Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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I'll take a big dose of Yobling medicine ;)

And I KEEP FORGETTING TO SAY IT! bview, I'm happy you're back. I hope you had fun. You know, I might have said it over in GSR. I evidently am developing early onset alzheimers.
No way, Ziggy. Not you. I would blame the psychic powers of that awesome avatar of yours. :lol:
I am taking medicine right now.
CSI Withdrawals Vaccine:
You will need:
-Pringles (or other potato chips, any flavor)
-Lots of candy
-Your choice of soda, KoolAid, or whatever drink you prefer
-An Internet connection
-Access to fanfiction and any episode of CSI (but not the depressing variety)

Instructions for Use:
Eat the food items listed above. Go on a posting frenzy here at CSI Files. Make sure to include your favorite ship threads. After quenching your need to rapidly voice your opinion on any avenue possible, absorb as much fanfiction as is possible in 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the severity of your withdrawal. <twitch> Note: Excessive consumption of fanfiction may result in overdose, only correctible by detox via the most depressing episode of CSI you own.
Repeat as needed.
^ Or, if you're me, beer. Light beer. Siiiiiiiiiigh.

My avatar rules. :D

I think I'm going to start compiling lists of best GSR and Yobling episodes and then have like. Special DVDs just for said happy episodes. (Am I allowed to say that if I have already purchased all 5 seasons and just want to make selective copies for personal viewing? No? Yes? Sorry?)
Beer is bad for me, you, everybody. I actually had a Smirnoff and Coke once. The hallucinations lasted longer than usual.
Yes it does.
You know, I think you can do that, but you can't distribute the discs. That is against the rules of the universe. That would be soooo cool...
Thank you, Crysthala. I'll check it out.
OMG, DTD rocks!!! I'm making a wallpaper from the almost-kiss scene. But Photoshop always gets my PC freezed :mad:
Thank you, Crysthala, I'll check it out asap.
Awww, DTD rocks so much! I'm currently making a wallpaper from the almost-kiss scene, but Photoshop always makes my PC freezed. :mad:
WillowsWannaBe, yeah, some graphics programs do that. It's annoying... I couldn't run Fireworks on my old computer. It lagged. <shudder>
Warrick: Hey.
Catherine: Hi. How's it going?
Warrick: Awesome.
Catherine: Why?
Warrick: I got a divorce...
lol crysthala.

to get a topic going, how do we see Yoko and Warrick seperating. It IS inevitable, we all know it. Even non-shippers (gasp!) know it will happen. Anyone's theories?
Bview, I think that they'd have a nice big blowup. Or Tina (but not Warrick, because he's a really nice guy) cheats and Warrick finds out. Either way, Warrick's got to be the one who takes the initiative and FILES THE PAPERS! :devil:
Or there's the other way, she turns up as one of his crime scenes. But if it does happen, it's always good when they try for something unique yet believable, so we don't bored with repetition.

*wonders what it'd be like if she turned up as a suspect*
I think tptb are likely going to go the cheating route.. her, not him. They've definitely set things up for it, so I'm sure that's where they're headed. At least we know that Warrick isn't the type of man who'd forgive and forget.. he'd just run right to Catherine :D
Warrick: I'm so... injured...
Catherine: Welcome to my world.
Warrick: Well, I'd like to get a little more involved in your world, if you don't mind.
Catherine: Welcome to Catherinesville. How may we serve you today?
uhm, just popping in while still vacationing to pimp my main ship... :cool:

Yeah, I'm getting my butt in gear for Rissa's fic... YoBang in the breakroom :p (oh and linda, the Dontcha vid is Rissa's not Zsa's ;) Got to give credit where credit is due. Besides I still owe Rissa a video too :eek:)

As far as the end of Yoko... I could careless if she goes as quickly as she came. I think someone wrote a part II in this thread to Bodies in Motion where Catherine happens to notice Warrick's ring is now missing -that works for me! :D Tina, dont go away mad... just go away! I see things like this: tptb didnt give us much sense giving us Tina, they dont need to have sense to take her away.

Ok, I think I've exhausted my sentiment on that topic other than to say that I agree, most likely they're going for the cheating on her part or they may just go with the "We-rushed-into-this-and-are-having-too-many-problems-and-just-dont-work-out" concept. :p

oh and thanks for the laugh Crysthala, Catherinesville sounds... fun! :devil:
Oh yes Linda thats a great idea! :D I want that yobling virus RX to go please. I need about three boxes of those specially since it will take a while for ruzila to finish the break room fic. :lol:

And Crysthala I am looking forward to the continuation of your fic, I read both the PG 13 version you posted on Talk and the smuttylicious version on the YBFFA and I loved 'em both. :D

Btw, who among you here watched Star Trek Next Gen. I heard that Naren Shankar (we think he's a yobling-leaning writer) was a writer there and was the brains behind the Worf/Troi ship on that show. Anybody knows what happened to worf and troi? Do they have any similarity to yobling? I haven't seen an episode of Star Trek.
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