Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Hey Ru! *hugs* It's been a while. Nice to see you around again. :D Eh, why sorry to me? I'd be happy to see YoBling come true although I love PureJoy just a little more than I love it. But hey, it's still one of my favorite ships. ;) What I really care about is the how, you know. And my advise...don't take TPTB's promises serious. They change their mind like...every other day. LOL.
Welcome hollie! Pull up a chair and stay awhile. :)

ruzila said:
Sara on Warrick and Cath on Doc at Brass' recovery? I'm still a little dazed and confused at that one...

ruzila said:
It doesnt seem that as of late tptb have had much of an original thought in their heads, which leads me to think that they wouldnt think twice about exposing a 2nd ship in the same fashion they did the first. :rolleyes: We would be robbed like Erica and Zsa said but technically they already did that to us with season 6.

Oh ruzila, you are so spot on with that! I just get so frustrated and hope that season 7 isn't a complete waste of time. *keeps fingers crossed*

I agree with what AngelEyez said too. I want to see every small bit of YoBling develop - I am such a sucker for the angst. :lol: Besides, TPTB should be giving us a huge prize after sticking us with the whole Tina debacle. :mad:

I was feeling nostalgic the other day and decided to watch some early eps. I especially enjoyed "Cross-Jurisdictions" from season 2, with Cath & Warrick in Miami. Here are some pics, so we can all pretend we're at the beach with them! :D

Ahh, Miami Ménage À Trois Hot Shades and last, but not least, Shore Club

"Thirst" Chapter 7 is up at
Heads up Hottie_Cath! I'm working on Chapter 8... I guarantee that your YoBling will be rated M :devil:
One1Red said:
I agree with what AngelEyez said too. I want to see every small bit of YoBling develop - I am such a sucker for the angst. :lol: Besides, TPTB should be giving us a huge prize after sticking us with the whole Tina debacle. :mad:

Same here. Despite being pissed with the marriage storyline, after watching Cath's confession in BIM, I actually felt sort of excited... because I saw the potential of many good and deep stuff coming. And what happened?... Nothing....

I was expecting angst... complications... heart to heart moments... but we got nothing. That disappointed me more than the marriage itself.
Hey Hollie! Nice to have you come here and visit. Nice to have another YoBling fan join us. :)

I agree that season 6 was pretty frustrating and annoying at times. Hopefully season 7 will be kind of the bad-aid with things so the damage done by last season can be mended. I would hate for next season to cause even more damage and distance with these two, but I'm seriously hoping that won't be the case.

Those are wonderful pics One1Red! I haven't seen "Cross-Jurisdictions" before, but looks like there are some Catherine/Warrick moments.
csi_fanatic87 said:
I haven't seen "Cross-Jurisdictions" before, but looks like there are some Catherine/Warrick moments.

That is the episode where we first meet Horatio and the gang in Miami (It was the pilot for CSI: Miami). Grissom sends Catherine to find a missing mother and daughter, and he tells her to take Warrick, because Warrick's "never been to Florida". :D

There isn't any YoBling angst/flirting :(, but the episode is still cool because they are working the case together. It's also interesting how they show the difference in the way the two crime labs approach cases.

There are some priceless moments where Cath and Warrick seem a little taken aback at the stuff happening around them, because Miami is so not like Vegas...
Thanks for the episode breakdown One1Red. :) I have seen a few season 2 episodes, but "Cross-Jurisdictions" is one of the episodes I missed.

I like moments like that even if there is no flirting or anything so it's an episode I certainly want to see. Plus they work great together when they're teamed up on a case.
Hey hollie welcome! And Happy Birthday Mel23!!! :D
And ru you transferred your virus to me so thanks to you, lol.. but I did my assignment and sucked up to TV Guide and requested a Marg/Gary interview. (even though it was kinda off topic in there lol)

EricaSJ said:
Hey Ru! *hugs* It's been a while. Nice to see you around again. :D Eh, why sorry to me? I'd be happy to see YoBling come true although I love PureJoy just a little more than I love it. But hey, it's still one of my favorite ships. ;) What I really care about is the how, you know. And my advise...don't take TPTB's promises serious. They change their mind like...every other day. LOL.
I totally agree. Although you can't blame me for hanging onto her words, I was a newbie on CSI when I read those promises by Mendelsohn. So I expected Catherine and Warrick to run around in vast fields of daffodils in Season 6. But we got cliche instead lol.

