Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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BTK was boring. It was only the Cath!drama that was interesting in it. And the preview for next week. Yay for YoBling.

About the new thread title; there's a poll on the previous page!
Okay I know that this is a blast from the past..(down the drain) but fate didn't ever want me to see the whole ep. I guess so I was watching the clip on An Evident Gamble. and I don't know if anyone noticed this but after they both turned around and the guy asked if they were CSI, warrick kept getting a better grip on her waist. And Now I know why they call that the Ultamate Yobling Moment!
I'm confused, I don't remember an ep with that title and I cant find it in the episode guide.

As for the new title, no I don't think it was ever decided. Anyone have any info? I don't even remember if we did a poll.
I'm confused, I don't remember an ep with that title and I cant find it in the episode guide.
LOL, Mel, iilovecsii (girl we need a nickname for you, your name is too long, :D ) is talking about Down the Drain. iilovecsi hasn't seen the episode yet good thing she found the sewer clip on An Evident Gamble (the yobling website).

And the thread title poll can be found here.

iilovecsi yup he kept his grip on her waist and oh i also love the look on Cath's face. She was kinda bummed that the sewer guy popped up, lol. :D
Hottie_Cath said:
iilovecsi yup he kept his grip on her waist and oh i also love the look on Cath's face. She was kinda bummed that the sewer guy popped up, lol. :D

Agreed! It was fun to cap it frame by frame cuz his hand never left her waist! :lol: No wonder, though. And I still think the sewer working guy shoulda waited until they kissed! :rolleyes: He was rude! *pouts*
LMFAO Zsa, quoting yourself, huh? :lol:

So...since we're (or rather, you guys LOL) very close to the opening of the new thread, what's the result of the poll so far? *bats eyelashes at Hottie*

After the down in season 6, I hope we could get some C/W scenes in season 7 (along with some C/G, of course :D). A girl can dream, you know.
Hottie_Cath said:
iilovecsii (girl we need a nickname for you, your name is too long, :D )
Pssst Rissa, she says to call her Kim in her bio ;)

My take on the premiere is that since maybe they didnt start the season with YoBling like they did last year, maybe we'll actually get it this season :rolleyes: Though I gotta say... It woulda been awesome to see Cath and War dance. :( But if that happened, Cath would never have gone to the bar alone.

I'm looking forward to them regaining their bond through all the drama but damn its rough with all angsty stuff all the time. *sigh* Another sweet moment like in DtD or the Big Middle
Yeah, Erica, I thought it was easier to quote my post which was like... 2 posts above. :lol:

And yeah, I'll dream with you. We d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y need YoBling scenes in season 7. I'm missing my YoBling. I want the old funny banters AT LEAST.
Welcome to the dreamer's club, then. *huggles* And Ru you're there! *pinches your cheeks*

Me wants the old funny banters AT LEAST, too. It seems there hasn't been many of those these days. They tried to make Hodges funny but it ended up lame. All the supoosed-to-be hiliarious scenes become dull. What's wrong with CSI? :(
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