CaRWash RP

{*raises hand* I am, I am!! Need I say again that everyone has to wait with posting until either me or Twiz gives you the go-ahead. Thanks.}

Calleigh looks at herself in the mirror. The white wedding dress she's wearing hugs her in all the right places and it looks wonderful on her, if she may say so herself. She knows Ryan will absolutely love it. She wonders what he will look like in a suit. True, she'd seen him in one in cases where they need to go to court, but that wasn't the same kind of suit as in a wedding.

Their wedding. She pushed a loose curl behind her ear but it jumped back from behind it. Letting out a small smile she left it for what it was and started to apply her mascara. She could hear Valera and Alexx helping Natalia into her bridesmaid dress, with lots of giggles.

Putting the mascara away she takes one more look in the mirror. A feeling starts to grow in her stomach and she knows she's nervous. She's very nervous. Natalia comes over to her and fixes her own make-up.

"I'm nervous." Calleigh said with a small chuckle. "God I'm so nervous."

{either Natalia, Alexx or Valera may post now. (Katie, Kate or Irma}
(*Raises hand above everyone else* :p ;))

Before Natalia knew it, it was the wedding day. She was surprized Calleigh wanted her to be the maid of honour. But of course she agreed, she was honoured. Her and Calleigh went out shopping for a nice maid of honour dress. Alexx, Valera and Natalia also went shopping with Calleigh for her wedding dress. They drowned her in compliments as she put on "the one." It was perfect.

Now Natalia was slipping into her dress with the help of Alexx and Valera, after helping Cal get into hers. Natalia walked over to the mirrors with big lights to fix her make up. Calleigh was over there too, and she said she was nervous. Natalia let out a small laugh, "Sweetie, there's nothing to worry about. You love Ryan right?" Calleigh nodded. "And you know he loves you. That's all that matters. Not to mention that dress looks amazing on you." She winked and smiled at the bride.
OK so who's going to come talk to Ryan and make him more nervous..poor guy. It's open for anyone in the rp now.

Ryan is standing on the beach with his Uncle Ron at his side greeting guest as they arrive. Everyone that walks up to them does a double take over how much Ryan resembles his uncle. Ryan looks out into the crowd then he shakes his body trying to shake his nervousness away.
His Uncle Ron notices he’s nervous and pats his back,” it’s ok Ryan, I know your nervous and that’s natural. You’re going to be fine. You and Calleigh are the greatest couple I’ve ever known.”
Ryan nods his head while smiling,” I know it. I’m just afraid I’m going to say or do something stupid and ruin Cal’s wedding day. I want this to be perfect for her.”

Ron looks out into the ocean,” son it can’t get anymore perfect then this. One the scenery is beautiful and two she’s getting you for a husband, that’s a winning combination.”

Ryan’s eyes tear up a little and he wipes them quickly,” stop it, I don’t want to cry before this even starts.” Ron puts his arm around him as they see a few of his friends approaching them. Ryan stands up tall as they walk up to him.
((raises hand too!! :D))

Eric was running late, as usual. He ran into the house looking around for the rest of the guys. ((Are they in a house? I wasn't sure... )) He meandered around a little until he accidentally walked into the room where the girls were getting ready. His breath caught in his throat at how beautiful all of them looked; Calleigh was magnificant. He quickly left the room before any of them had the chance to see them. Through a window, he finally saw Ryan and "Uncle" Ron standing on the beach talking.

Eric strolled onto the beach front, messing around with his tie, loosening it, tightening it, loosening it, before finally tightening it again. He yanked at the collar trying to get it away from his neck. Miami was hot enough... He smiled at himself complaining about the heat, when he knew his friend was even more worried. He decided to mess around with him a little.

"What's up guys? Sorry I'm a little late. I had to finish that file on last week's murder. Ryan, my place is set for tonight in case Cal gets cold feet," Eric joked. Ryan's face dropped. "Hey, look man, I'm only messing. Calleigh looks like one of the most beautiful women in the world, and she can't wait to marry you." After a few beats, he said, "Wow, that sounds weird... 'she can't wait to marry you,'" he repeated the words. "You guys are actually doing it. You're actually getting married. I hope, if I ever get the luxury of finding someone to love, my wedding will be like yours. This is fantastic man. It really is great, I'm happy for you." Eric shook his hand and covered both of their hands with his other one. He was thrilled for his two coworkers.
[Wedding day!!! YAY!!! And now I don't know what to write! :eek:]

Valera was so excited. She still couldn't believe it. Her two colleagues were finally getting married! After all what they've gone through... She always knew that the two were meant to be. She was so happy for them.

