Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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I got some more for you guys to snag ;)
just gotta get well enough to sit infront of my computer for more than a few minutes :(
Saras gf, I looked into it and the picture is definitely 100x100, so I'm going to try and reduce the resolution and see if that works for you. :D
Ha Lique I loved that last pic it's like Cath is saying "sara stop looking down my top at work!" :lol:

Ziggy I have been checking out your avvies and they're all gorgeous!
Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyne et al.,

my hometown is orange by now! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
dutch soccer fans everywhere !!!
(the colour is blinding me, can't concentrate on C/S!)
Thanks :D Lizzy_Sander made it for me she is incredibly talented!

ETA: Rykoe I was just looking at the caps on your LJ, hilarious! I'm still laughing!
omg Rykoe those are really funny!

I'm writing on a sequel to Cinnamon Girl (my first Cath/Sara fic), I will post as soon as I get a proper internet connection

Did I read that? I think I did it sounds really familiar. Was that the one with Emily and Dana and that stuff, I am so bad at remembering which story is which but that sounds so familiar.
Yeah that's the one becky <- right? I get distracted by knowing too many real names on this board :rolleyes:

Maaike, I'll read the last chapters of Cinnamon Girl soon and send you an email from my right email address :p The MSN one doesn't work!

Rykoe, so do you live in Leipzig?? :)
Laetri, thank you!

Jayne, yep, it's Leipzig at the moment. but it's fun though: I can already hear the crowds cheering (and stomping) although the game is not until 5 hours!
Hopefully I can "concentrate" on doing some C/S stuff - apart from watching soccer, that is. :lol:

so, does anyone have news what's gonna happen in season 7?
Yeah that's the one becky <- right? I get distracted by knowing too many real names on this board

yeah. real names are confusing because (1 min later-dammit where is my copy of The Phantom Tollbooth! 3min later oh well, i skimmed the books for it but I didn't see it and I wanted to quote it too *pouts*) everyone has diffrent names except when you don't and I don't know if that makes things more or less confusing. This is too much thought for someone who just woke up :lol:.

I hardly ever review stories on becuase I print off the stories to read in class :devil:, if I didn't review Cinnamon Girl I can just review it now before I forget:

I loved the story. w00t. Please write a sequel :D .

see I am a good reader, sometimes.
Rykoe, that's so funny! Who were you supporting? I hope Holland heh :devil:. I just saw Way To Go again, great C/s interactive.
Who were you supporting? I hope Holland heh
Roos, Apart from "supporting" some Cath/Sara interaction with every beat of my heart :lol: I did support Holland as a matter of fact - but hey, when there are suddenly 30.000 Dutch fans and 2.000 fans from Serbia/Montenegro in your hometown (450.000 inhab.) - it makes the decision really easy!!! :D
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