Cath/Sara Slash #8: Strippers Down The Hall

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Hiiiiiii! I made a Sandles icon and thong/friendshippy type icon and I'm putting them in their respective boards. I've never made avvies before, this is my first time, so be gentle! I hope all y'all like it :)

Whooaaa ziggy! Nice one!! :D I really really love it! *cough*moremoremoremore*cough* :D

Heh! Lizzy :lol: Good one!! :lol: That's a hard pic to cap actually.. imo.. cuz I can't think of anything.

So uhm.. *runs after fogi* Can I pretty please *puppy-dog-eyed* have my semtex back?? *pouts*
hey ziggy
I think I did catch the same cold as jayne....cough *moremoremoremore* cough
the icon is indeed very cute and well done! cheers!
:) I hope there will be more where this one comes from ???
Isn't it a terrible cold eh?? :lol:
I've got the inside message that there will be more of where that came from :D Can't wait.. Yes, I'm filled with a major attack of YAY-ness!
JayneEmilysRealm said:
I've got the inside message that there will be more of where that came from :D

YAY-ness for me too! Finally I will be able to put an icon in my profile. And maybe it's going to be one of ziggy's Cath/Sara icons.
but I'll need 28 more posts - and I'm so terribly shy *sighs* - you know how that is Jayne , right ? ;)
Would you believe me if I say that in real life I'm rather quiet and a tad shy?? It's true though. :)

I think I'm going to work on a new C/S vid tomorrow.. but only if I get to finish my presentation today.. *starts working*
*woots* YAY for more C/S icons!! *claps hands enthusiastically* Nahhh you rule zig for making 'em!! You used the famous 'Two sharp women are better than one' scene and one of the famous oggle and checking out Cath-scenes from S1 :D :D Everyone must go and check them out.. the icons I mean.. well okay, and Cath and Sara too then.. hmmm, I think they're in the captain's cabin again :rolleyes:
:lol: She's soooo checking out Cath.. see the way she also leans back to relax and just enjoy her view.. hey, I'd do exactly the same thing.. *thinks deeply* WAIT! *shakes head* NOOO.. I'd do something totally different, but I think fogi will confiscate more of my secret semtex stash when I post that here.. *whistles innocently*
looked through my little stash o´caps here and I found a series of good Sara/Cath pics. at least here´s how this story goes in my mind :devil:

Cath:Alright so now I´m searching the web for Sara sidle

Cath:Hey look I found something! a picture..and.. a hot one too..

Sara "Damn I forgot about that!"

Cath : Sara, I never knew..

Sara: I get the impression you kinda like it ..

Cath: your place or mine..?

and that is a very happy ending :D :devil:
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