It had felt like time had flown so fast. One moment they were shopping for the perfect wedding dress, and now Calleigh was standing in front of her in it, looking all beautiful. Even though she said that she was nervous, Valera could see how she was glowing with happiness.

"I second her." Val said from below, she was helping Calleigh with her shoes, after having a bit fun with Alex almost choking Natalia by intentionally pulling her bridesmaid dress too tight, "It is the perfect dress, Cal, and you look AMAZING in it... Though," she finally finished with the shoes, "Gosh what's with wedding dresses that you can't bend down in it?"

She then joined Natalia and Cal in front of the mirror, "Well it's your big day, Cal. It's ok to be nervous. But I'm sure everything is going to turn out great." She smiled at Cal's reflection in the mirror, and then teased her, "Well, let's hope Ryan doesn't pass out when he sees how beautiful his bride is..."

She then remembered, "Talking about Ryan, I think I'll go tell him that you're almost ready, alright?"
YAY Valera and Delko made it to the wedding....

Eric comes up to them, joking about his place being set, in case Calleigh gets cold feet. Ryan's stomach drops at the thought of that happening. His palms get sweaty and his mouth goes dry.

" Deep breath Wolfe, he's just messing with you. Calleigh wouldn't do that to you," He thinks to himself trying to calm down. Then he tells him how beautiful she looks in her gown. Knowing she's in the gown sets his mind at ease a little. He’s been waiting for months just to see her in her gown, or even to see the gown. She’d had it hidden at her place this whole time and whenever he stayed there, she yelled at him even if he looks at her closet. He starts thinking about their last few months together and how great it’s been. Then Eric shakes his hand telling him he’s really happy for them, snapping his mind back to the conversation.
“Thanks Eric that means a lot to me that you’re happy about this and you’re good with it.” He smiles while glancing down at his watch seeing the time approaching. He looks out into the crowd hoping someone will tell him Calleigh is ready.
[Ahem. Val is coming...]

Valera spotted Ryan, talking with Eric. He could faintly overheard Eric's joke and Ryan reaction to it almost made her laugh. "He's just joking, Ryan. Calleigh's feet are warm, I checked." She came up behind Ryan, startled him a little. When he turned at her she frowned, "Wow you look like you've just swallowed a coconut. You're not gonna pass out now, are you?" She then looked over towards Eric, laughing a little, "What have you done to this poor guy, Eric?" Calleigh said she was nervous, well she should've seen Ryan's face.

"Relax now, Calleigh is almost ready. And I've never seen her looking as happy before, so no worries..." She smiled reassuringly, and then a few people came up to them to talk to Ryan so Valera excused herself.

[Sorry, Nikki :p]
"Hey girl, where did you pop up from? My name's Galvin Duquesne. Yeah, I'm Cal's brother. You know her too? Yeah, of course you...Nah, that's nothing" Galvin said to himself, while driving to Miami beach in an Aston Martin. "This new CD did paid really good, but I really have to find myself a girl, can't buy her" he sighed.
"I've been looking for a bird like you for ages...damn, way too cheesy" He almost hit a pedestrian while he was checking his hair in the mirror. He just had his blond hair cut short, but it looked strange.
"She told me I had to park in front of the lab. That must be...right here. Okay, c'mon spikey, you can do it" he said to himself. Slowly he drove his car onto the parkinglot. After he carefully locked his car he walked to the beach, trying to spot as many girls as he could on the way.

"You must be Ryan, right?" he said, while checking his pockets for his keys. Always scared to lose them. "So, you're going to marry? Good luck with my sister then, you'll need it ;). No, just kidding, she's wonderful. And I think she'll be a nice wife too."
Then he realized he stood there shaking Ryan's hand since he arrived, and quickly pulled back his hand. "Okay, I am...eeer...going know. I'm also still looking for a mate. Shouldn't be very difficult right? This is Miami after all.

