cold case

Yet another tragic story, about a Amish girl, who went to the big city to see the bright lights and the ocean, and was blown away when she did!, and decided to go home, after she found out the guy she was so emamored with was a rat, getting her friend pregnant. For a while I though it might be her mom who killed her, but in fact a former member of her sect, who in a rage killed her..because she told him he couldn't go home with her... sad :( an a cute moment when what's his face, Lily's team mate, was bonding with the Amish husband sanding some wood thingy :lol: a sad ending again!!
I watch it last night, he didn't mean to killed her, it was accident, he should called the cop what he did, they will rule out accident, but he wait too long. It was sad, I'm glad his parents came and his mother hug him, that is he want, because he miss his parents so much.

I like it when Lily opened the door and saw her partner do the wood for the Amish's husband.
I loved the ep. Very well done. I also think he should've called the cops even it being an accident. Thought it was funnyalso about the wood scene. He trying to hide the fact that he enjoyed it. Wonder what's up with Scotty? Why r they out to get him now?
Um, no. It was an accident, but it's still manslaughter. It's not the type of accident where you call the cops and it's all okay, you won't be charged with anything, that only flies with self-defence, which this, was not.

Regarding Scotty, he's under heat from IAB because he shot that kid from the finale (Ed/Romeo) because he was holding Lilly hostage in the observation area of the interrogation room.
This show has really grown on me. I am now addicted to watching the reruns. I love the cases that are from the 1980s or later. It is nice to see cases that old finally get justice.
1953 WHOA, that's along time ago, it always amazes how they find these old timers who are still alive, and seem to have instant recall from days gone by :confused: the whole Elvis scenerio, the kid who was similiar to him, and wanted to be famous, he just loved the music! & his dorky girlfriend, who just loved him! and the black/white issues from those days, hard to fathom now :( the Scott and his paranoia, and Will and their confrontation, and clearing the air! Lily is so sweet and likable! as always.. good!
I really liked this ep. It was great & Scotty well.................ummmmmmm finally getting told a thing or two. lol
desertwind said:
1953 WHOA, that's along time ago, it always amazes how they find these old timers who are still alive, and seem to have instant recall from days gone by

You think that's old? They once had a case from 1919. It was a really good ep though, it's called Torn, if you ever get a chance to watch it, do. It's awesome.

This week's ep was pretty good, but last week's with the Amish girl is still my fave this season. :) Loved the Scotty/Will yelling in the interrogation to keep people from thinking they were in there hugging :lol:
Another good ep. from 1989, and the old 'grifter' mother and son, Margo, and her poor damaged son Spencer, and BTW, the kid who played this role, used to be on 'AMC' as Jaime, who on the soap, left to go work in Africa, so he's set his sights higher , good job!!! and the Margo, looked amazingly like Marg Helgenberger, to me. so many twists and turns, so the maybe-wannabe girlfriend actually pulled the trigger, but he couldn't leave his "mom" no matter how much she had done to screw up his life! and the heating up sizzling romance between [sorry I forget his name] and isn't this another "office romance"?
Are you talking about Scotty and the DA? That was GROSS, and I'm not just saying that because I want Lilly and Scotty together, they just...these two don't fit well.

Hmm, I guess she looked a little like Marg. And yeah, it was sweet how he couldn't leave her (I recognized him as Jamie from AMC too ;)), of course I'm sure she would have preferred he showed his love and loyalty to her sooner, but hey, you can't always win :lol:
I agree with you LibertyBell. First off she told on him, and then he kisses her. That does not make any sense. Even if they like each other. She could have costed him his job anbd he makes out with her anyway.

That was a good episode though. I liked the Amish girl case too and I loves the Scott and Will scene as well. It was so funny. I can't wait until Sunday's episode.
This was another sad one, the poor kid from the "hood" trying to improve his life, and he was so brilliant, and got caught up in the mess of his jealous brother and low-life dad.. and the nice older man who tried to help him, but to not the brother shot him for stupid reasons :(
^ This ep was heart-wrenching. What's really sad is the realization that places like that do exist in this world, and there are kids in the same position. :(

I agree with you LibertyBell. First off she told on him, and then he kisses her. That does not make any sense. Even if they like each other. She could have costed him his job anbd he makes out with her anyway.
Scotty's in self-destruct mode. Over the seasons he's done quite a few things he shouldn't have, and now he's got to defend himself against the backlash. Of course, IA's "using" his DA ex-girlfriend against him is a low-blow. I'm just waiting for IA to use his brother's status as a molestation victim as "blackmail."
What a sad ep. Seems when kids try to get out of things & make a better life for themselves it ends up badly(sometimes). I just couldn't believe his brother would do that but alas it does happen.
Could somebody tell me what happened in the ep? The Canadian station decided to be stupid and not air it because CBS pulled Viva Laughlin, which makes no sense, because CTV doesn't AIR Viva Laughlin, and we always get Cold Case an hour before the Americans anyway. :rolleyes:

PrettyEyes, what are you talking about? Scotty and the DA were in a relationship? I thought they just liked to bicker and talk about how the other one wants them so bad.