Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Okay then! You rock. I wonder what I'd be like having Sara and Catherine in one football team. That means romance in the dressing rooms!
well, even if they played in different teams, there's always the exchange of football shirts/tricots .... :devil:
*not really trying to pick up her mind out of the gutter*

and Jayne, just saw your sig pic, :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol:, the "Fünfzig Bier" are on me next time!!
quoth and Lique- i loooove the pics!!!

jenakapt your banner rocks!

and because ive been absent for a while-i give you one of my fave pics of the ladies
All I know is we lost 92-6 one game I think, so few people follow soccer here (that is what you are all talking about, right?) America, can you tell I absolutely love it here :rolleyes:.
ineverysunflower, I love that pic! From Crash & Burn, one of teh ultimate CS episodes :p It makes you wonder...what Sara meant by "Drive." Mm-hmm, makes you wonder indeed. :p Where did they drive to? Did they go home? Did they drag eachother to a nearby broomcloset? Did Sara and Cath actually end up getting drinks which led them to an empty room together where they expressed their hot fiery passion for one another? :p *PG-13-o-meter, can't go into more detail :rolleyes:*

Here's some more pics! I don't want Jaynie-poo to punish me... :p Although...I've already been punished so many times I don't think it matters anymore! :lol:

Sara wants Bob and Tom to have more action!
Ooh! What's Sara staring at?
Cath is obviously looking at something else...and Sara's about to turn around because she knows it!

Ooh, and here's my first animated CS banner--


Enjoy :p
SQUEEE I love your banner, Ann!! *snags it* :D

Aww there's no need to punish you, I think you've proven yourself to be in the gutter with a spoiled and not-so-innocent mind.. you're cured :devil: Hmpf.. don't you just hate that PG-13-o-meter lurking behind every door! :mad:

Rykö, the next 50 beer on you!! :eek: Woaa, I'm so keeping you to that promise :p
OMG!!! :eek: Zsa ever heard of giving a girl a warning first.. man!! *DIES* Those pics are so asking for an avvie or banner.. hmm, shall wait till the end of the World Cup probably.

Heh.. I bet they were singing "I got you babe!" by Sonny and Cher.. Looks like Marg is doing Sonny in that first pick.. pretending to have a low voice.. squeee gotta love that second one, that's so cute :D *DROOL* *grabs fourth bucket*
Well then, hereby I'd say 'Stand by Me' is going to be the official Thong-song :p If the rest of us agrees of course!! :D 'Wild Horses' is another official Thong-song though.. hmm.. choices choices!!
OMG! Stupid thunderstorms! I didn't have my T.V. on last night and look what I miss. AngelEyez are those from the Tony Awards?

Jayne, yep, Stand By Me will now be the ladies official song. Hey there is our next thread name. Woo Hoo! What a way to start off the morning.

LadySaraButterfly said:
Jayne, yep, Stand By Me will now be the ladies official song. Hey there is our next thread name.
You're absolutely right there LadyS!! :D *woots for next thread name*

Oh btw.. this is way OT, but I don't care if I get punished by fogi.. here, ladies and gentleman (cuz there's only Casper.. who's kinda left us too), stands in front of you.. MISS JAYNE :p I got a teaching job YAY!! Two schools wanted me actually, so I had to turn one down.. now for the Germans among you, I'll be teaching in the middle of nowhere on the German border near Emmerich :)
you actually saw that???

Great now my mind is off running and I can never focus on my history, which is due today.

Great Pics AngelEyez
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