Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr said:
iilovecsii i love your fic!!!! It isn't finished, is it? Please do more!!!! Everyday I love more and more Yo Bling!! :D
Lots of love!

no but I'm adding chapter 9 right now. The whole suicide thing was a dream I had..nightmare actually only unlike my ff Warrick does take the pills, and Catherine make him throw them up, it was soo sad I actually believe that I woke up joke. But thank you for reading it.. That boosts my self asteem up. =]
So what did everyone think? I found the episode kind of boring myself.. It didnt' really open with a bang like it was supposed to. Oh well, that end scene sure left room for a whole lot of yobling next week, so we can only hope.
yeah did I tell you?....
I know that Warrick is on Lindsay' kidnapping case with Catherine.. and I think that they both find lindsay together.=] it is going to be a really sad ep. =*[

HELLO???? What doesn't any one talk here anymore? I mean seriously I think I'm going to start talking to myself. =*[
gsrhappyending said:
I envy you people cause I will not be able to celebrate with you tonight. Here in little austria they didnt even show the 6 season of csi, fortunately I have it on dvd (from my bangkok trip). You must tell me everything whats happening to my favorite ships (gsr and yobling) :p

:lol: Same here. I don't get season 7 till feb. Anyway, can anyone make a top 20 YoBling moments for me?
Umm i don't think this is SPOILERISH but it talks about 'built to kill part one1, ond and a rumour from the second part miner detail

omg did ne1 see that coming? Catherine date rapped?well we don't know fer absolute sure but its a good assumption.that kinda makes sense why she apparently backs away from warrick. she doesn't really trust ne1 at the moment.Man can ne1 else see warrick or grissom yelling at nick for not keeping ann eye on her? his excuse will probably be sumthing like he saw her go off with some guy and figured he was driving her home. warrick will probably be pissed at him fer nick not keeping an eye on his girl. this could either help yobling or bring it back farther what are ur thoughts guyz?
Umm i don't think this is SPOILERISH but it talks about 'built to kill part one1, ond and a rumour from the second part miner detail

omg did ne1 see that coming? Catherine date rapped?well we don't know fer absolute sure but its a good assumption.that kinda makes sense why she apparently backs away from warrick. she doesn't really trust ne1 at the moment.Man can ne1 else see warrick or grissom yelling at nick for not keeping ann eye on her? his excuse will probably be sumthing like he saw her go off with some guy and figured he was driving her home. warrick will probably be pissed at him fer nick not keeping an eye on his girl. this could either help yobling or bring it back farther what are ur thoughts guyz?

My thoughts are that your awsome. That is what I have been trying to tell people but I deleted it out of my posts cause people were getting mad. lol. I also think that Warrick is going to be extremely pissed.. but then I think that Cath is going to tell him to save his anger and help... well I am not going to say any spoilers and be yelled at my Destiny. =] But I think that their might me some more yobling this season than last.. last season was horrible.. marraige.. well seeing that the mar--- shutting up again. But Any way I think that Nick isn't going to be mr. happy around the lab for a while.. at least until Catherine is perkeir. He will feel horrible but in btk pt1. It looked like Cath waved bye to him. But oh well I would have gone over to see cath before I left with some random blonde. And if he saw her drinking he should have called like Grissom or warrick or a taxi for her. WOW.. I'm mad at him. anyway Gotta say the promos for warrick.. he looks mighty fine. <3 So anyway eyes agree with you 4CATHnWARRICK
ziggystarduzt said:
So what did everyone think? I found the episode kind of boring myself.. It didnt' really open with a bang like it was supposed to. Oh well, that end scene sure left room for a whole lot of yobling next week, so we can only hope.

I completely agree with you ziggystarduzt, it was a bit of a yawn. Catherine's storyline does leave open a whole lot of possibilities, but I wouldn't count on her running to Warrick for comfort in her hour of need. :(

We all love Catherine cause she's fiercely independent, but that great quality is what's going to stop her from turning to him.

