Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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ziggystarduzt said:
God knows you "diss" my favourite character enough. Thanks.

Then talk to God again because I don't. In fact, if I diss something then it's storyline but you must have missed that too. ;)

And I'm not making a war, believe me, I'm just expressing my opinion about what you said because this is a discussion forum and it was just my response to yours. Sorry if you all (considering you used 'us') took offense, I guess with "Cath drama" I just misinterpreted what you meant.

Oh and, only friends call me Zsa. All the rest is a PM matter I guess. Thanks. ;)

Also, Angel Eyes - I believe it's against the rules to negatively reference another ship in a different thread.

Yep, you are right. And I didn't even refer to another ship. I don't ship Brass or the writers with anyone, dunno where you got that from.

Now back to YoBling... maybe Warrick will have new conclusions after the new... Cath drama.
Which would be fine if certain members of this board weren't in the habit of bullying out anyone who didn't conform to their ways of thinking. The several times last year that I tried to post here, I had every single post picked apart and ripped open by a handful of people who felt I didn't have the right to post here.

And don't tell me it's not true. I received several PMs from different people saying that they felt those posters had been overly harsh and that it was rude of them to do so. And none of them were previous GSR 'friends' of mine.

Her post should stay because it's time that we stopped in-fighting on this board. This is a board for YoBling, not a board for any other ship. And, in accordance with the rules, we shouldn't post about any other ship here unless it directly affects this one (in this case that would be Tina and Warrick, which luckily isn't a very well-received ship.

The last few times this happened, I left this thread for about a couple of months at a time. I shouldn't have had to. I wasn't the one starting the arguments.

Ziggy made a comment that she thought that
Catherine was going through one too many storylines in the first couple of episodes. Not in a negative way, but rather expressing that it was a lot to put one character through. She was ALSO, however, saying that she was glad because it meant there was a chance of YoBling, and apparently this new spoiler, if it is true, confirms that

But to snap at her and tell her not to watch? Was rude.

I would like to talk about YoBling here once and not have someone knock my post or the posts of my friends. I made a comment that I felt Tina's neice had been rude in basically making disgusted noises every time she was asked to help Warrick, but that in the end she turned out to be very consciencious of what was going on.

I was told that I was making a generalization, that I was incredibly rude to this girl. Who was a fictional character.

It was my opinion. That was Ziggy's and you can say you disagree with someone without making it personal.

Now... would anyone like to discuss YoBling?


Angel - when talking about the "horrors" of last season? You weren't referencing another ship? Of course you'll say you weren't.

Ruzila - you know we've already spoken about this and it's water under the bridge. Because we took it on PM and settled it amicably. But frankly, I'm tired of being bashed here and then having to go to PM and then have it happen all over again. I'd rather we brought it out onto the forum and just dealt with it now instead of continuing to let it escalate.

I doubt that Ziggy would be posting in YoBling if she didn't want them to be together, and hence like that aspect of Catherine's storyline. Cath Drama is a term that we use to describe her personal storylines, but unlike most of the people who say it, we aren't referencing it in a negative way. That was the interpretation of the people on this board. Again - why would she post here if she didn't want more of it? She was saying that this particular type bothered her.
ziggystarduzt said:
One where I can enjoy my fave characters without dissing (which can be done on the other section of this forum, I guess). But then again, everything's bound to change some day, ha?
You know what, Zsa? I was dissing a storyline, not "your favourite character". I'm sorry you took it that way, but do you think you could maybe find it in yourself to be pleasant when disagreeing with someone? I really don't need you being subtley rude to me. Not everything is a war between us and you, and I'd thank you to stop trying to make it into one. I'm perfectly allowed to express myself without encountering snide little comments from you. God knows you "diss" my favourite character enough. Thanks.
Since you brought this in here, I'll post in here though this def sounds like PM material to me. Call it bias or what have you but I didnt think Zsa's reply was any more snide that what you called Cathdrama. I personally found that hateful. Kinda odd to diss Cath in the YoBling thread. If u meant the storyline, I understand. I have been annoyed with Warrick's and I mention it in his thread. But it wasnt clear and I could both mirror AND merit Zsa's response.