Then he walked away, but came back very soon. "That girl over there, isn't that your labgirl? Maxine was it, right? Cal told me that once. I take it she's single?" He didn't wait for Ryan to answer, the look in his eyes said enough. "Great, thanks."
Max comes out telling Ryan that Calleigh's feet are warm and she's happy, setting his mind at ease a little. His stomach was still doing flip flops though. He’s so afraid he is going to say the wrong line or faint. He feels a little dizzy at times but he keeps telling himself it's from the heat. He manages to place a smile on his face for Valera.
" Thanks Max for coming out and telling me this. I feel better now." He lets out a gust of air as she walks away. He looks at Uncle Ron with a funny look on his face.
" Are you ok Ryan? You’re looking a little pale. Are you going to pass out?" Uncle Ron asks with a concerned look on his face.
Ryan shakes his head slightly,” no ….I’m fine.”
Then a man comes up to him grabbing his hand shaking it. Ryan has no idea who he is until he mentions marrying his sister. “Great her brother did show up,” he thinks to himself.
He gives him a half smile, not sure what to think of him. “It’s nice to meet you” Ryan says in a low voice as the guy finally releases his hand.
Ryan listens as the guy rambles on about looking for a mate, but not making much sense. He walks away from him but then comes back asking about Valera. Before he can answer him the guy takes off again.
Ryan looks at his uncle rolling his eyes,” I’m going to be related to him.”
Ron lets out a chuckle, then notices Ryan swaying back and forth. He grabs him,” are you ok Ryan?”
Ryan leans on him,” no…no I ….I need to sit down.”
Ron puts his arm around him leading him to the front row of chairs helping him sit down before he falls down. Ryan looks up at him,” I need a drink…of water.” He closes his eyes leaning his head back.
Sam gets to the beach looking around for her brother. She spots her uncle helping him to a chair
She runs over to him sitting next to him. “Ryan are you ok?" She asks slightly out of breath
He looks at her with a glazed look on his face. She touches his face," Ryan what is wrong with you? Are you going to be able to do this?" He nods his head just a little.
She takes his hand in hers,"Ryan it's going to be ok. I'm here and I'll make sure you get through this."
Natalia decided to go talk to Ryan one last time before he was married and to congratulate him. She came out to see Ryan with someone who Natalia figured to be his sister and Uncle Ron standing together. She couldn't help but giggle at Ryan's face. He looked so worried and nervous. She was going to go ask him how he was when he had to sit down. She heard him ask for some water and close his eyes. Natalia frowned, "Oh my gosh, poor guy." She thought it probably wasn't the best time to talk to him, so she went back into the ladies dressing room where Calleigh, Valera and Alexx were.

"Hey ladies." She continued with a smile, "Cal, you should see Ryan. He looks amazing in his suit. He looks a bit nervous too. He stumbled and needed to sit down for a bit." She could tell that made Calleigh worried. "Oh, but it's okay. It's cute that you're both so nervous. You're supposed to be a bit nervous on your wedding day." She could tell that didn't convince Calleigh.
Ryan hears a familiar voice then opens his eyes seeing his big sister by his side. He nods his head at her question fearing speaking would cause him to faint. She reassures him everything is going to be fine and that she’s there for him. Uncle Ron comes back handing him a small glass of water. As he puts it up to his mouth for a drink everyone can see his hands are trembling as the glass shakes.
He takes a few sips then hands it back to his uncle.” Thanks Uncle Ron. You better hold this.”
He looks back at his sister then leans on her for a hug,” I’m so glad you made it. Thanks for coming I really need you here.” He pulls back with a goofy smile on his face,” I bet you never thought this day would come, did you?”
Calleigh looks up as Natalia comes back from outside the house. She tells her Ryan loos great in a suit, and that he was so nervous that he stunbled and had to sit down. At this she jerks her head around.

"What? You mean he near fainted? Oh my god..."

Natalia tells her it's normal to be nervous on your wedding day. "Well maybe a bit but not so much that he gets dizy! Did he eat at all today? I need to go see him."

She walks towards the door and the girls stop her, telling her she can't go, he can't see the dress. "But what if he's sick?" They tell her he's just nervous. "Does the rule say anything about talking? As long as he doesn't see me, can he talk to me? Can he come here and talk, like, on the other side of the door?"
Twiztid4Togo said:
Ryan hears a familiar voice then opens his eyes seeing his big sister by his side. He nods his head at her question fearing speaking would cause him to faint. She reassures him everything is going to be fine and that she’s there for him. Uncle Ron comes back handing him a small glass of water. As he puts it up to his mouth for a drink everyone can see his hands are trembling as the glass shakes.
He takes a few sips then hands it back to his uncle.” Thanks Uncle Ron. You better hold this.”
He looks back at his sister then leans on her for a hug,” I’m so glad you made it. Thanks for coming I really need you here.” He pulls back with a goofy smile on his face,” I bet you never thought this day would come, did you?”

"Well I always knew you would get married one day or another but i've never thought you'd get married before i do!" She pitches him.
She leans over giving him a kiss on the cheek,” Anyway I’m so glad to be here. I wouldn’t have missed this for anything, seeing my baby brother get married; Dad would be so proud of you Ryan...And so am I" A tear fall down on her cheek.

(Sorry Sue i just couldn't resist :lol: )