Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Nice, Uriel. You might want to consider posting that stuff in the Art Forum though... Just a suggestion.
Anyway. Got some pics of those intense eye contact.

Pretty, isn't that?
So is everybody totally excited about tonight? I know I sure am. sarahvma is coming over for a CSI party of two.. we're eating corpse-shaped cookies and drinking blood-themed cocktails :D How nice it'll be to have something to talk about again, hey? Here's hoping for some sweet Cath-Sara action tonight... and sorry to all y'all overseas who still have months to wait!
*squeals repeatedly, jumps up and down* 5 Minutes till it airs here!! I can't wait! I wonder if they'll put some Sara/Cath friendship moderation/ ACTION in the premier? Because, we need some more intense eye contant and maybe a hug! Ooooh, I want to see a hug!!!
This is about the season seven premiere, so I'm going to put it in the <spoiler></spoiler> tags!

If Cath WAS raped, then that's definitely going to give both her and Sara something in common. Why, you may ask? We all know that Sara obviously knows something about rape and/or sexual abuse because of the way she responds so strongly about those particular cases. And if that happened to Cath, she's going to need a friend, and after something like that happens to a woman, men aren't exactly the people they're the most comfortable around. She would need a friend, and Sara would be the perfect person to help her through it.

^ I can picture this in my mind, and I think it'd be a really touching scene. Also, we may be able to get some more insight into Sara's backstory as well.
Spoiler alert!

That was so heartbreaking watching Cath go through that. It could be the perfect catlyst to get the two to open up and share.
Hey everyone who's not in the states or Canada you no longer have to wait to see the episode. Just log onto Innertube to watch the episode. That means you Jayne, Sara's_girlfriend, heartagram, etc. :)
That's what I thought too, but you can't view it outside the US. :( And you don't have to put up any spoiler tags anymore, since the episode has already been aired in the US.

I agree with Ann there. Since Sara and Cath have now something in common, they'll come closer, maybe?
Hey everyone who's not in the states or Canada you no longer have to wait to see the episode. Just log onto Innertube to watch the episode.

Really? I tried that just a couple of minutes ago and it still said US only...which sucks because I really want to see it.

And, cathsaralover I like the 2nd version of that picture much better too, though Jorja still looks weird in it :p
I sure hope they decide to have Cath reach out to Sara in this current situation. Season 7 seems to be starting off with more interaction between the main cast. I'm hoping that includes the Cath/Sara relationship. Check out my place for my little recap of the episode.
Thanks for that, kaylyne, makes me wanna watch it all the more.
And I too think -based on what I've heard so far- this is a very good opportunity for having Cath reach out to Sara, I relly hope that is what's going to happen. I think Sara is both detached yet compassionate enough to offer Catherine the support she needs without suffocating her with worries and overflowing care.
So for those of you who have managed to see it, what did you think? I found it kind of disappointing myself.. vaguely boring. It went quickly and I didn't really care about anything that was going on.

And I thought she was supposed to call Sara?! Maybe that happens next week? I really hope they don't cut it, It has the potential to be the best Thongs moment in the history of the show :(
It's only in the States? That really blows. :mad: Sorry for getting anyone's hope's up.

This and the next episode are so fanfic worthy. Anyone? A chance to show a tender, compassionate Sara reaching out to Catherine no matter what happens. Heck, I might even try this one myself. :eek: :lol:
I've been toying with that idea as well. Somehow, after that ep I feel anything else I write is so trite. Still, I really want to continue the stories I've got going so far. Plus, I'm not sure I could do it justice, but that doesn't necessarily stop me from trying, so who knows, I might give it a shot these days...
I can really picture Sara being sensitive and supportive about the issue. Somehow I think when she learns about it she will be even more effected about it than Catherine herself. Or at least almost.
I really hope we are going to see that, and that the writer can do it justice. Yes, I'm a faithful person :)
JangoBear said:
This and the next episode are so fanfic worthy. Anyone? A chance to show a tender, compassionate Sara reaching out to Catherine no matter what happens. Heck, I might even try this one myself. :eek: :lol:

I've actually had a fanfic idea very similar to this that I'm going to try and write as soon as I'm done with some of my other fics. I love a compassionate Sara! :D And Sara's never gotten to try and reach out to Cath when she needs someone, so I wanted to incorporate that as well.
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