Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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It was ;)

I mean when I watched that scene, I was like O-M -F-G! I KNEW IT! :D
You can see he's already regretting getting married upon hearing what she has to say :D ... my guess is, Cath was waiting for him to make a move. Or maybe she was waiting for the right time to make HER move -somebody beat her to it :devil:

Warrick was SOOOO :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: Maaan, he sure didn't expect this one :lol:

Anyways. It's far from being over between those two -LONG LIVE YOBLING! YAY! :p
AngelEyez said:
I'm not sure it necessarily means that we won't get YoBling. Maybe they are just intentionally tricky and keep quiet about it. At least that's what my naive self is hoping for...
AngelEyez[/b]]LMAO Zsa, who knows? You see, TPTB had been pretty quiet for almost two whole seasons, but then...BOOM! :lol: So, have little faith in TPTB, but don't completely lose hope yet. ;)

Here's a Cath quote for ya, Zsa. I seem to use it a lot lately. LOL.

Catherine Willows said:
You see, that way, I'm never disappointed. You know, sometimes I'm nicely surprised.
*turns back to season 1 rerun on TV* Strip Strangler is on now. Yay!
The YoBling love in ALM and the forlorn of BiM are definitely among their greatest moments. I'll recommend Big Middle *eyes banner* and Homebodies if you want a little more feel good Yobling :)

*sends Erica cyber hug so as not to infect her with nasty virus* :D

Have to agree with you and Marg. I've always appreciated the saying, "Expectations are just resentments waiting to happen." I've been disappointed before but I have to admit that I've also been pleasantly surprised.

Season 6 was a serious disappointment for me but it wasn't just shipwise. I'm not putting a lot of faith in season 7 but I'm also not keeping a negative mindframe. I want to approach it with a clean slate. -Especially for me, as far as I'm concerned, it can only go up.

I've had a lot of time off to sorta ponder my YoBling feelings and I'm thinking that maybe tptb heard how ridiculous we found Warrick getting married was and they're trying to remedy it by making Warrick handle its failure the way we expect him to. Unlike he handled its inception :rolleyes:

Well we're nearing showtime... We'll all find out soon enough. :)
EricaSJ said:
AngelEyez[/b]]LMAO Zsa, who knows? You see, TPTB had been pretty quiet for almost two whole seasons, but then...BOOM! :lol: So, have little faith in TPTB, but don't completely lose hope yet. ;)

Yeah, true that. I may just not like their next BOOM lol. Anyway, we will see.

EricaSJ said:
Here's a Cath quote for ya, Zsa. I seem to use it a lot lately. LOL.

Catherine Willows said:
You see, that way, I'm never disappointed. You know, sometimes I'm nicely surprised.

Awww, one of my fave quotes. Thanks. Cath rocks... even with the drama, despite what some people might say.

ruzila said:
Have to agree with you and Marg. I've always appreciated the saying, "Expectations are just resentments waiting to happen." I've been disappointed before but I have to admit that I've also been pleasantly surprised.

Season 6 was a serious disappointment for me but it wasn't just shipwise. I'm not putting a lot of faith in season 7 but I'm also not keeping a negative mindframe. I want to approach it with a clean slate. -Especially for me, as far as I'm concerned, it can only go up.

Oh I'm so with you on that. What bothered me the most was that C and W had almost no contact in s6. Which was an awfully stupid move after what they build up between the two. I sometimes wonder if the PTBs still remember what they have written before.

ruzila said:
I've had a lot of time off to sorta ponder my YoBling feelings and I'm thinking that maybe tptb heard how ridiculous we found Warrick getting married was and they're trying to remedy it by making Warrick handle its failure the way we expect him to. Unlike he handled its inception :rolleyes:

Ditto again. The only thing that gives me satisfaction regarding the marriage problems is that it's Warrick having his issues and not Tina cheating. Because at this point, even if she does, he may not even care enough to want to save the marriage. Would just give him the perfect escape. That's the impression I got from Bang Bang anyway.
AngelEyez said:
Oh I'm so with you on that. What bothered me the most was that C and W had almost no contact in s6. Which was an awfully stupid move after what they build up between the two. I sometimes wonder if the PTBs still remember what they have written before.
Yeah THATS exactly what I hated most shipwise this season... How do you go from an ep like BiM where you have this heartfelt angst on BOTH parties and let it go to the winds? :rolleyes: :mad: TPTB have a lot of explaining to do that I hope they attempt in season 7. I look at season 6 and am awed by so many things they just left open ended. They've left things open before but I dont feel to the extent that they did in season 6.

