Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Yeah....what???? How could anyone refuse a hot guy like him? lol. Unless she's worried about straying into cheating territory.
Don't forget to use the spoiler tag. ;)

Cath is trying to find Lindsey when the accident happens. I think it's only logical that she refuses the hug since all she's thinking about is getting to Linds as soon as she can.
siiiigh....these spoilers... not pleasing.. not pleasing at all :(

Okay, I also heard that Sam Braun dies within the first few episodes. I'm sorry, but this is just WAY TOO MUCH CATHDRAMA going on for my tastes. Like, all this shit within the first few episodes of the season? yaaaawwwn. At least with all the stuff going on, there's bound to be SOME yobling.
ZIGGY! <squee>
My version of Cathdrama would be Warrick getting divorced in much the same manner as he was married... although if anything, they should have a ceremony for that... Grissom can be the guy in the robe.
Grissom: Do you, Warrick, take Tina to be your lawfully separated ex-wife (thank God)?
Warrick: HELL YES. Talk faster. I have a date with Cath at 6...
Lizzy_004 said:
EricaSJ said:

Warrick tries to comfort Catherine but she refused his hug

Uhm, WHAT? :rolleyes:
It wasn't explicitly described that she refused his hug. The description was quite vague "Warrick tries to give her a hug. She can't go there." so lets just wait how will the actors act on this one if ever this will be shown onscreen. But yeah, before the accident happened, Cath's driving around looking for Lindsey and I agree with Erica, I also think that finding Lindsey's the only one thing on her mind at that time.. Bad timing Warrick! Bad timing! :lol: The "married? no touch!" policy theory could also work though. lmfao! :D

Lizzy_004 said:
I don't think it was just tush checking.. :p Seeing that he pulled her straps, well, that means something.. My opinion? It's just his excuse to touch her :devil:
Really now? lmao. I gotta watch that ep again to check it out.
Hottie_Cath, I cannot stop laughing at your avatar.
And yeah, he was definitely just wanting to touch her... the tush-checking was accidental, I think.
that might have more to do with the fact that she can't handle her feelings for him on top of everythign else
So I'm back home... and back to posting full time. :D And I was ready to join one of my fave threads again. One where I can enjoy my fave characters without dissing (which can be done on the other section of this forum, I guess). But then again, everything's bound to change some day, ha?

ziggystarduzt said:
Okay, I also heard that Sam Braun dies within the first few episodes. I'm sorry, but this is just WAY TOO MUCH CATHDRAMA going on for my tastes. Like, all this shit within the first few episodes of the season? yaaaawwwn. At least with all the stuff going on, there's bound to be SOME yobling.

Well Im happy for more Cath drama after the season finale horror. And all this drama can give us a great opportunity to see some YoBling. But then again, no one's forcing you to watch...
One where I can enjoy my fave characters without dissing (which can be done on the other section of this forum, I guess). But then again, everything's bound to change some day, ha?
You know what, Zsa? I was dissing a storyline, not "your favourite character". I'm sorry you took it that way, but do you think you could maybe find it in yourself to be pleasant when disagreeing with someone? I really don't need you being subtley rude to me. Not everything is a war between us and you, and I'd thank you to stop trying to make it into one. I'm perfectly allowed to express myself without encountering snide little comments from you. God knows you "diss" my favourite character enough. Thanks.
EDIT: Erased my yobling post for this one: :rolleyes:

God knows you "diss" my favourite character enough. Thanks.
When did she do that? I havent read any post from her dissing your character. All I read was she did not like the season 6 finale. And maybe next time, you could try to use more polite words too instead of using words like "shit".
Also, Angel Eyes - I believe it's against the rules to negatively reference another ship in a different thread.

Back to YoBling...

The fact that he offers a hug doesn't surprise me, and I do like that in the very next episode he's trying to convince SuperDave not to get married (btw - are they purposefully trying to show the difference between a super long engagement and one of two seconds, or do you think that they just recently remembered SuperDave was married? lol. Oh - and I do hope that we get to finally see him "married", even if it's Doc answering about where David is and saying "he's on his honeymoon". Plus I bet the lab will be invited, and any time that Warrick and Catherin are together outside of work is nice. But I assume he'd be asked to bring Tina, so...
^Hottie, This does not belong here. If you wish to discuss it further, then go ahead and PM me. This thread is for Yobling, and for anyone who enjoys yobling, regardless of what other ships they may enjoy. Nothing else.

ETA: I apologise if you were offended by my language. I understood it would not be an issue, as it's used often by other posters. I will refrain in the future.
Well then erase your post before mine too then. Your post is not yobling related either, and it does not belong here too.. and it ruined the flow of the discussion. I had to edit my post, I posted a yobling related one and your previous post just ruined it.

Now PM me all you want and lets go back to yobling.
AngelEyez said:
Well Im happy for more Cath drama after the season finale horror. And all this drama can give us a great opportunity to see some YoBling. But then again, no one's forcing you to watch...
I agree with you, I'm glad too. At least she has screen time :rolleyes: But if you asked me if I wanted more Cath, or a raped, fatherless Cath whom child gets kidnapped (these are not facts, only spoilers and theories), well, I might choose the less screen time her. And OMG, she doesn't hug Warrick back? :eek: Eeeewwww. But if Lindsey gets kindapped by then, I understand it. As she said in 1x11- she would do anything for Lindsey's life.
Hottie, I did not "ruin" anything. Nobody forced you to change your post from yobling, and I in fact would have preferred that you had not. The issue I was commenting on had absolutely nothing to do with you, it was YOU that "ruined" your post. Now please drop the subject and return on topic.
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