tear jerker, the prison inmate who tried to go straight and was , and his son who looked up to him in his former crime ridden life, and the bad cop, I wondered if he was the one who killed Pete, something just didn't sit right with him, he was hell bent on getting him, & did, so sad:( and poor Pety Jr. and the new guy is to crass, and acts like a street thug to me, and so far to Lily too:scream:at the end the mon who had kept the letters from Petey Jr. gave them to hm, and him reading them on the front porch and his dad appearing, and smiling, BOO-HOO:(