A secret part of me wishes they come up with some backstory in season 7 that shows us YoBling had gone on in some way or another and viewers just werent privy to seeing it in season 6 (ie War and Cath have some convo discussing something in past tense -something that happened since BiM. But all prolly wishful thinking, though... Never say never.
ruzila said:
A secret part of me wishes they come up with some backstory in season 7 that shows us YoBling had gone on in some way or another and viewers just werent privy to seeing it in season 6

I'm not sure that I could deal with that kind of revelation ruzila. :eek: I could see TPTB pull a stunt like that though - "Oh yeah, we goofed with the Tina storyline and couldn't figure out a way to get out of it gracefully, so here's our instant solution!"


I love YoBling for all the little nuances and slow, agonizing progression towards the inevitable.

If I don't see it all in it's painful glory, I will be very sad. :( I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment... :lol:
Hello, I'm Gemma and I'm new to all this so i'd like to say Hi. I LOOOOOVE Cath/Warrick, there are no words to describe how much I love them. They are so perfect together. I would love if anyone has any good pics or quotes =D

One1Red said:
I love YoBling for all the little nuances and slow, agonizing progression towards the inevitable.

If I don't see it all in it's painful glory, I will be very sad. :( I guess I'm just a sucker for punishment... :lol:

Another angst lover. I wouldn't mind though if they would show something like this on Season 7:

From Chapter 5 of the fic, Thirst on :D
“Look, I’m not really sure where to begin, so I’m just going to cut to the chase. Tina and I are divorced.”
Catherine looked at him in astonishment.
“Pardon me?”
“My marriage, it’s over.”
“Oh, Warrick!” Catherine exclaimed. “When did this happen?”

“Umm…about three months ago,” Warrick said, somewhat hesitantly.
“What? Three months ago?” she asked, sounding confused.
I would love to continue but the rest are M-rated. :lol: everything is on
*throws confetti and celebrates*
But if TPTB wants to prolong our agony, they can do so as long as we will see oodles of UST on our television. :D But at the moment they seem to be forgetting our duo, no?

Heya Gemma! Welcome! The quotes are here: Quotes, Screencaptures here Screencaptures. Just explore the site and enjoy. :D
Thank you so much!! =D Finally I will have a good MSN Display name = A Yobling quote!! :D
Oh Hottie_Cath, you are too funny :lol: I have to admit it's true, I am a sucker for angst.

YoBling starvation has set in so bad, that I would even be happy with them just standing in the same room, not saying anything. :p But then, we all know they don't need words. They can do all sorts of naughty things with their eyes. :devil:

Case in point, Big Middle . *Remembers that look and faints dead away* :D

Welcome to the YoBling universe Gemma!
Catherine: Warrick?
Warrick: Catherine?
Catherine: I want a divorce.

I totally do not have time to read fanfic right now. I have Geometry to do. <sigh> But I WANNA read the fanfic. I WANNA. <whack>
:lol: What would come, will have to come and we'll just deal with it when it does.

^ I'm keeping that saying on my mind iwht YoBling.

People treat ships like religion... :D. Freaky...
One1Red said:
But then, we all know they don't need words. They can do all sorts of naughty things with their eyes. :devil:
:lol: So true.

I, too, was a little disappointed YoBling-wise this season, because they couldn't possibly give us a scene like the one in BiM and just let it go like this :eek:, you know. Didn't make ANY sense :rolleyes:

They focused mainly on GSR -not that I minded, but they shouldn't have let Cath and Warrick in the dark -do they think we're dumb or what?
Now that we know for sure that Griss and Sara are an item, they HAVE TO focus on YoBling more -we all know Warrick's marriage was a joke, right? :D

Season 7 is gonna be YoBling's season *fingers crossed*

TPTB :devil:
Season 6 ended with GSR and hung YoBling fans on a cliff, contemplating on wether or not Cath and Warrick are gonna spark things up.
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