AngelEyez said:
One1Red said:
I agree with what AngelEyez said too. I want to see every small bit of YoBling develop - I am such a sucker for the angst. :lol: Besides, TPTB should be giving us a huge prize after sticking us with the whole Tina debacle. :mad:

Same here. Despite being pissed with the marriage storyline, after watching Cath's confession in BIM, I actually felt sort of excited... because I saw the potential of many good and deep stuff coming. And what happened?... Nothing....

I was expecting angst... complications... heart to heart moments... but we got nothing. That disappointed me more than the marriage itself.
Yeah I was expecting it too since TPTB is known for pulling angst out of thin air but we yobling didn't got their share of it in season 6.

One1Red said:
Ménage À Trois

"Thirst" Chapter 7 is up at
Heads up Hottie_Cath! I'm working on Chapter 8... I guarantee that your YoBling will be rated M :devil:
Yay tres hotness! I love Cross Jurisdictions because Cath and Warrick had their alone time together in that episode. :p And their chemistry was still there even if they were surrounded by a different group of CSIs.
I think Cath loved their stay there in Miami.. cuz in Season 5 King Baby, we see that Cath even kept a framed pic of her and Warrick. Yeah its quite blurry we're not sure if the pic was taken in Miami, but misscam said so and I believe her :D damn where is Archie when we need him! :lol:

*runs to read "Thirst"*
oh crap! Sorry Rissa :( That damn virus might as well have been that bird flu for me. Bleh! I'll keep good thoughts on a speedy recovery for you unlike the double whammy that got me. :rolleyes: (Oh and I'll finish this dang break room fic even if I spout out 3 gray hairs in the process... damn uncooperative muse :mad:)

EricaSJ said:
Hey Ru! *hugs* It's been a while. Nice to see you around again. :D Eh, why sorry to me? I'd be happy to see YoBling come true although I love PureJoy just a little more than I love it. But hey, it's still one of my favorite ships. ;) What I really care about is the how, you know. And my advise...don't take TPTB's promises serious. They change their mind like...every other day. LOL.
Awwwz, that's cuz u rock Lady E. As does another certain YoFlinger I havent seen in a while :D But yeah, the 'how' is important. I've gotten so miffed w/season 6 that I jumped aboard tptb train of 'why bother to develop a plot? -Lets all just say it's happened' :rolleyes: and was ready to skip it. But you all brought me back to my sanity! :D After all, complicated is the whole point. ;)

ROFL, OneRed, Crossing Jurisdictions Ménage À Trois?! :lol: He does love a blonde, but something tells me Cath wouldnt be willing to share even with the likes of the southern belle Ms Duquesne. ;) Either way, that just left me with a great visual. :p

I remember watching that ep a couple of times and getting confused as to which blonde Warrick was with in a few scenes. In addition to the background story of the pic, there was still a YoBling feel in that ep for me... I cant really explain it because there wasnt an animosity between Vegas and Miami so to speak but you could just tell that Cath and War were, lets say... of the same mind. Unlike how distant I felt they were in Up in Smoke. :rolleyes: BAH, ok ok... I'll try to shake off my ugly 'disgruntled w/season 6' bug!

