Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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He sure was Jayne. :)
I love the expression on their faces when you hit the snapshot button a little too late or too soon :lol:
never knew what to do with those pics but I guess they serve a purpose ;)
^^ Well, it's the end for this board actually, or else the PG-13-o-meter will start beeping again... :rolleyes: hit it Jayne!! :p
Is that a challenge Lizzy?? Hmmm let's think.. gawd honestly, if I'm going to post here what my mind's thinking right now, I don't think it'll be the end for this thread, but it'll be the end of my membership here :lol: *looks at fogi* what? I haven't said a word yet! But yeah, see how far I can push this time.. it's been so long that I was sprayed by the infamous waterpistol.. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately I don't have access to pics because I'm at my mum's laptop.. but uhm.. maybe I can just refer to my LJ.. to the Thong Poem.. I think that may say it all *giggles like a teenager* We've all read that poem, so we all know what I'm thinking right now :devil:
JayneEmilysRealm said:]
Hmmm.. actually.. I think that's when I'd say: Noooo.. it's just the beginning :devil:

*remembers the "I´m innocent" statement* made by jayne
but hey, gotta admit I thought about the next cath/sara scenes myself :devil:
and I´m very sad to say I haven´t read the poem :(
lmao omfg i saw the pic of cath...holy crap that look was too cute! :lol: okay ive been gone for a whole day and 58 posts??? :eek: haha love it!
lique that was so cute! i especially do like the ending, you're right, its a VERY happy ending. and jayne you're quiet and shy?? wow! wouldnt have guessed! :lol:
Lique, I'll PM you the link and then you can decide for yerself to read it or not.. just a notice, it's NC17! :devil: That's why I can't post a direct link here. Many people commented on the content, I'd like someone to comment on its form this time, like: "ohhh nice iambic penta and tetrameter!!" :lol: Yeah, I'm rambling OT here, I've had my first coffee :D

:lol: beautiful, it's true though, I think there are at least 3 people on this thread who can vouch for that! :p

Since it's been months that I posted a pic and it's one of my faves, because it's so.. uhm.. obvious. I just can't post this pic enough, and my mind thuds in the gutter when I think of the reason why Cath was crouching down.. :rolleyes:
oh thanks Jayne ! you bet I´ll read it :devil: ;)
and thanks beautiful :D glad you guys liked it!

I´ll look for some more cute pics of the girls later today :)
Since it's been months that I posted a pic and it's one of my faves, because it's so.. uhm.. obvious. I just can't post this pic enough, and my mind thuds in the gutter when I think of the reason why Cath was crouching down..
*Peeps in the room*
*Reminds self to never be drinking liquid again when reading Jayne's posts.*

Okay, you convinced me it has been way to long since I posted in here with you ladies. So I went on a little picture hunt myself.

This is one of my favorite's from season three "Got Murder" Actually quite a good amount of the ladies together in that eppy. :D Definately like watching the ladies in the ealier season shows. They had so much spunk!

wow. I applaud Jayne ´s poem standing up.
that´s some good reading ;)
I´m almost speechless here :lol: I couldn´t reply to the pm so that´s why I´m answering here.
I am truly impressed Jayne :D
thanks :D
Hey thanks Lique! Thanks for the kind words :D

Ohhh LadyS! I think someone needs punishment for not dropping in here often enough.. *starts thinking of proper punishment* :devil:
:eek: dudettes and dude! What's going on?? :eek: Do not, I repeat, do not leave this ship! I spotted crokodiles (yes, in Ireland :rolleyes:), so do not jump overboard! What I mean to say is: where is everyone!?!
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