For the record, since lord knows I get accused about this a million times... I dont hate ANY other ship. I have friends in EVERY ship damn near possible. But I only have one ship and of course it takes precendence over everything else in this thread or having a thread is completely senseless to me. But alas, the world of CSI has been rather senseless for some time now -hence my absence.
WillowsWannaBe said:
I agree with you, I'm glad too. At least she has screen time :rolleyes: But if you asked me if I wanted more Cath, or a raped, fatherless Cath whom child gets kidnapped (these are not facts, only spoilers and theories), well, I might choose the less screen time her. And OMG, she doesn't hug Warrick back? :eek: Eeeewwww. But if Lindsey gets kindapped by then, I understand it. As she said in 1x11- she would do anything for Lindsey's life.

Yeah I'm with you on that. But you know, those are only spoilers and sometimes they are spiced up. We'll see what happens. I don't want the stuff you said either, I just want something that has the potential to bring the two of them closer again. But considering the two parter season finale had great potential for an amazing episode and how different it came out (for me at least), I'm tryin not to have expectations.
Thank you Sarah. I completely agree. If you want to have this discussion, fine. You, and your "gang" are OFTEN nasty, bullying, snide, and cruel to other posters. You seem to lose sight of the fact that this is a fictional television show, where as you are being needlessly obnoxious to real people on this board.

NEITHER SARAH NOR MYSELF have ever been rude to you in any sense. It is YOU that take the initiative to attack our points of view. It is YOU that make subtle comments insulting our intelligence, our thoughts, our opinions, and generally everything else we post. Now you and I both know DAMN WELL from where this stems, and it's just sad that adult women would harrass other adult women because of what they think about a television show.

Now I ask you AGAIN to LEAVE THE RUDE SENTIMENTS OFF OF THE BOARD. There is NO PLACE FOR IT HERE. If you want to attack GSRs, go do it on Black Tie. Talk is not the place, and Sarah and I have every right to post here without our thoughts being walked on by you.

THE. END. If you wish to further discuss this matter, PM me. This is not something the mods should have to be bothered with.

I didnt think Zsa's reply was any more snide that what you called Cathdrama. I personally found that hateful.
The difference, ruzilla? Is that while "CathDrama" is a fictional storyline involving a fictional character on a television show? I am a real person, and she was insulting me.
Ok, lets play 'Lets have the last word' all day long, shall we? :mad: We keep saying PM but keep posting here. WTF

If I'm a bully, so be it. I'm discussing what I took offense to what was written. I didnt go into my pissing contests with other posters. I dont get how a snarky remark is posted and then someone gets their panties in a bunch when they get a snarky response back.

I NEVER had a personal problem with Sara. I talked to her in great lengths over it. And I have to say Ziggy, it surprised the hell out of me to read you dissing Cath -and that's how i read it. So just like you seem to take offense by things, see how others can. Misunderstandings do happen but they'll never get cleared up if people just take sides and dont talk.

Wanna relate this to YoBling? Look at how ill communication led to Warrick gettin friggin married.

Oh and as for language. I give a rat's ass. Its not the langauge that's used. Its how its used.
I've notified the mods about this, I won't be discussing it any further in here.

I like Yobling. I don't mind Catherine. I think it sucks how for the past few years her character has been dragged down and we're left with a shadow of the strong, intelligent woman she once was. I think that in the last season or so she's done some things that don't impress me, and I think it's sad that the writers are setting her up for more, rather than letting her be cool and have some success, including a relationship with Warrick.
Hey Ziggy, outside the mod notifier, that was an awesome post. And I'm not being sarcastic or condescending. The difference between this and using 'Cathdrama' is that Cathdrama has negative connotations.

I understand your POV and I have the same feelings regarding Warrick. There is one comment I'll make and send u in PM and maybe we'll all find a happy place.

I personally love all the team and just 'dont mind' Hodges. And I'm rather fed up with what tptb have done to my faves. But I've endured a year of Warrick being married to the wrong woman and keep the faith. Why, because I'm crazy that way. :lol:

Its funny cuz there are things our fav characters have done to piss us all off one way or another. And we know its drama but yet we get annoyed when we hear it. Guess that's why they say the truth hurts :p

*runs off to rant some in the Warrick thread* :lol:

EDIT: You know what? I've been ranting about my dislikes, Lets get to what we like.

