Rykoe- You're a twisted soul. lol. I love the manip, it's very bizarre in a great way. and I sure hope neither of our girls were bitten by a jellyfish, cause I was stung by a bluebottle once in Australia and I have never known pain like that in all of my life. I felt like I was having a heart attack, seriously. *shudder*
Anyway, the episode.. it was better than the first part! I enjoyed it a lot. Catherine was NOT RAPED! Yaaaaaay! I don't understand how one can possibly not know if one has been raped- I mean, you feel even consenual sex the next day- but whatever, I'm just happy she's safe and sound.
After scraping under her nails and everything she did, in fact, call Sara to come process the hotel room she woke up in. It was a really sweet scene.. she was bitchy with everyone else in the lab, but really dependant with Sara. I think it was one of the best Thongs scenes we've ever had. When she told Sara that she thought she may have been raped, Sara's entire tone of voice changed and she spoke in this really soft, loving tone and tried to convince Cath to call it in (Cath didn't want to make it an official case, she was investigating it on her own). When Cath didn't want to, she consented to just process the room and report back. It was touching and well-acted. The only flaw was Sara's gigantic pink square-shaped sunglasses. Like. WTF.
Anyway, it was a spectacular ep.. Cath was hit by a car, Lindsay was abducted but the recovered like, 5 seconds later, and Sam Braun was shot and killed.