Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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ruzila said:
Hey Anatomy of a Lye is even shippy... Warrick and Cath only appear to talk about how they're in court together... Cath pops up and pretty much solves Griss and Sara's case :p But that's all we get Warrick or Cath wise -A 5 second appearance. They were busy :devil:

LOLOL. So true... verrryyy busy.

And Rissa, cool pics.
ruzila said:
Hey Anatomy of a Lye is even shippy... Warrick and Cath only appear to talk about how they're in court together... Cath pops up and pretty much solves Griss and Sara's case :p But that's all we get Warrick or Cath wise -A 5 second appearance. They were busy :devil:
Oh ok thanks! Will try to watch this episode later.. Although I have a feeling that I've seen this also.. :D I don't think I'll miss an ep where Cath and Warrick are busy.. lol!
Crysthala said:
Oh. My. God. My. Muse. Is. Going. To. Kill. Me. GAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! Thrall II, Thrall III, Codename:project OMFG, a sequel to my piece on the YFFA... not to mention The Office, that Star Trek thing, that other Star Trek thing, AND I'm having Fireworks withdrawals. FIX MY COMPUTER, COMPUTER WIZARD! FIX IT! <Sigh>
<digs on Ruzila's banner and Hottie_Cath's avatar>
Cath KISSES Warrick in The Finger. Get a cap of THAT. <humph>
AAAGH AXE-MURDERING SIBLING! Time to be off... <scurry>
LMFAO... PM me when its done :lol:
Dear YoBlingers,

can someone tell me if there is some kind of timeline of Yo Bling episodes somewhere? I am fairly new to this ship and am curious in which episodes it mostly shined.
Up until season 6, there were many eps where their chemistry shined. You can go back as far as season 1 Crate N Burial, season 2 Felonious Monk, season 3 A Little Murder, season 4 Warrick is there for Catherine in Assume Nothing and she's there for him in Invisible Evidence, then last but not least (if we have to include Season 6 :rolleyes:) season 5 had Down the Drain and Big Middle *points to banner* and finally least season 6 Bodies in Motion

There are plenty more but there's your timeline. Have a Yoblinging time watching. :D
Okay Fabian, here goes (I hope I get them all)...

Season 1:
Sex, Lies & Larvae

Season 2:
Bully for You
Chaos Theory
The Finger
Cross Jurisdictions

Season 3:
Little Murder - this is one of my faves

Season 4:
Turn of the Screws
Invisible Evidence

Season 5:
Big Middle - Another hot one...
Down the Drain - Probably the ultimate YoBling

Season 6:
Bodies in Motion - the episode all YoBlingers love/hate
Secrets & Flies

As for Season 7, only time will tell. I think we are all keeping our fingers crossed that the Catherine-Warrick love will be front and centre.
^^Chaos Theory was the ep where Catherine was wearing the Bob the Builder outfit and Warrick helped her fix her harness before she went down the garbage chute.
Thanks for those One1Red! :) They're very helpful..

Lizzy, in case youre looking for a yobling ep, AngelEyez worked her tush off and collected all of the eps where Cath and Warrick had scenes together in THIS SITE HERE. Seasons 3 and 5 are still under construction though.. most of the yobling eps on those seasons were widely known anyway. ;)
Right. It is I, co-moderator of Shipper Central. I'm here to remind everyone to go read TBonz's It's Me Again post, acknowledge the rules and sign it. Please do so as quickly as possible. If you have already done so, thank you for your co-operation. :)

I would also like to say the following, in addition to TBonz's post.

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About spammy posts. We mods have noticed that spam-like posts have been increasing lately. While we understand that the boards can get slow with no new episodes on air yet, please refrain from constantly posting one-liners. Especially, those that have nothing to do with the 'ship or current discussion. If possible, use PMs rather than clogging up the thread. No one enjoys browsing through a thread full of irrelevant posts, eh?

And lastly ... this is pure common sense. If you know that you'll be uncomfortable or annoyed about characters in your favorite ship being shipped with other characters you might not like, DON'T GO AND READ THEIR SHIP THREADS. You only have yourself to blame if you end up upset with other shippers not liking your ship. There's a very good reason why each ship has their own thread. Think about that.

That's all from me. For now. :cool:
Hottie_Cath said:
^^Chaos Theory was the ep where Catherine was wearing the Bob the Builder outfit and Warrick helped her fix her harness before she went down the garbage chute.

Owww I loved that so much. He was making sure it was tight enough. :D

BTW Burden Of Proof was great too. It had the scene where Warrick was shielding her from the fire.

AngelEyez worked her tush off and collected all of the eps where Cath and Warrick had scenes together in THIS SITE HERE. Seasons 3 and 5 are still under construction though.. most of the yobling eps on those seasons were widely known anyway. ;)

Oh... I totally forgot about those. Thanks for the reminder, I'll finish them today.
lmfao! i love the bob the builder outfit. she wore it in s1 also (but that goes in my home). anyways...i see a thread title in z's post..."is it tight enough for you?"
LOLOL yeah. It would make a great t. title.

Oh and if you're here Coolc, cap this for us, please. :D

warrick: what are you doing?
cath: homemade liquid latex
warrick: i thought that was something between you and gris
cath: yeah, well. hey, you got any cuffs?
warrick: cuffs?
cath: for later.
warrick: uh, cath, exactly what kind of sex life did you and eddie have?
cath: oh grow up warrick.
warrick: should i be scared?
cath: no. it's a major turn off.
warrick: i see. what should i do?
cath: strip? what? it's vegas!
AngelEyez said:
AngelEyez worked her tush off and collected all of the eps where Cath and Warrick had scenes together in THIS SITE HERE. Seasons 3 and 5 are still under construction though.. most of the yobling eps on those seasons were widely known anyway. ;)

Oh... I totally forgot about those. Thanks for the reminder, I'll finish them today.
No pressure. :D Yikes I thought I was subtle enough.. LOL! :lol: But thank you! Can't wait till all the yobling moments are listed there.

coolcatz.. for a yf.. that's awesome :lol:
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