Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Heya Sandles21! Welcome back! :) How's Brit? Haven't seen her lately.

cofi_shot said:

Hottie_Cath said:
Obviously, we have no problems about Gary and Marg since they've been rooting for yobling since A Little Murder. And I agree with Ash, maybe we could send that article to TPTB to refresh their memory. lol! :D
'A Little Murder' is a gem! Looking at it nonshippywise, it's still a great moment however way you watch at it. Aside from teh hug, it was so great how Rick kept on looking out for her, and how she let herself be vulnerable in front of him. Only Rick is able to see her in her in states like that. To everyone else she maintains the tough demeanor, but to him she could let her guard down.
Ohhh I also think that A Little Murder is one of the most memorable eps, aside from the yobling moments I also liked the case of the midget. And I just realized it is one of the best yobling episodes cuz I bumped into ZsaZsa's "How Can I Not Love You" music video again and daymn! it had so many clips from A Little Murder I just had to watch the episode again and make a banner at that! :lol:
Hottie_Cath said:
Heya Sandles21! Welcome back! :) How's Brit? Haven't seen her lately.

Thanks! Brit's good, she's just been really busy lately.

I can't wait for the CSI premiere! Hopefully there will be YoBling moments. But I don't want them to be sad... if you know what I mean, like Cath upset again.
Call me Ren <3
Yes, it is indeed excellent. <twiddles fingers>
Oh. My. God. My. Muse. GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! The mystery of my busted computer evidently defies the laws of physics as we know it, because the people were supposed to have figured it out four damn days ago.
Other things that defy the laws of physics are:
1. Warrick... He's so fine, he boils the atmosphere. He's got nothing on Grissom, though. <drool>
2. YoBling. Three words: THEY'RE HIS/HER/OUR FANTASY. As Nick would say, "Blam."
3. Breakdancing. Have you seen that s***? :eek:
4. All you people on CSI Files. You guys are so cool, you froze liquid nitrogen solid, and you rock so hard, you eroded the stream, not the other way 'round.
5. YoBling again, because I just read a smut fanfic that had so many positions, they must have been drifting through outer space.
Hottie_Cath! Happy (very) belated B-Day!!!

I must apologize for my tardiness in wishing you well, but I've been out of town. I hope your day was loads of fun.

Will you forgive me? I come bearing gifts... :D

The next chapter of Thirst is up here, AKA "Pool Party - Part One" ;). Part Two should be up by the end of this weekend. I am on a roll - must be all that exposed flesh :lol:
Hey Guys,
I just wanted to let you all know that I'll be gone for the next week. I'm going to visit my father so I won't have internet access. I'll see ya all when I get back. I truly hope season 7 brings us some yobling lovin'....of some sort LOL.

One1Red said:
The next chapter of Thirst is up here, AKA "Pool Party - Part One" ;). Part Two should be up by the end of this weekend. I am on a roll - must be all that exposed flesh :lol:
Thanks One1Red! *runs to read the new chapter of Thirst* Owww this chapter was so fun to read. :lol: Love Nick, Greg and Sara (oh those boys are really naughty!), and yay! good to know that Part 2 will be coming soon.

gream_reaper said:
Oh, man, does anybody have links to YoBling fics? I'm craving for them.
You can also try here on Catherine/Warrick fics on There are lots of great PG 13 fics there, :D if you want NC 17 fics go to the site that WillowsWannaBe gave ya.

Heya Rose enjoy your break! :)
gream_reaper said:
<shreiks> loved the posted fics! Man, my adrenaline's rushing with imagination!
Does your imaginations include Catherine and Warrick in the breakroom? :lol: ( Uhm yep ruzila Im still waiting for your breakroom fic, my undead monkey ship already happened and the fic is still WIP. :D ) Or in other places in the lab?
Hey! I do not know if i've posted here before, but i love this couple. Umm, I love Down the Drain, although i have a new dislike of sanitation workers.

I can't think of anything else to say so i'm going to go read some YoBling fanfics!
Locker room love :devil:

I am totally there with you WillowsWannaBe...Well maybe not really there with you, but you know what I mean ;)

I would also like to see them get into it on Grissom's desk :eek:

And then there's ballistics - lots of "loaded guns" :lol:

Where the heck is everybody??? It's like a ghost town in here.

Just to let everyone know (the thousands of you that are in here lurking, Ha, Ha) Spike is showing "A Little Murder" (7-8pm EST). Yummy YoBling - Gotta fly!
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