Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Bodies in Motion - Cath notices Warrick's wedding ring and asks him about it. She's upset and when he confronts her, she tells him how she feels. Practically the only good yobling ep in all of s6.
Love that ep - it was so sad though, makes me think there might be some more YobBling stuff in the future though cos why else would TPTB mention how she feels :)
Because they're a bunch of jerk-offs...Sorry. First thing that popped into my head.

BiM is a great ep...and so very misleading. I thought last season was gonna be great after that first episode, and then, well, we all know how the season turned out. A whole lot of crapola. And I'm talking about as a whole, here. Some episodes were pretty good, but not many.

Strangely enough, I watched the lovely YoBling scenes in BiM last night. They've got it OnDemand right now, and I watched the confession scene like three times. All I could think was 'Stupid, stupid, stupid. Warrick how could you be so dang STUPID' *headdesk*. There was more colorful language, but I'll leave that to your imagination, lol.
Yup gream_reaper Bodies in Motion is Season 6, episode 1 and YoblngnSnckrsfan summarized it well.

Oh alwayswrite05 I love this chapter! Great work on writing the Greg and Warrick scene. :D
Pff, I'm such a bad shipper!
I think I'm staying spoiler-free this season. It's just depressing what they promise us but don't actually give us after all. I guess staying spoiler-free is a way to limit the disappointment.

CSIangel17 said:
makes me think there might be some more YobBling stuff in the future though cos why else would TPTB mention how she feels :)

I think you've got a point there.

ETA: Hottie_Cath, I LOVE your banner!! :D
I hope they would expound a bit more about why Warrick had the circus circus wedding and why it's slowly failing next season. "Life is so short" is a good excuse specially if you made a haste decision and then you messed up :lol: Thanks for the idea Warrick.
I'm also curious about why he chose a quickie drive through kind of marriage. I guess he wanted to get married ASAP. *shrug*

Looks like Warrick is dishing out life advice. :D
So, season 4 & 5 were great for Yobling.. Season 6 sucked, I think we all kinda agree on that.. what about the rest? I think we had some good eps in season 1 too. And s2 and s3? Not really, right?
aww i loved that episode coz she admitted she wanted something between them. awwww *gets sad* they BETTER get together sometime next season!
Lizzy_004 said:
So, season 4 & 5 were great for Yobling.. Season 6 sucked, I think we all kinda agree on that.. what about the rest? I think we had some good eps in season 1 too. And s2 and s3? Not really, right?
Season's two and three had good stuff, too. Bully for You has a great yobling scene when she talks about his eyes being his best feature (as far as she's seen :devil:), and The Finger had the thank-you kiss. Both of those were season two. And season three gave us A Little Murder, with it's wonderful YoBling hug. There are probably more but those are the ones that came to mind right away.

Thank you Rissa! I'm glad you liked it :D.
I love that scene in Bully For You! :D It was so awsome. I haven't seen The Finger, but I do know about the cheek kiss and that was really sweet.

loved that episode coz she admitted she wanted something between them

I know! Hopefully Warrick will come around and realize that they can still live out that fantasy [after the end of the marriage]. ;)
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