Happy Birthday Mel! :)

And def welcome aboard the good ship YoBling Hollie! :) I caught your love for YoBling in the Great Ship Debate thread and I'm so happy you've joined us.
People, people.
Let's not worry about how un-YoBling season 6 was.
We all know that they are saving the good stuff for later.
The writers have not given up on YoBling. Just like with GSR, they'll obey the continuity. There are too many fans to be let down if they didn't. Maybe it will take them a longer time to get them together, but I am sure that we will get a lot of interaction next season.
Well I wouldnt say I'm a pessimist, but I would consider myself a realist. And the reality is that tptb set us all up for 5 seasons, just to let us fall to the wayside when it come to YoBling in season 6.

I cant really comment on YoBling following GSR's continuity cuz if I saw continuity with GSR, there would be no GSR... Last I heard from all parties involved in that affair -not to mention what I've seen on the screen, nothing was to become of Gil and Sara. I'm not hating -I'd be glad to quote all I've heard, just as I've only heard only positive things about YoBling from all parties involved but we havent gotten that either. :rolleyes:

Hence I'd say it IS good measure not to listen to a damn thing tptb say. In one day and out tomorrow seems to be the agenda, so I dont put much stock into them not wanting to let fans down. Guess I'm not into angst THAT much. But I havent given up on the show or my ship so I plan to search for meaningful scenes with our two favorite people in season 7.
I really hope that theres as much Yo!Bling in season 7 as there used to be in the earlier seasons. I was also annoyed with the lack of it in season 6. Sometimes the writers really suck with continuity. They'll have like something really big happen between them, and then just ignore it. It makes me so angry sometimes.

Hi Sandles! Thanks for the welcome you guys.

Happy birthday Mel!
Oh RC is back with a vengeance! :D

Anyways, I'm also all for angst. But reasonable angst you know? And one that would end happily or course. :)

As for yobling, like most of you I want to see it develop as well, not just the final result. It would be nice how the two of them would overcome the issue of Warrick's marriage as their relationship progresses. Better yet, show us how the relationship will be revived after the marriage. (Oh yeah I'm optimistic) For me, it's always more about the journey, not the destination.
ruzila said:
(Oh and I'll finish this dang break room fic even if I spout out 3 gray hairs in the process... damn uncooperative muse :mad:)

OH! Don't worry... I'll help you with that! :D!

Fabian said:
The writers have not given up on YoBling. Just like with GSR, they'll obey the continuity.

Now that you brought it up... it reminds me that it's pretty much what I don't want for YoBling. That's not continuity for me. They gave enough attention to his marriage troubles to make themselves totally ridiculous if they bring C and W together off screen. It's not that I want CSI to be about Cath and Warrick's relationship... I just want at least enough subtle or small moments or just HINTS that it actually happened and we weren't excluded.

cofi_shot said:
For me, it's always more about the journey, not the destination.

Well it's not that destination is bad... but after seeing how they kept on "dancing" around each other while having that great chemistry just to see him married to someone else (out of the blue)... at this point I definitely want to see the journey too. I just simply want to see how they find their way back to each other. Well, if they do get together at all. :rolleyes:
*coughs* literally :lol: csigrillow gave me this link:
cuz she said there's one sentence there about yobling, lol. I know, her username says it all, :lol: she's not a yoblinger but she shared the link because likes both characters, the shippers and she doesn't diss the ship.

Willows, meanwhile, still holds out hope for a romance with Warrick Brown.

But you have to be in the US though to read the rest.
^^And my reaction to that sentence: well we already know about that, we want more and we want to see it onscreen. ;)
Now that you brought it up... it reminds me that it's pretty much what I don't want for YoBling. That's not continuity for me. They gave enough attention to his marriage troubles to make themselves totally ridiculous if they bring C and W together off screen. It's not that I want CSI to be about Cath and Warrick's relationship... I just want at least enough subtle or small moments or just HINTS that it actually happened and we weren't excluded.
Maybe I shouldn't have made the comparison with GSR, because that wasn't exactly my point. I meant to say that the writers won't drop YoBling as a whole, since they started it.

Besides, I am pretty confident that TPTB will let us see how Cath and Warrick come together. I think that they'll only do the 'off-screen scenario' once.
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