Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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maricejayo said:
An I saw a scene when Nick gives Warrick a hair and Warrick says: "I love blondes"
He said that? That's so cute! :D Well Cath is blonde and his wife isn't. lmao.

And glad to see you here as well, CSI_Ali!

Yeah... I don't think yobling has been accused of being forced chemistry ever. It's not just all the eye sexage they do. For me, it's more of the sincere, tender moments that they have. Warrick has always been there for Cath, and Cath on the other hand has always opened up to him. I think communication is a good criteria for a relationship.

Oh have fun Lizzy!
cofi_shot said:
maricejayo said:
An I saw a scene when Nick gives Warrick a hair and Warrick says: "I love blondes"
He said that? That's so cute! :D Well Cath is blonde and his wife isn't. lmao.

roflmao! Damn right cofi. :D Love it cuz you're straightforward. lol!

Heya CSI_Ali! Yup the yobling fanfiction archive has lots of good fics.. speaking of fics, Kiss Kiss Yobang by AlwaysWrite05 has been updated on yay! She didn't post yet here that she updated the fic, so I posted this hear for those who haven't checked out yet. :D

For the episodes, if you wanna start with Season 1, I suggest you watch Crate n' Burial, cuz that was where we first started to see them sizzle the screen with yobling goodness.
Warrick: Hey... why don't you run on home? I'll handle this.
Catherine: Is this more of your new leaf?
Warrick: Your daughter gets out of school in a half hour, right? On her birthday. Why do you want to pick a fight with me now?
Catherine: I owe you.
Warrick: Don't think I won't collect.

and yeah we always love to speculate how Warrick collected Cath's debt. :p

For the greatest yobling episodes, try watching Season 2's The Finger for the kiss..

Season 3's A Little Murder for the hug

Season 5's Down the Drain for the (almost!) kiss..

Season 5's Big Middle for the eye!sexage:

Season 6's Bodies in Motion for the confession..

and finally Season 4's Homebodies for the naked!Warrick (what? its one of the greatest things that ever happened on tv :lol: )

There are more yobling stuff here: An Evident Gamble: Yobling.

And Lizzy enjoy your vacation. And Gemma of course we will wait for your fic. :D
cofi_shot said:
Yeah... I don't think has been accused of being forced chemistry ever.

Ooooh don't bet on that. ;) Just go back a couple of threads, lol.

cofi_shot said:
It's not just all the eye sexage they do. For me, it's more of the sincere, tender moments that they have. Warrick has always been there for Cath, and Cath on the other hand has always opened up to him. I think communication is a good criteria for a relationship.

Ditto on this. They do look hot together but Warrick is the only person who never judged her for anything. He always offered her what she needed. I actually do think that they are soul mates. They are so similar yet they have enough differences.

And thanks for pimpin' my site, girls. :D
AngelEyez said:
Ooooh don't bet on that. ;) Just go back a couple of threads, lol.
Really? There are blind people on this site? LOL!
AngelEyez said:
They are so similar yet they have enough differences.
Oh I like that one. They are similar enough to connect and understand each other, and different enough to complement one another.

Btw, Hottie I also enjoyed the yobling trip down memory lane. Heh. Gotta love those moments!
cofi_shot said: Oh I like that one. They are similar enough to connect and understand each other, and different enough to complement one another.

Yep. Easy for them to connect and to keep each other entertained.... (in many ways :devil:)

EricaSJ said:
Hey, yours are the best YoBling sites out there IMO. ;)

*is flattered* :D Thank you!
me, it's more of the sincere, tender moments that they have. Warrick has always been there for Cath, and Cath on the other hand has always opened up to him. I think communication is a good criteria for a relationship.

Very well said and so true. They've been together and have helped each other through thick and thin.

Thanks for YoBling moment breakdown Hottie_Cath! :D It's nice to be able to reminisce on those moments.
CSI_Ali said:
I am ever so slowly becoming a YoBlinger.

Welcome CSI_Ali! Don't fight it, when it's right, it's right. :D Besides, all it will take is the serious eye-sexage of Big Middle and you'll be a true believer! ;)

Hottie_Cath! Now you've gone and done it! :cool: Your fabulous visual stroll down memory lane has ignited my desire to watch every single YoBling episode again :eek: *grumbles* There are not enough hours in the day! :(

AngelEyez said:
They do look hot together but Warrick is the only person who never judged her for anything. He always offered her what she needed. I actually do think that they are soul mates.
*sigh* That is totally the way I feel about them too!
So this is how we feel. I have an idea about how Warrick feels at the moment... who knows maybe he's wearing this under his vest...

LMFAO! :lol: I love it Zsa.. I also love the other shirt you posted on the other yobling corner. And I also love the Tina shirt that ruzila posted. :D *giggles*
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