Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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^^Yeah that's the episode gream_reaper. Season 6 wasn't a memorable season thats probably why you had a hard time remembering scenes. ;)

alwayswrite05 said:
Lizzy_004 said:
So, season 4 & 5 were great for Yobling.. Season 6 sucked, I think we all kinda agree on that.. what about the rest? I think we had some good eps in season 1 too. And s2 and s3? Not really, right?
Season's two and three had good stuff, too. Bully for You has a great yobling scene when she talks about his eyes being his best feature (as far as she's seen :devil:), and The Finger had the thank-you kiss. Both of those were season two. And season three gave us A Little Murder, with it's wonderful YoBling hug. There are probably more but those are the ones that came to mind right away.

Thank you Rissa! I'm glad you liked it :D.

Yeah Season 2 and 3 had quite a few great yobling episodes! Hmm Season 2's Felonious Monk had good scenes.. for example this one:

Catherine: This was my old life. (she said this while holding a leopard printed thong in her hand.) :lol:
Warrick: Yeah? We all have a past, huh? (and the look on his face made me go LOL :devil: )
Oh here are the caps from that one:

What I like about the scene though is that Warrick understood what she was going through and her stripper days.. maybe because he had a past too. Oh and he was so sensitive and he was there for her all throughout the episode. He was always saying, "want me to tag along?" "want me to open it?" "want me to blah blah?" cute. :)
If there's a shop that sells sensitive hot guys like Warrick who accept your mistakes and your past Im gonna buy three boxes of those. :lol:

There are lots more from Season 2, like in S2's Chaos Theory, Cats in the Cradle, Alter Boys, Organ Grinder, Burden of Proof, Cross Jurisdictions, etc. gonna have to remember them and post them later.
Of course season 2&3 were full of Yobling.. what was I thinking? :lol:

Oh right, I totally forgot about the Little Murder-hug! How could I? That was so cute! It makes me melt every single time I rewatch the ep..

Felonious Monk huh? Thanks for recalling that ep Rissa, I almost forgot about their scenes together in that one.. I have to rewatch it again this weekend or somewhere next week..

The Finger-kiss was cute, but it was short.. And I just see it everytime as a friendship-kiss.. :( Really, if it was on the mouth, then we would have seen some yobang!! :devil: But it was cute he took care of Lindsey for Cath.. he did that in season 1 too, when Eddie came by at CSI. He's good with lil' Linds :)

And Bully for you.. hmm, I've seen that clip on the internet, but I deleted it again, and can't find it anywhere.. But I've seen it once, and they SO had a moment there! That was really yoblingish, yeah :)
Lizzy_004 said:
The Finger-kiss was cute, but it was short.. And I just see it everytime as a friendship-kiss.. :( Really, if it was on the mouth, then we would have seen some yobang!! :devil:
The kiss on the mouth comment made me giggle. :D LOL!
Oh and here's the scene from Season 2's Cats in the Cradle.. they're talking about the case here.. They were in the hallway and Cath was about to go and Warrick said: "Not so fast." And then put his arms around Cath. :) For a lack of a better term, this scene is cute. :D

Awww!! :D I love that picture Hottie_Cath! There is so much love between these two.

If there's a shop that sells sensitive hot guys like Warrick who accept your mistakes and your past Im gonna buy three boxes of those.

OMG! That would be incredible! I would like to submit my order and get a sweet, hot guy too! :D
GARY!! :D Awsome pics Hottie_Cath! They're incredible. Is that pic from an interview or something? Haven't seen/read any interviews with him before.

Oh and I adore your banner. :D
Oh thanks.. :D its just a silly joke between a couple of posters and me cuz the spoilers are insane. :lol:
Anyway, those pics are from a Marg interview, the interview delved into YoBling a bit, so they also interviewed Gary and asked him about Yobling and Marg. Unfortunately I saw it when I wasn't a huge fan yet of CSI so I forgot what he said. ;) So lets just enjoy those pictures and the episode. lol!
If there's a shop that sells sensitive hot guys like Warrick who accept your mistakes and your past Im gonna buy three boxes of those. :lol:

:lol: Hottie_Cath I am so there with you!!! I can see it now - MAN-MART - "Why settle for the rest when you can get the very best!" :eek:

I wonder if they would deliver to Canada? ;)
^^Yeah I think they do. lol! But I hear the stocks are limited, ruzila has ordered a Gary-model-doing-pole-dancing a year ago and she hasn't received it yet. :lol: (Yeah we can pick on her while she's gone. mwahaha)

Going back to yobling.. Here's another sweet Warrick from Chaos Theory:
Warrick: How's this strap right here, is this tight enough?
Catherine: Uh, yeah, fine.
Warrick: How about this one? (He tugs on another strap.)
Catherine: (clears her throat) Yeah, it's ... it's good, Warrick.
Warrick: Well, you know, you can get cadets to do this, Cath. I mean, they're used to obstacle courses.
Warrick: How's the smell, good?
Catherine: Funky.

Oh sweet, sweet Warrick! :) Its just too bad that Tina's giving our Warrick a hard time. Tsk.
(Yeah we can pick on her while she's gone. mwahaha)
Your secret is safe with me ;)

Ooooh, Chaos Theory, good one Hottie_Cath - I had totally forgotten about that one. Great double entendre. First time I saw it I couldn't figure out if the obstacle course was Cath's "geography" or the garbage chute. :D

BTW - Greg's Anatomy, I love it! When's the season premiere?
Oh here's the cap of that one with Warrick doing little bit of tush check. :D

I am not a huge fan of Cath's Bob the Builder outfit :lol: but the yobling scene made it look a lot more pleasing. And yeah can't forget about the double entendre.. they always have those conversations.. like uhm in Homebodies, when Cath said "Wanna go for a ride?" ;)

OT: Grey's Anatomy will premiere on September 21 9/8c.. Im viewing Greg's Anatomy right now at my home. :p

Seems that Cath's string of bad luck isn't over yet.. LOL! Aside from being roofied and Lindsey getting kidnapped, etc.. she will be in a minor accident and Warrick will come to her rescue. ;) WARRICK:"Hey, you sure you're ok?" Warrick tries to give her a hug. She can't go there...
^^Yeah that's the episode gream_reaper. Season 6 wasn't a memorable season thats probably why you had a hard time remembering scenes.

Season 6's gonna end here in Asia and still, nothing stood up as memorable. Except for that YoBling moment and what happened with Brass. Period. :lol:
Hottie_Cath said:
Oh here's the cap of that one with Warrick doing little bit of tush check. :D

I don't think it was just tush checking.. :p Seeing that he pulled her straps, well, that means something.. My opinion? It's just his excuse to touch her :devil:

Thanks for the caps from the cool eps, Hottie. Him putting his arm around her just to stop her from walking away? That's really something. He could just call her back, but no no no, he had to touch her again.. hehe. But honestly, who wouldn't? :p

And those behind the scenes-pics were great! I love the one where she's standing next to his car window. She's resting her arm on the door. If you look at it real quick, it looks like her arm is on his. Cute :)
Hehehe Ru :D

Looks like you and I are going to like the opening sequence of part two because if it doesn't get edited, there's going to be YoBugBling. Oh my favorite threesome. :lol: Turns out Gil and Warrick jump out of their car and run to Catherine. Warrick tries to comfort Catherine but she refuses his hug while Gil observes the scene and finds out it wasn't an accident. ;)
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