Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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I was thinking that 'I Called You' would be the best Thong thread title EVER :p And Cath said it so firmly, she interrupted Sara-

Sara: Did you call the lab--
Cath: I called you.

And then there was this silence and Sara just nodded. The look she gace Cath was of concern and understanding, like she knew what Cath was feeling and what she was going through physically and emotionally. She didn't have any objections to processing the hotel room or keeping it between them, either.
yeah those glasses.. ahahah nothing more to say, but I liked that scene.. o yeah I think im new to posting in this thread. =]
I rewatched it today with my boyfriend, and I gotta say, I ship GSR, I ship Sandle.. both of those ships had nice moments in that ep. But you know what? The Cath-Sara moment was my favourite of the whole episode. I really loved it. Sara's tone of voice was what did it for me. She just sounded SO caring.. I don't think I've ever heard her speak in that tone with anyone but victims. It was touching. Very nice.

And welcome to the thread, iilovecsii! The more the merrier :)
Well it that situation I suppose Catherine was a victim for all she knew.
I haven't seen the ep but judging by the screencaps I'm going to love it. The emotion in both their eyes was so intense I could feel it through my screen.
WAH! Why did nobody tell me that Sean Young was in the episode (Dusty) ?!? With her being there I could even survive the Sara-Grissom-moments (sorry Ziggy ;)).
And by the way, the "I called YOU." statement was good, however, I found the following plea/question "And keep it between us ?!" more touching. Catherine's facial expression going from pushing to absolutely helpless (Sara being the only one she could imagine confiding in - and that says a lot!) - WOW!

What I found disturbing though was how everyone else reacted when Cath's dilemma was out. Kinda "well, shit happens." Weird! :confused:
^Sean Young rules!!! I love her so much :D And Izzy's new wife was Abby Morgan on Dawson's Creek. hee.

Yeah, I found it kinda bizarre that everyone was just like "Damn, sucky." They didn't seem all that shocked and horrified. Very weird.
I like that plea/question.. I didn't even notice it till you brought it up, I was too busy holding in my laughter cause of those hidious glasses sara was wearing.. lol. ^_^
Hmmmmm..."I called you" and "keep it between us" - that's going to be a very tough choice for a new title! I love both of them.

Regarding the reaction from the guys at the lab:
Sara seemed shocked, but Cath was in no mood for hugs at that point.
Gil didn't seem to bat an eyelash - however, we only saw part of the conversation in the hallway. I'm sure he had more of a reaction when he actually saw her right when she got to the lab.
Warrick was quite sympathetic, but at that time, Catherine was way too out-of-it following the crash & Lindsey gone.
Nick - I think he felt too guilty for leaving.
I've just seen the part where Sara meets Cath at the motel (thanks to kaylyne! :D ) and I loved it! The only thing that was missing was after the 'keep it between us' and Sara's 'ok' was a cute brief hug.. that would be totally perfect.
While I do agree that it would have been cute I doubt Catherine was in the mood for hugs in that situation. Would have been nice though to see Sara reach out, just toching Catherine's arm or something... But who knows, maybe they were touching. With the camera only showing their faces you can't tell what the hands were up to ;)
MiaCharlize said:
But who knows, maybe they were touching. With the camera only showing their faces you can't tell what the hands were up to ;)

Mia , :lol:, someone just told me I had a twisted soul. I can't help, I have to hand over this title to you!!!

kaylyne , you are right, they actually showed some of the team's reactions but it just felt half-baked for me. I would have liked it better if only one of them had a decent talk with cath afterwards - and why not Sara, after all she was the first to know.. *shrugs* just the overall feeling that there was too little action in part1 and too much in part2. :cool:
Rykoe said:
MiaCharlize said:
But who knows, maybe they were touching. With the camera only showing their faces you can't tell what the hands were up to ;)

Mia , :lol:, someone just told me I had a twisted soul. I can't help, I have to hand over this title to you!!!

Hey, now. I was talking innocently holding hands in a comforting gesture! Seriously!
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