Remember "A Little Murder" (season 3)? He tried to touch her wound and she wouldn't let him. Yes, she was evidence, but she wouldn't even let him take the swab when she was getting changed...

And then, when she left David & Warrick in the autopsy room, Warrick had to find her and pull the admission out of her that she was still scared. However, his persistence did result in one of the best YoBling moments of all time, THE HUG :cool:

So, let's hope that Rick will stick by her side like glue until she lets him in. **keeps fingers crossed**

It's a given that nobody else has a snowball's chance in #@*% of getting close :)
I'm about two orthree days late in posting, but I figure I might as well just do it now while I've got the time.
The premiere was great, and I'm really looking forward to finding out what happens with Cath and Lindsey, and how Warrick deals with it. I think Warrick really cares about Lindsey, and I think it's great they're working the case together. No one cares about Cath the way Warrick does, I can tell you that. Well, anyone on the team, anyway. Except for maybe Grissom but that's just in a friendly way. =P
gream_reaper said:
Shucks, I feel so deprived not seeing many YoBling moments anymore.

I'm such a screw.

So how about that list?
Here's a list of their scenes together for season 6

If u search the older threads, ur sure to find a list of YoBling moments. I dont have a top 20 off the top of my head... I'd just direct u to season 3 A Little Murder, season 5 Down the Drain and my all time fav which u see in my banner -season 5 Big Middle for my top 3 scenes.
I've got a list ready to go on my computer at all times...I need it for my own reference for the more obscure episodes b/c my short term memory isn't what it used to be. :eek:

These are in order by season, and not all of them are flirty YoBling (too bad). :( There are some on this list where they are together working on a case without the sexy banter and others just feature them for one or two small scenes.

Season 1:
Sex, Lies & Larvae

Season 2:
Bully for You
Chaos Theory
The Finger
Felonius Monk

Season 3:
A Little Murder - this is one of my faves
High and Low - a really cool scene near the end of the episode
Lucky Strike

Season 4:
Turn of the Screws
Invisible Evidence

Season 5:
Big Middle - Another hot one...
Down the Drain - Probably the ultimate YoBling

Season 6:
Bodies in Motion - the episode all YoBlingers love/hate
Secrets & Flies

I'm not sure that there would be 20 moments of YoBling that you could string together. Sadly, there aren't that many episodes to choose from...

I also wanted to let you guys know that the next chapter of "Thirst" is up at
Man can ne1 else see warrick or grissom yelling at nick for not keeping ann eye on her? his excuse will probably be sumthing like he saw her go off with some guy and figured he was driving her home. warrick will probably be pissed at him fer nick not keeping an eye on his girl. this could either help yobling or bring it back farther what are ur thoughts guyz?
That scenario could happen if Catherine will tell anyone what happened to her. But at this point I don't think she will tell anyone, as we saw in BTK Part 1 she thought of calling someone from the lab but she hung up and she decided she'll just process herself. Guess we're gonna have to wait for Part 2, and we'll see if she will finally decide to tell someone.

ruzila said:
gream_reaper said:
Shucks, I feel so deprived not seeing many YoBling moments anymore.

I'm such a screw.

So how about that list?
Here's a list of their scenes together for season 6

If u search the older threads, ur sure to find a list of YoBling moments. I dont have a top 20 off the top of my head... I'd just direct u to season 3 A Little Murder, season 5 Down the Drain and my all time fav which u see in my banner -season 5 Big Middle for my top 3 scenes.
I also found some here.

And RC thanks so much for giving me the Built to Kill Part 2-Preview, I kept watching it and pausing at the yobling scenes.. Im imagining what will happen on the next episode. :lol:
Awwww lovely pics & Quotes!! Thnx 4 finding them! So much love everywhere... Yobling Yobling!! yay everyday I love more and more this ship!! :D I'm superbusy because of school but I'm here! Can't forget about Yobling... :p
Lots of love!
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