Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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JangoBear said:
Hey everyone who's not in the states or Canada you no longer have to wait to see the episode. Just log onto Innertube to watch the episode.

Oh that's great! But I don't really know where to go on that site.. could you be more specific maybe? Many thanks! :D
^Alas, you can't watch it unless you are in the US. They block international IP addresses or something. Sorry, guys, they're just gonna make you wait :(
I'm writing on a new fic and I've posted the first four chapters on my LiveJournal. I'm actually quite happy with it (that's a first) and it has lots of Cath/Sara in it (duh :p)

I was just wondering about last week's eppy... and you know that scene where Sara's in Gris' office reviewing the case she and Warrick were working on and she gets the page? I wonder her paged her. I really do, because Cath was supposed to call Sara according to the original spoilers after she woke up in the hotel room. Maybe she did. Maybe Sara is going over there. I dunno, I just want CS :p

But it would make sense. Sara could come and try to comfort her, but Cath probably wouldn't tell her exactly what happened and would give her the evidence to take to the lab and process. But the type of evidence she's giving her, would probably give it all away to Sara anyways.
I'M BACK !!!
Okay, I wasn't really away, but I can finally breathe again, metaphorically speaking. ;)

and raven , about your's another version..

and Maaike , I like your fic very much!
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well, just waiting for BTK II. In a coulple of hours for me, finally.
rumor has it there's a Cath/Sara scene in it. I'm kinda curious in which direction the writers will push their "relationship" throughout season 7. I secretly fear: nowhere. There's probably no way back to the good old aggression of the early seasons (*inner sigh*). Hopefully they can get back to showing off their little quirks - and throw in some misunderstandings for good measure. I don't know about you, but I could not abide a glowing buddying friendship between the two. :devil:

So ladies (and gents?), what happened actually to the cruise ship, we sent Cath & Sara on this April? Does it still ... cruise around? Did get C&S a nice tan? Were they bitten by a jellyfish? Did the skipper find them in his broom closet? Do they wear matching bikinis? *sways slightly*

And just because my professor will kill me - that is if she's not hanging around here somewhere *hectic look back over my shoulder* - I thought of this, ..instead of working... ;)

Do they wear matching bikinis?

Did they wear bikinis at all?

About the ep: Anyone care to enlighten poor people like as to what happened?
I won't be able to see it for approximately another year or so, I need to know how it went! (Preferably with some pictures as well ;))

Need a C/S fix, the last ep that aired here had almost no Sara...
Rykoe- You're a twisted soul. lol. I love the manip, it's very bizarre in a great way. and I sure hope neither of our girls were bitten by a jellyfish, cause I was stung by a bluebottle once in Australia and I have never known pain like that in all of my life. I felt like I was having a heart attack, seriously. *shudder*

Anyway, the episode.. it was better than the first part! I enjoyed it a lot. Catherine was NOT RAPED! Yaaaaaay! I don't understand how one can possibly not know if one has been raped- I mean, you feel even consenual sex the next day- but whatever, I'm just happy she's safe and sound.

After scraping under her nails and everything she did, in fact, call Sara to come process the hotel room she woke up in. It was a really sweet scene.. she was bitchy with everyone else in the lab, but really dependant with Sara. I think it was one of the best Thongs scenes we've ever had. When she told Sara that she thought she may have been raped, Sara's entire tone of voice changed and she spoke in this really soft, loving tone and tried to convince Cath to call it in (Cath didn't want to make it an official case, she was investigating it on her own). When Cath didn't want to, she consented to just process the room and report back. It was touching and well-acted. The only flaw was Sara's gigantic pink square-shaped sunglasses. Like. WTF.

Anyway, it was a spectacular ep.. Cath was hit by a car, Lindsay was abducted but the recovered like, 5 seconds later, and Sam Braun was shot and killed.
Such a beautiful scene between those two. I don't know if I still need to do this:

It was compassionate and tender Sara! The way that she was so gentle with her without being overbearing. Is it wrong to have loved how when Sara asked her if she called the lab Cath gave her a meaningful look and said "I called you." I loved how she took care of her while still letting Cath be in control of the situation which she needed to do.
Sounds very much like the ways I was hoping it would go, with Sara being understanding and compassionate. Makes me want to see it all the more, *grr*
Anyways, I'm really glad the writers seem to have handled it well.
I believe the mods said that past midnight Eastern time the night of the episode airing, we won't need spoiler codes for that epi any more.

Loved the "I called YOU" part. I think we need that for our next thread title!

I loved the Cath/Sara part, but really didn't like the camera angles that were used. I would've liked to be able to see both of their faces at the same time, to see how one reacted to what the other was saying. The camera angle used was too close and too unsteady. But, least we got some C/S. That made me smile. BTW - what's up with Sara's retro 80s glasses? PLEASE don't tell me they're back in fashion these days!!!!

ETA: I've got a recap & some clips on my LJ. Address is in my profile.
Thanks kaylyne, I just wanted to be on the safe side.

"I called you" gets my vote as the next thread title too. I know it's early but I can't wait for EricaSJ to post screencaps, and I need to see that scene again and again and again. :)
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