Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Since I noticed a couple people questioned this, I just thought I'd pop in and remind everyone of some of the rules.

- Posts within Shipper Central must now contain a MINIMUM of 3 Lines of Good posting.

- Good posting is ON TOPIC, Discursive and not chatty.

- Good posting is NOT: Complimenting someone on their artwork, fanfiction, avatar/banner, discussing thread names, conversation about Real Life, etc.

- Remarks regarding artwork, fanfiction, discussion of thread names, etc, and brief allusions to Real Life MAY be included in posts, but ONLY in ADDITION of the 3-Line Minimum of Good Posting.

Please keep this in mind when posting. :)
Mel23 said:
hey cool, I didn't know there was a YoBling site :) I had to go register hehe...I just have to watch they don't throw things at me for jumping between ships LOL. Just kidding, I can keep 'em in their own areas.

I like several of those do we vote if we can't poll?
I think we can do polls, we did it in the other thread, its just that we need to discuss about yobling in addition to the poll post. We're just waiting for more thread title suggestions .

Thanks RC to your vid clip, Im still in the yobling underwear mood :lol: .. Anyway, here's a Season 7 episode 4 (Fannysmackin') picture of Warrick
Warrick+another character, so the pic is spoiler-ish
Quite upset cuz we could only see Warrick's back and (Kevin Federline) K-Fed has his face plastered all over the promo pics... I hope its not a sign that we would hardly see Warrick in Season 7. And meh, Warrick is still wearing his ring :eek:

EDIT: Oh our new mod cleared things up for us, thanks so much 1CSIMfan! :)
Just wanted to let you guys know that yes, you can do a poll for the new thread name. Several other threads do the same thing. ;)

Also, I'd like to add this about linking to videos.

Board rules state links cannot be posted for fan videos or copywrighted material such as video clips of episodes or interviews. You can however, say where you found the video (such as
Hottie_Cath said:
We're just waiting for more thread title suggestions .

LMAO! Since I was pointed out this was meant for me, all I can say is, I don't really have any new suggestions. I'm fine with all that we have.. I guess we can easily pick one from the old ones and new ones. Maybe you should do the poll later today, Rissa? So people will still have some time to suggest something... how's that?

Oh goshblammit... I want more Warrick. I mean.. okay I'm not THAT surprised that the ring is still there but this is the first promo pic of him and he's from behind while this is like the third or fourth pic of K-fed. Hello?? At least they could have given us a promo pic of Cath and Warrick from the scene of the crash. *mutters*
You're totally right, RC, I apologise. *blush* I figured since we were so close to the end I'd probably better bring it up.. soon this drought of topical discussion will surely end.. only one week left, people! Here's hoping for some serious yobling action to start the season off in style :)

CSIMfan- The link that AngelEyez posted was to a John Mayer CSI video that CBS themselves released on YouTube for the fan community, not a fan made video :) Thanks for clarifying the rules for us!
ziggystarduzt said:
You're totally right, RC, I apologise. *blush* I figured since we were so close to the end I'd probably better bring it up.. soon this drought of topical discussion will surely end.. only one week left, people! Here's hoping for some serious yobling action to start the season off in style :)

CSIMfan- The link that AngelEyez posted was to a John Mayer CSI video that CBS themselves released on YouTube for the fan community, not a fan made video :) Thanks for clarifying the rules for us!
Awww, no worries Chick :) I was just in the dark and it seems our posts did clear things up after all

Oh and Rissa, I'm sure its an old interview so I think Gary's still single. Besides, he was all for getting together with beautiful intelligent women so I'm not worried. Anyway, sorry for the boo boo. :( I had contacted a mod in CSI general about posting the You Tube links but guess stuff is different on this side of the house. Anyone who needs help finding the clip of Gary and Marg in The Keys can pm me. :)

And now to vote! 15 are plenty to choose from, no?
ETA: A change was requested in one of the titles. Hope it doesnt mess anyone up. And let the choosing begin! :D
Ah that's more like it!!! "Users may choose many" Yay! I chose 11 out of the 15 titles. :lol: Lovin' toss me that thong yeah baby!
And Oops! Sorry for that booboo on the youtube link.

AngelEyez said:

Oh goshblammit... I want more Warrick. I mean.. okay I'm not THAT surprised that the ring is still there but this is the first promo pic of him and he's from behind while this is like the third or fourth pic of K-fed. Hello?? At least they could have given us a promo pic of Cath and Warrick from the scene of the crash. *mutters*

Didn't somebody tell us that K-fed had 18 promo pics on this episode.. can u believe that? Dunno if I'm gonna laugh or be upset, lol. Gary needs his screentime! And they better not edit that yobling in the car crash scene! *eye-murders* TMTB
For the new thread title, I like "He catches her when she falls" the best. It's kinda-sorta cliche, but it's so awesome. Lol.
Yo yo! Someone ordered me to come back and vote. LMAO. And squee! I saw Ru include the "catch me when I fall" thingy in the poll. Yay!


But don't worry, Hottie, I voted for your title, too. :D
Just thought I'd pop back in and let you know that after checking around I found out that you guys are right.

You can post links to videos from YouTube as long as it's not a fan made video. If they're posted by CBS, they are fine. ;)

Sorry about my misunderstanding. :(

EDITED TO ADD: After checking on YouTube, the video from CBS is a user name that appears to be fan made and not from the CBS Network. There are several videos by this person and they are fan made.
^ I think it's still not allowed to post a link to a CBS video unless it's published by CBS itself. Same applies to other videos. That being said, we can't post links to a CBS video on YouTube unless it's published by the CBS community there. We can't post direct links to video clips on other websites (fansites, etc), either, unless the sites are the legal publisher of the clips. That's what I get from the rules. Please correct me if I am wrong. :)
EricaSJ, I have checked on this and it is ok to post CBS videos from YouTube as long as they are not downoads. However, the deleted video was from a username CBS and the video is fan made. I found several other videos from this person. If you have a question regarding this matter, please pm me and I'll be happy to explain.

ETA: Here are the rules regarding fan videos and downloads:

- First of all, due to concerns surrounding potential copyright infringement, we regret to inform you that you may no longer post links to any fan videos you make.

- Also, until further notice, you may not link to any other downloadable copyrighted material, such as video clips or the episodes or interviews.

- And as usual, no discussion of downloading episodes or tape trading will be permitted on the board.

If you're unsure if you can link a video, please pm either myself, Kimmychu or HoratioAndMe.
For the poll, I went with "cause she knows his eyes aren't his best feature"... risky.. sexy.. telling.. I love it ;)

And thanks a bunch for checking into that for us, 1CSIMfan, it's much appreciated :)
LOL 1CSIMfan, I have no problem with your post. I just thought the rule was stricter than that since it regards the copyright issue. Maybe that's because it's a bit different in shipper central than in the CSI: LV forum. Anyway, thanks for your hard work. :)
I love Yobling :lol:

Eye-Sex™ Pioneers is so cute...because it's true.

Why on EARTH are there so many pictures of K-Fed? Note to CBS: Nobody really cares about him.
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