Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Welcome back TRiBaLfUNK! :D I'm also looking forward to season 7, but I'm spoiler free so anything that happens with YoBling will be a suprise to me.

Welcome to the YoBling forum gream_reaper! It's nice to have another YoBling fan among us. :)
*waves to Cam and Ru* Hey ya girls!

Ah well, who I ship doesn't really have to have anything to do with what happens on the show. It's all subjective and if TPTB don't agree with me, it's their loss. :D
CSI would surely be... Interesting if run by the fans. Everyone getting their wishes in would create quite the continuity and plot havoc.

Might be more fun than what we get nowadays, though ;) Sometimes I wonder if writers change their mind by what they had for lunch. Which begs the question, what would we have to feed them to get some Catherine/Warrick scenes?
EricaSJ said:
Just wanted to say that I really do heart you, Zsa. I have just the same opinion, but I could never put it as well as you did. So, does that mean we'll be getting more fantastic Yo!Bling fics from you? :D
Yo babe, heart ya back. And yep, I'll have to write YoBling fics. I do wonder if all the stuff they say in the articles are somewhat misleading, intentionally not talking about Catherine and Warrick. At this point though, I really do not want to get my hopes up for anything. ALl I know is they would heat up the TV screen like no one else and it's a shame if we won't get it.

MissCam said:

Sometimes I wonder if writers change their mind by what they had for lunch. Which begs the question, what would we have to feed them to get some Catherine/Warrick scenes?

Good question. Maybe some exotic food? :D
*raises hand* my thoughts on the matter:

I'm lucky enough to have seen my main ship happen on the show. But I ship many other ships that don't really see much hope of happening (ie: Thongs and Love ;)) I still think that Yobling has a strong chance of seeing light, but you know what? Even if it doesn't, it's fun to dream. Even if you don't get to see your ship sharing anything other than HINTED AT romantic moments on the show, the fanbase is there for a reason: so that you can speculate and dream on what could.. or can .. be. Fanfic, fanart, RP, everything.. It's all about imagination, right? So as long as we can immerse ourselves in yobling in the community, it's still got a chance. Who cares what happens on the show, right? XD
I am such a bad shipper. Ah well, life sometimes takes precedence, even if I don't want it to :lol:.

Anyway, when it comes to the spoilers, I think this season I'm just going to smile and nod and wait to see what really happens. Like quite a few people have said, TBTP change their minds so often, it's hard to take them at their word.

You do make an excellent point Ziggy. We all start to ship a couple knowing there's a possibility that our particular ship may never be realized. We hope and pray that it will, but TPTB do what they wanna do and, although that may suck sometimes, that's the way it is. Which is why, like you said, it's amen for fanfics, art, and RPs. I figure since it's all fiction anyway, their reality is whatever the hell you want it to be.

But since I'm far from giving up hope (I don't hear any fat chicks singing)...
MissCam said: what would we have to feed them to get some Catherine/Warrick scenes?
I'm with Zsa. Exotic, with lots of spice to it. Hot & spicy is a very YoBling combination.

*spys name in Rissa’s post and tiptoes away, whistling innocently*
Hello. Stopping in for the first time. I've always been a YoBling shipper. I also ship GSR, but anyway.

Last night I watched Bodies in Motion for the first time, and I was freaking out!! So I figured out that I NEED to join a YoBling ship forum thing. :D

So Hello all.

btw, I'm unspoiled so far, and I plan to stay that way. :D
Welcome, SaraSullivan. Yeah Bodies in Motion indeed is one of the best (yet saddest) YoBling episodes.

Considering season 6 has ended a few weeks ago, I cant promise you will stay unspoiled of it. But upcoming spoilers for s7 will definitely be under spoiler tag. ;)

Enjoy your stay and spread the YoBling love. After all, you never know how long THEY have been together. Anything is possible , as Catherine said.
Oh welcome to the new yoblingers.. and glad that you all love Bodies in Motion too. They practically admitted that they have a thing for each other but then Warrick got married.. :( a bittersweet episode but its my fave nonetheless.
Oh and you're lucky SaraSullivan that you decided to stay unspoiled for Season 7. I better stop now before I spoil you. :D
^ Ugh no. Warrick said NOTHING and just got married. That's what pissed me off the most. I still love them, but if TPTB ever want to continue developing this storyline, they'd better do it right.

*still a bit pissed off now* :D
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