Cath & Warrick #7 Yobling --He's married, he's not dead

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Btw, who among you here watched Star Trek Next Gen. I heard that Naren Shankar (we think he's a yobling-leaning writer) was a writer there and was the brains behind the Worf/Troi ship on that show. Anybody knows what happened to worf and troi? Do they have any similarity to yobling? I haven't seen an episode of Star Trek.

I was RAISED on TNG.

Wow. You know you're a nerd when... sigh. Oh well. Between that and Stand By Me, Wil Wheaton was my first crush at, like, 5. Is it possible that's why they got Wil to come on as Walter?

ANYway, that's great.

I definitely think that they're going to go with this ship eventually, however after canonizing one, they might try to stretch this out as much as possible for the UST.

Having said that, I estimate Warrick's marriage to be over by winter sweeps.
actually the cheating route might actually be logical, he could file for divorce and go cry on Cath's shoulder and she can give him some, um, comfort :D
Anybody knows what happened to worf and troi? Do they have any similarity to yobling?
I too was raised on TNG! Yay. Worf and Troi was a ship that always creeped me out, to be honest. Very un YoBling indeed :D And they didn't end up together, he went off and married a character on one of the other spin offs, and Troi married Riker, the first mate on TNG. So let's just hope that's not an indication of what's to come for Catherine and Warrick, cause I'd rather he not go marry Calleigh Duquesne while she hooks up with Grissom. ;)
Btw, who among you here watched Star Trek Next Gen. I heard that Naren Shankar (we think he's a yobling-leaning writer) was a writer there
I LOVE THAT SHOW! The bald guy is so cool... Him and Data and that Q dude are my favorite characters. I think Naren Shankar was actually a story editor or something for TNG, and is now a writer/producer for CSI. Ziggy, that is so true. Didn't the doctor lady end up marrying Picard? Yeah, cuz I remember seeing a screenshot of "Beverly Picard on the bridge of the Phoenus" or something like that.
You know, I can't see any similarities whatsoever between Worf/Troi and YoBling. Warrick is fine, Worf's not, Troi is psychic, Catherine's not, Worf is of a humanoid warrior race obsessed with combat...
OMSG I totally just made my first YoBling avatar! ROCKAGE!
Hi Guys,
I feel like it's been forever since I have entered the YoBling ship - this is what I get for having a job that sends me out of town on a regular basis...Not least I have a job...

Anyways, I digress. I am totally going into YoBling withdrawal. It's actually gotten so bad that I have taken the plunge into trying to get out my frustrations/fantasies by writing YoBling fan fiction. :eek:

My first attempt is here: Thirst Please be patient (and gentle :)). I know that the story kinda starts off slow, but I hope to have lots of CW angst in future chapters. Enjoy.

I can't wait to read the "smut" that ruzila has in store for us too :devil: , but until that joyous day comes, I have my fav episodes "Little Murder", "Big Middle" and "Down the Drain" that I can watch over, and over, and over, and over, and over... :p

I am so totally keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that TPTB do something to satisfy the ravenous horde of YoBlingers that require way more than just eye sex in Season 7 !!!
hello! well i've been lurking in this thread for AAAGES and i just wanted to ask if someone could be bothered to PM a couple of good YoBling fics. (they're SUCH a good couple)

Oh jeez, thanks for the info I had no idea what happened to worf/troi.. lol, I guess we should hope that Shankar won't pull off a Star Trek on CSI eh?

afrikana you can always go on this site: to check for yobling fanfictions.

Btw, there are several yobling fanfictions and fanarts and sites nominated here:
Don't forget to vote for the yobling ones..

Tip for all the yobling stuff there:
Shipper sites: An Evident Gamble
Fan Art: Pieces of a Dream
Fan Listing: Warrick Brown, Catherine Willows
Short fics: Beautiful Reflection by Camilla Sandman, Day Dawning by Camilla Sandman
Long fics: The Altar by korbjaeger, Making Love Out of Nothing At All by ruzila, Catherine Itches, Warrick Scratches by esynnaj, Pieces of a Dream by Suiba, Kiss Kiss Yobang by AlwaysWrite05
Oooooh, An Evident Gamble is a good site.
Dude, One1Red, is that your first fic? Like, that you've ever written? Because that is REALLY GOOD. DUDE.

I got nominated? Geez, I didn't even know. And with two fics, I see. Huh.

Ah well, thanks for anyone who voted. Is flattering. :)
Thanks very much Crysthala, I'm glad you enjoyed the first installment.

Yeah, it is my first fic...Guess it's just beginners luck, oh, and the inspiration of YoBling, of course ;)
Yeah, I'm getting my butt in gear for Rissa's fic... YoBang in the breakroom (oh and linda, the Dontcha vid is Rissa's not Zsa's Got to give credit where credit is due. Besides I still owe Rissa a video too )
[cennnnnnnnsored] i am so sorry rissa i could have sworn... i am so sorry :(.

: offers big big big big big big bunch of flowers with puppy dog eyes:
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