Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Yes, I mean all the other CSIs, Warrick, Nicky, Greg, hell she even touched Grissom! *shudders*

About Sara possibly having been raped: There has never been a reference to that. Still it is obvious how strongly she reacts to cases of violence against women, especially domestic abuse and rape.
I don't believe she experienced it first hand, though. Rape is a terrible crime, I'd react the same way in most of those situations.

Edited because iilovecsii was a tad bit faster than me: I totally second that. Would have been hard for me too. But in that situation I agree that you'd try to hold back.
Yet I'm still saying she could at least have queezed her hand or something. The show needs girl loving -or at the very least some bonding
MiaCharlize said:

She did touch the guys though, on several occasions.

And seriously, does this look like Sara shying away from touching Catherine?

I'd say the lady is trying to get close ;)

Those pics are all work related. I just think she doesn't do it on purpose. I really liked the scene in Built to kill because you could see Sara's struggle, she didn't NOG hug Cath because she didn't want to. I loved the awkwardness, it only shows that Sara really does care for Cath but doesn't know how to show it.
^True. And awkward Sara is adorable, isn't she?

And of course the pics are work related, they rarely show the ladies outside work, and if they do then still not together.
Anyways, I didn't say Sara is getting that close to Cath on purpose, but fact is she does get close. That's all I'm asking for :)
Subcounscious movement says so much more than the things you say or do on purpose by the way ;)
That's what Sara is to me. Brilliant but socially inept, that's what makes her, her :p The awkward moments are done sooo well that it just makes you wanna hug Sara. Kuddos to Jorja's acting :)
And I have respect for Marg for not laughing her ass off at those glasses Jorja was wearing :p
Yeah, good thing she put it off when they really started talking. I mean, Sara was really understanding, with the voice-usually-only-used-for-victims.. but when she would have kept the glasses on, she wouldn't be all that convincing..
Maybe Sara lost a bet with Lindsey and had to wear the glasses. Lindsey probably uses them to play "dress up". Sara probably wore them because she knew she was meeting Cath and Catherine would tell Lindsey if Sara was still wearing the glasses or not.

I'm just hoping this won't be all of the good Cath/Sara moments that we'll get this season. Through the first three episodes so far in season 7, it seems they're quite insistent on pairing Sara with Gil in every way possible. I really want to see more team interaction between all of them. After the first three episodes so far, it's becoming quite ridiculous at how split apart they all are becoming.

There's a summary and some clips at my place again.
kaylyne said:
Maybe Sara lost a bet with Lindsey and had to wear the glasses. Lindsey probably uses them to play "dress up". Sara probably wore them because she knew she was meeting Cath and Catherine would tell Lindsey if Sara was still wearing the glasses or not.

Now that's a possibility I can live with. Anyone care to make a fic out of it? ;)

Anyway, was there any C/S interaction at all in the new ep? I'd like to know how their relationship progresses from BTK on. Did it mean anything to either of them? Or is it just a scene that's going to be ignored?
Considering their past relationship I would say the action required trust from Catherine and I'd love to see that picked up on in future eps.
There was no Cath/Sara in Toe Tags. Cath worked solo with Brass, Sara worked with Gil - which looks like it's going to be the pairing on most cases we see in the near future. TPTB still want to shove their pairing down our throats. According to the ratings, they're losing viewers because of it.
I'm not surprised we didn't see any Cath/ Sara here, because Toe Tags was the first episode they shot (before both BTK parts) so I didn't figure there would be much continuity (surprise! NOT!)
BTW - I've got some clips of the scenes at my place.
I think Marg said in one of her interviews that they were shooting episode # 7 right now. Hopefully we'll see Cath and Sara dealing with the aftermath of BTK soon. Of course Sara's kinda busy being Florence Nightengale to Greg at the momemt. Hey Sara, Cath was first in line for your TLC! :lol:
Posting a random 'look me in the eyes' cap to revive the thread.
5 days of silence! What happened to the girl love?

Gorgeous girls and coffee.. what a fantastic combination :D Well, we have a new episode tomorrow, so maybe we'll get some Thong action!
Oh, and Mia, I've been meaning to tell you for like, ever, how much I love your avvie. Is that manipped in any way?
Thanks. No, it's not manipped :p Ok, a little. But really, getting somebody's hand to land on Sara's rear is not that much work ;)

I do miss CS madly. I'm not getting the new eps, but from the caps and discussion I gather it's GSR all the way... Lucky that I got DVDs, even if it's old eps and no Sofia in them, there's at least real CS interaction.

And there's coffee :D I just loved that scene.
I'm not holding my breath for any type of Cath/Sara interaction in upcoming episodes. It seems TPTB are insistent on the on-screen pairing they want, and so far in the beginning of season 7, that has meant that they keep Cath away from both Sara and Gil.

The only reason we got some C/S in BTK2 was because of the possible rape and Sara, being a woman, was the only plausable solution to who Cath would turn to in that situation.

On another note: SpikeTV is showing After the show right now. Great C/S angst - although I really prefer when the girls play nice. However, in this one, you see Cath teaching Sara...something that you don't see very often.
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