Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Honestly, I meant comfort in a purely platonic way. Though now that the events of the days have settled in and she knows that nothing happened while she was out of it, Catherine might need to release some of the tension that's been building with all the shit she had to deal with.
And who's better to run to for release than Sara? And that I mean very unplatonic :devil:
Release sounds good. ;)

Another thought: who actually slipped Cath the roofy and when? I just saw a documentary on German TV that this happens increasingly. When I'm going to a club/disco I usually have a coke/beer in my hand - even when dancing, but merely out of habit, and not due to suspicion. So is it indispensable to hold your hand over your glass all the time?? Would Catherine do that? :confused:
Don't know who, probably one of the guys who planned the whole thing. I don't think she would constantly keep watch on her glass, nobody does unless their paranoid.
You never expect that to happen to yourself even when you are aware of the danger. I think Catherine was out to have a good time and forget about the job, so she surely didn't consider the possibility of someone slipping stuff into her drink.

Something else I've been wondering about: When they're at the club Cath askes Nick whether he thinks Grissom is going to join them, that means they asked him. But what about the others? I'm sure I'd rather go out with Greggo Sara or Warrick insted of Grissom. Just can't picture him in a club unless it's a crime why ask him?
That irritated me. Plus, it would have been so much fun to see Sara dancing ;)
Hey everyone! I was so excited when Cath chose to turn to Sara for help in Built To Kill Part Two. I mean if you think about it she could have called Sofia to help her (she is a woman)but instead she feels comfortable enough to trust Sara. To me that speaks volumes that their relationship is growing into a deeper friendship. In most relationships if the friendship is strong then when love enters nothing can destroy the bond. These two are fabulous together.

A little gift from the episode.

Here is Cath waiting for Sara to arrive.

Look at the concentration and worry on Sara's face as Cath explains the situation.

excellent clips! i still wish they would've used a different camera angle to show both girls at the same time.

Regarding Sara giving Cath a hug or a touch: I'm sure Sara very well knows that in this situation - after someone thinks they might have been raped - you DON'T touch them, unless they make the first move. In this situation, Cath only had one thing on her mind - get the evidence to the lab and process it without having to get anyone else involved.

However, for purely selfish reasons, I would've liked to see Cath reach out a little more to Sara and allow her to show more compassion here.
Rykoe said:
Release sounds good. ;)

Another thought: who actually slipped Cath the roofy and when? I just saw a documentary on German TV that this happens increasingly. When I'm going to a club/disco I usually have a coke/beer in my hand - even when dancing, but merely out of habit, and not due to suspicion.
I thought Catherine only bought her drink after she and Nick finished dancing. If I remember it right she said Im gonna buy a drink after the music stopped. I also think that the guys (Robert O'Brien and Joe Hirschoff) were the ones who slipped the mickey. I don't know how they did it though.. I don't think its the bartender since he looked too clueless.
So is it indispensable to hold your hand over your glass all the time?? Would Catherine do that? :confused:
Cath's bag was on her shoulder whole time even when she was dancing (i thought it was funny :D ) so Cath might have done that if she bought a drink before they went dancing.

LadySaraButterfly said:
Hey everyone! I was so excited when Cath chose to turn to Sara for help in Built To Kill Part Two. I mean if you think about it she could have called Sofia to help her (she is a woman)but instead she feels comfortable enough to trust Sara. To me that speaks volumes that their relationship is growing into a deeper friendship. In most relationships if the friendship is strong then when love enters nothing can destroy the bond. These two are fabulous together.

A little gift from the episode.

Here is Cath waiting for Sara to arrive.

Look at the concentration and worry on Sara's face as Cath explains the situation.
Lora!!!!! WB. :) I was happy too with the thong scene it was one of the scenes i re-watched. my only problem was that it was too short, lol.
kaylyne said:
Regarding Sara giving Cath a hug or a touch: I'm sure Sara very well knows that in this situation - after someone thinks they might have been raped - you DON'T touch them, unless they make the first move. In this situation, Cath only had one thing on her mind - get the evidence to the lab and process it without having to get anyone else involved.

