Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Hottie_Cath said:

No pressure. :D Yikes I thought I was subtle enough.. LOL! :lol: But thank you! Can't wait till all the yobling moments are listed there.

Well I'm not listing all YoBling moments, I'm just going for those which I think were rather shippy (or cute). :D
AngelEyez said:
Hottie_Cath said:

No pressure. :D Yikes I thought I was subtle enough.. LOL! :lol: But thank you! Can't wait till all the yobling moments are listed there.

Well I'm not listing all YoBling moments, I'm just going for those which I think were rather shippy (or cute). :D
Oh would you include Snuff and Lucky Strike? :D I don't think Cath and Warrick had conversations about their personal lives there, almost everything were just about work.. but they're still good yobling eps.
For AngelEyez...
Warrick: Okay, now, what is that?
Catherine: What does it look like? It's a pair of pants.
Warrick: Yeah, but why is the seat part zippered?
Catherine: So you can open them.
Warrick: Oh... okay... so what is that?
Catherine: A cat-o-nine-tails.
Warrick: <stare>
Catherine: It goes with the pants, you see.
LOLOL. Aight, now you have to go on. :devil:

Next one:



Hottie_Cath said:
Oh would you include Snuff and Lucky Strike? :D I don't think Cath and Warrick had conversations about their personal lives there, almost everything were just about work.. but they're still good yobling eps.

Well I did include one from Snuff and I'm sure I'll include something from Lucky Strike. But I guess I can make up for the lack of those with something else. Doing a list of the cases they worked together maybe.
Thanks ruzila and One1Red for the YoBling episodes! I'll defenitely keep extra notice to their scenes once I watch those episodes again.

I recently saw Down the Drain again, and that 'almost kiss' scene is still a banger! It still keeps you thinking: "are they going to lean more forward? Just a tiny bit more...". :D
Ah, Down the Drain. Gotta love that episode. :D

Could someone post a picture of when they look like they are about to kiss up here? :devil: I shall edit the picture.
Warrick: So, I found this thing at a seminar the other day. Came straight from New York.
Catherine: Reaaaallly? What is it? Show me!
Warrick: Well, it's called... <pulls sheet off> The Robo-Spanker.
Catherine: Oh. Dear. God.
Warrick: Possibilities, possibilities.
Catherine: Shyah. Can we turn it on?
Warrick: Sure! Bend over...

warrick: strip?
cath: you have a problem with stripping?
warrick: well i do enjoy watching it.
cath: yeah, well we work for an equal opportunity exploiter, um, employer. so strip. now.
warrick: uh, cath i know that the employee manual covers many things but i don't think stripping is one of them.
cath: it's there. trust me. cavallo pointed it out to me when i was hired. had to strip for him
warrick: WTF?
cath: look either you strip or i take it off for you.
warrick: cath, your hand is already in my...omg. i love this policy.
Crysthala said:
Warrick: Well, it's called... <pulls sheet off> The Robo-Spanker.

LMFAO. That's hilarious.

Coolc... you need to write the show. :lol: Funnily I have a matching quote for that... which I'm dedicating to Rissa because it's from season 3. (Speaking of which, they are online )

Catherine : What a mess.
Warrick : Want to strip it?

(Play With Fire)

Oh and the DTD pic:
Ahh, Down the Drain. Some degree of GSR-itude, explosions, Greg hazing, and of course, YoBling. I'm so glad I own that eppy-sode...
You know, if I were a writer for this show? Warrick would be divorced and the Bling would come through within a margin of two episodes. And some other things would happen, but I'm making an effort to stay blingful here, so that can wait.
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