Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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EricaSJ said:
LOL 1CSIMfan, I have no problem with your post. I just thought the rule was stricter than that since it regards the copyright issue. Maybe that's because it's a bit different in shipper central than in the CSI: LV forum. Anyway, thanks for your hard work. :)

No problem EricaSJ. I just wanted to double check myself but now it seems that CBS has removed video's from YouTube.
It's been a while since I've been here.

Yeah, I agree with Loopholes. CBS needs to get KFed's ass out of our screens.

... Get him out and put more airing time on Cath and Warrick...
gream_reaper said:
Yeah, I agree with Loopholes. CBS needs to get KFed's ass out of our screens.

... Get him out and put more airing time on Cath and Warrick...


I love the poll, it seems it's gonna be a tough fight!

I've been wondering lately if s7's gonna be similar to s6... aka we get some YoBling in the first couple of eps then they'll be forgotten again... then we'll get another promise from Naren Shankar at the end of the season that next year we are gonna get YoBling... Already the fact that Kevin Federline is more promoted than Warrick WHO'S A CAST MEMBER FOR GOD'S SAKE... is less than promising. Why does it make me think that we'll have another *where's Warrick?* season. Or will we have another "look, they've been doing it all along" scene in the s7 finale with YoBling this time?
Loopholes said:
I love Yobling :lol:

Eye-Sex™ Pioneers is so cute...because it's true.

Why on EARTH are there so many pictures of K-Fed? Note to CBS: Nobody really cares about him.

LOL! Damn straight. :D There should be releasing pictures of yobling (imagine the hotness!) and not the pics of some sexless people.

And yeah, I've been looking for Warrick on the spoilers there's nothing about his personal life at the moment. That sucks, lol. But at least we got to see him in the Built to Kill..
Where he's all emotional in the car crash scene. We gotta savor that moment cuz probably we wouldn't see much of him in the next few episodes.

EDIT: Meh, no wonder theres a scarcity of WArrick spoilers.. Gary was in Paris France last August and the eps were filmed at that time.
i think that the writers will have to give us more warrick because Billy Peterson is goingto be in some sorta play part of this season and he's a big part so we can't have a season with only 4 out of the 6 members. Hopefully with this extra screen time we can get some yobling.
*chants* We want more Yobling!

Hopefully, they won't pull a s6 on us and give us YoBling scenes then forget about it. We hardly got anything last season.

With the extra screentime, maybe we can learn more about the personal lives of other characters :)
It seems like forever since the last time I had a chance to explore the world of YoBling, but I guess that's what happens when an international film festival takes over your town.

Anyways, imagine my surprise when I logged in a saw a poll...Yipee! :D (I love quizzes and stuff like that.)

I totally voted for "Eye-Sex Pioneers", because that's really what they are. Do I have to remind everybody again about Big Middle? ;)

Yes, the penultimate eye-sexage episode with Dinner, I'll Take Your Action, and Eyes Front Cath! :devil: But what I also love about this episode, which rarely gets mentioned, is the fact that Catherine eats Warrick's food , drinks his orange juice and he doesn't even blink - Now that's love! :lol:

Hey ziggystarduzt, where are the Puffins? Did they go on vacation, or did they go on strike? I hope they are all doing okay...

4CATHnWARRICK, I completely agree with you that while WP is away it's a perfect opportunity to get more Gary screen time and show us YoBling in all their glory. A little angst, a romantic dinner and some passionate kissing to curl our toes. :eek: Not too much to ask, is it? :p

Oh, and before I forget, next chappy of "Thirst" is up at

The countdown is on - only 4 more sleeps until Season 7! I'm all about instant gratification, so Thursday seems like a lifetime away. Let's all cross our fingers and say a little prayer that this season our ship will sail! :)
One1Red said:
(...) Catherine eats Warrick's food(...) and he doesn't even blink - Now that's love!

Or the fact that she has her hand on his shoulder *sigh* So cute! And did you notice the direction he's looking? :devil: Oh, I miss season 5!

Cath: Don't look don't look...I can't help it, he's just too delicous in those tight jeans
Warrick: Hmm wonder if I can get her to bend down a little lower...

I gotta watch that ep again, I never noticed it the last time (first time) watching it.
Hey ziggystarduzt, where are the Puffins? Did they go on vacation, or did they go on strike? I hope they are all doing okay...
lmao!! The puffins are okay. They are safe and sound on their cliffs, planning world domination. They needed a break from the public eye and so James Caan thoughtfully stepped in.

I made a new Yobling icon. It was a great pic, so I hardly had to do anything. They are just such a damn goodlooking couple ;)
Oww! Finally read your fic One1Red! :D Love it cuz it has 'do you want to go for a ride?' which reminded me of Homebodies and our thread title poll :lol:
And Im so jealous you were able to see the Toronto FilmFest.

One1Red said:
drinks his orange juice and he doesn't even blink - Now that's love! :lol:
Yes he didn't blink and she didn't wipe the glass or something..
they just had an exchange of saliva in that ep, lol.
Wouldnt it be nice if everyone is going to get together finally. G and S and C and W. Cath is such a strong woman and a loyal coworker she deserves a little lovin in her life. And she hasnt been very lucky with men so Warrick would be great as a lover and friend for her. She is crazy about him. think of the looks she gives him all the time and he KNOWS it and responds to it. I think the whole marriage thing was all rushed and will not last for long. He is not happy and deep inside he knows that he has made the wrong decision marrying the wrong girl. just wait and see C and W belong together and they will be fine in the end
Guess we'll wait and see, but TPTB seem to be implying every character in CSI gets a bit of trouble happening this year. I'm thinking Warrick's will be the marriage going bye-bye. After that, who knows.

Be interesting to see the start of a relationship instead of getting it presented as a done deal, really.
Hopefully! Spoilers say Warrick was gonna have different kind of trouble. I just hope they intentionally didn't mention the marriage though so they can... surprise us :rolleyes: (again...)
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