I love how Cath's let her self be vulnerable and Warrick always shows her compassion and understanding. That's something these two have that I dont feel I've seen with any other ship yet. I love how Catherine can give Warrick a swift kick in the ass when he needs it. I hope we see this come back in season 7 cuz it went completely amiss in season 6.
Thanks, ruzila :) I suppose I could have expressed myself better, and I'm glad you get now what I was meaning.

I love how Cath seems to only let herself be vulnerable around Warrick (and occasionally Grissom).. like she portrays herself as this tough, ass-kicking, wise-cracking broad who's been through the ringer.. and that's all cool, but sometimes it's really nice to see her sensitive side, and she usually ends up showing it to Warrick- ie, in "A Little Murder". That was fantastic.
And i love how Warrick is hot headed when he's angry/frustrated about something but always takes a step back (well since Table Stakes anyway :lol: ) when its Cath who's talking to him ie Invisible Evidence, Grave Danger, No Humans Involved :)
^^ I agree, and I wish Catherine was around in Random Acts of Violence as well, when he was so mad. She should have been there in that ep to talk to him. He did need her!
Alright, whatever happened in here earlier this evening seems to have ended, and I'm glad of that, but it should never have dragged out as far as it did. So I have a few things to address.

Ziggy, in future, if you feel that someone has flamed/otherwise attacked you, hit the Notify Mod button and walk away. DO NOT respond. No exceptions. All that does is start an argument and I think we can all agree that is something we don't want.

From the Shipper Central Guidelines:
• If you feel as though you have been flamed or otherwise attacked, do not respond in kind. Walk away and notify a moderator.

To everyone else (on both ‘sides’ of the argument) who felt the need to jump in and add to the argument, the same message goes to you. Hit the notify moderator button if an argument seems to be brewing, or PM me, and then go about your business of posting, but do not add to the argument yourselves.

In future, if you have a problem with each other, take it to PMs. Immediately. Don't clutter up the thread with negative discussion that will only increase tensions.

I thought the arguments in this forum had settled down and blown over (and I'm not talking just about this thread, but the forum as a whole). If it's going to kick off again, I will hand the matter over to TBonz and Top41 to take appropriate action.

This forum is about shipping made up characters. It’s supposed to be fun. It’s not supposed to be about nastiness and arguments and neither myself, nor my co-mods, nor the Administrators of this board are prepared to let it become about that.

Just a reminder of what TBonz posted a few months ago:

Treat other posters as you would wish to be treated.

Above all, try to remember that these are make-believe. If you are getting too angry or annoyed over pairings or others' opinions on them, you need to log the hell off and go find something else to do.

Enjoy your couples. Enthuse over them. But use a little common sense and a bunch of courtesy. Treat your fellow posters as nicely as you would treat your favorite couple.

Those who refuse to play nice will be removed, Permanently. As you can tell by my tone, I'm a bit tired of hearing of problems in here. I'm not naming names, I'm not getting into the "she said - no, SHE said" type of immaturity. I'm saying that you need to be civil in here, or else your right to post will be taken away.
Just dropping by. I've gotta go soon so I can't read the whole thing. I love Cath&Warrick, great ship. They'd be such a hot couple
Just dropping by.
Yo Dannyfangirl! Welcome! :)
I've gotta go soon so I can't read the whole thing. I love Cath&Warrick, great ship. They'd be such a hot couple
Oh you don't need to read the whole thing.. LOL! ;) Glad you dropped by and do come back again soon to tell us your favorite yobling scenes! :D

AngelEyez said:
Yeah I'm with you on that. But you know, those are only spoilers and sometimes they are spiced up. We'll see what happens. I don't want the stuff you said either, I just want something that has the potential to bring the two of them closer again. But considering the two parter season finale had great potential for an amazing episode and how different it came out (for me at least), I'm tryin not to have expectations.
Oh I totally agree.. I just keep my fingers crossed and hope that there will be good episodes and yobling scenes in Season 7.

I wish Catherine was around in Random Acts of Violence as well, when he was so mad. She should have been there in that ep to talk to him. He did need her!
Ah thanks for reminding me of this episode.. I think this is one of the two CSI episodes I haven't seen.. the other one is Anatomy of a Lye. Are they yobling eps? Cuz if they are, Im gonna watch them asap. :D
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