Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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I'm usually good at captions but it's not working this time. I love the already posted ones though. Great work.

Warrick: I think the broom closet's free...Come on, let's grab it before Grissom and Sara get in there again.
Cath: Well, okay, but only once we're sure there aren't any hidden cameras in there
Warrick: I think Grissom and Sara took care of that. They sure were mad about it.
Cath: Yeah and I don't have anything against the two of them together, but Grissom making out, just a little on the scary side if you know what I mean.
Warrick: *nod*
alwayswrite05 said:
Random Acts of Violence is the one where Warrick's old mentor is the victim of a drive-by. His little girl is killed in her sleep and Warrick really takes the case to heart. Grissom even suspects that Warrick beat the crap out of the main suspect.

Hope that helped :).

A bit. Hmm, I don't recall which season. :D
Mel23 said:
I'm usually good at captions but it's not working this time. I love the already posted ones though. Great work.

Warrick: I think the broom closet's free...Come on, let's grab it before Grissom and Sara get in there again.
Cath: Well, okay, but only once we're sure there aren't any hidden cameras in there
Warrick: I think Grissom and Sara took care of that. They sure were mad about it.
Cath: Yeah and I don't have anything against the two of them together, but Grissom making out, just a little on the scary side if you know what I mean.
Warrick: *nod*

LOL! I loooooooooooooooooooooooooove it!

I shall edit that picture now... if i can :p
Welcome btw Redsox! :) Glad you dropped by! Yep the answer is on the link WillowsWannaBe gave to you. Yo- Warrick says "yo" a lot and "Bling"-Catherine said bling in Season 1's Cool Change.

AngelEyez said:

Coolc... you need to write the show. :lol: Funnily I have a matching quote for that... which I'm dedicating to Rissa because it's from season 3. (Speaking of which, they are online )
Ohhhh cool new layout for the site!!! I thought I would miss Warrick's chest and Cath's legs :D but its so great I love it Zsa.

*cries* :lol: Those were awesome coolcatz, Crysthala and Mel23!!! daymn the robospanker reminded me of the CSI NY episode LOL! :lol: and great caps about the cuffs, the mouthwash, the broom closet! They have some spankin' gadgets.. :lol:

I have another pic for y'all to cap.. this one is kinda hard though.. Nick.. with Cath and Warrick doing something on the background. :D

Happy Bday Hottie! This is for your special day:

Catherine, Warrick and Nick are in the locker room getting ready to leave.
Nick needles Warrick.
Nick: Can she cook? Is she a good cook? Come on, Warrick. *talks to self* Hmm, how do I tie my shoes again?
Warrick sighs, and then whispers: Hey Cath?
Catherine: Yeah?
Warrick: Remember the thing we talked about last night?
Catherine: About the locker room you mean? Uh.. yes.
Warrick, pulling his shirt of his shoulders: Well, how 'bout it?
Catherine turns around: What, now?
Warrick: Yup.
Catherine: But Nick's here.
Nick (still fooling around with his shoes): Did I hear my name?
Catherine: NO!! Go back to your shoes!
Warrick: Cath?
Catherine: Alright, alright. (getting rid of her jacket)
Warrick pulling her closer: You think this bench is strong enough?
Yep yep... Happy Birthday Rissa I left u a little something something in Warrick's thread :D Evident Gamble is hot, isnt it? :cool: Love the new art! I gawked at it for a loooooooooong time. :p

Glad your day was great Dayna! All these Leos, my my :lol:

But back to YoBling... LOOK AT THAT ART! It makes me think back to something Gary said in a recent interview on how they can have almost anything on CSI except sex... :rolleyes: All I have to say to that is WHY??? Just look at them two! Sex on legs!

ok ok... rant over :p Maybe we'll get lucky in season 7 :devil:
Thanks gals! :D

Lizzy_004 LOL! Those two are sneaky.. and they're kinda exhibitionists I love it! :lol:

And wow! that's a hotazz wallpaper Zsa, that goes straight to my phone.. :D I love the new layout, red and black is a hot combo.

ruzila said:
But back to YoBling... LOOK AT THAT ART! It makes me think back to something Gary said in a recent interview on how they can have almost anything on CSI except sex... :rolleyes: All I have to say to that is WHY??? Just look at them two! Sex on legs!

ok ok... rant over :p Maybe we'll get lucky in season 7 :devil:
I think Gary caught the pessimism bug that has bitten us.. LOL! I remember a year ago, Gary was the kinkiest of them all cuz he wanted Cath and Warrick to have sex everywhere.. maybe Mendelsohn and the others turned his suggestion down.. LOL! But ITA ruzila, TMTB should exploit that hotness.. let them demonstrate sex on legs, walking orgasm, and let the sexbomb on the set explode.. (tiptoes the pg 13-o-meter.. whoopsies! blame Gary and Marg.. :D that's how they described yobling)

*runs to the Gary thread*
Nice hottie....they're checking each other out in the locker reflections. Or maybe they have mirrors :)

Love the b-day pic

hmm maybe the next 8....can be "Sex on Legs" hehehe
*stares at Rissa's gift enviously* *hangs on because figures out her birthday's here soon :p :D*
Awesome wallpaper, Zsazsa!

BTW, I don't think TPTB will put sex into CSI. Maybe a little something something, but not direct sex. That would be cool to see anyway :) That would definitely blow up the show!
Just dropping by real quick...

Happy birthday Hottie!

And Zsa fantastic art! :D LOL sex on legs!

I really love yobling even though it may not be obvious that I do. :lol:
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