That's a very good point, and assuming that Sara has been raped, she would know that better than anyone else would. But since Sara's a woman, I'm not sure if it would have the same effect. Now if a man touched her in any way Cath might have felt uncomfortable, but I'm not so sure about Sara. Touch in general may have been a problem for her, so Sara might've scared her if she had reached out to her physically, but Cath didn't seem jumpy around any other members of the team, male members for that matter, so it's hard to say.
To begin with I don't believe that Sara herself has been raped. Though she does have a strong understanding for women who have been.
All I can say is that had I been in Sara's situation I would have reached out to Catherine. Not as far as hugging her (that's neither of their style) but a simple touch on the arm, just to signal "I'm here for you"
Sara could have assessed the situation well enough to see that Catherine wouldn't have bolted or freaked at that.
As for Cat not being jumpy around the others: She didn't encounter them directly after she woke up. Sara was the first she told, there she was still in a state of shock I'd say.
Besides, I think she feels safe around her co-workers, and she generally isn't a very jumpy person, so that might explain her lack of reserve.
...Hah, I knew it: Sara's choice of glasses at that day was due to the old saying "Birds of a feather flock together":
(MH early 80's)
..and while we are at it:
Awwwwww!!! That's adorable! How old would she be in that? It doesn't even look like her. Thanks Rykoe, that's a great pic. And a very cute manip. Sara looks fantastic in that pic.
MiaCharlize said:
To begin with I don't believe that Sara herself has been raped. Though she does have a strong understanding for women who have been.
All I can say is that had I been in Sara's situation I would have reached out to Catherine. Not as far as hugging her (that's neither of their style) but a simple touch on the arm, just to signal "I'm here for you"
Sara could have assessed the situation well enough to see that Catherine wouldn't have bolted or freaked at that.
As for Cat not being jumpy around the others: She didn't encounter them directly after she woke up. Sara was the first she told, there she was still in a state of shock I'd say.
Besides, I think she feels safe around her co-workers, and she generally isn't a very jumpy person, so that might explain her lack of reserve.

Don't forget that Sara is 1. absolutely incompentent when it comes to social things and 2. Shies away from personal contact. I think they acted it out very well, I could just see how uncomfortable Sara felt. She WANTED to reach out, but she didn't know how to.
saras_girlfriend said:
Don't forget that Sara is 1. absolutely incompentent when it comes to social things and 2. Shies away from personal contact. I think they acted it out very well, I could just see how uncomfortable Sara felt. She WANTED to reach out, but she didn't know how to.

She did touch the guys though, on several occasions.

And seriously, does this look like Sara shying away from touching Catherine?

I'd say the lady is trying to get close ;)
I do think Sara is raped. I don't know why I have the feeling, but I just have it. Sara is not very strong in social contacts, no, but hey, she is good at touching Catherine! Just look at them. They're great. Thanks for posting!
MiaCharlize said:
saras_girlfriend said:
Don't forget that Sara is 1. absolutely incompentent when it comes to social things and 2. Shies away from personal contact. I think they acted it out very well, I could just see how uncomfortable Sara felt. She WANTED to reach out, but she didn't know how to.

She did touch the guys though, on several occasions.

Oh, you mean Nick Warrick Greg etc? I thought you meant something totally different.. something I won't post but I think you know what I mean :lol:

Seriously, nice pics :D

And yeah, I agree with Ziggy.. I think Sara decided not to touch Cath in a situation like that. You don't know how people respond to even a little touch after (might having) experienced that.

But I don't think Sara has been raped though. When would she have been raped? You mean as a little girl? If not, when? Cause there have been no references on the show of any problems regarding Sara after her childhood. Or have I missed something here?
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