Carmine-What is Cessau?

"I keep thinking about this song
how it's wrong ..."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think Top single-handedly destroyed the man's first single.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
that was great Top lol :) now ever time i go to c his cassau video all i keep thing is about ur song :lol: :D it made my day :)

ti think ur right Carmine fan maybe we should do that
but than we will have all the song in our heads. :D :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
"I keep thinking about this song
how it's wrong ..."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think Top single-handedly destroyed the man's first single.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm so evil. :lol: :devil:

I have to say, I love my version. :lol:
You know, I've always wanted to be on American Idol. I would so totally and completely be a shoo in for the show where they feature all the really and truly awful singers.

Maybe if Carmine gets the whole song out by the time the next American Idol tryouts come along, I'll go ahead and give it a whirl. :lol:
Top41 said:
You know, I've always wanted to be on American Idol. I would so totally and completely be a shoo in for the show where they feature all the really and truly awful singers.
Perhaps we should audition together. I can make William Hung sound like Pavarotti.

Maybe if Carmine gets the whole song out by the time the next American Idol tryouts come along, I'll go ahead and give it a whirl. :lol:
If you could manage to get his song one of those American Idol "Best of the Worst" episodes, that'd be some serious fangirl support. The ratings for that show are insane. Think of how many additional people would be introduced to his work. He'd owe ya a little somethin' somethin'. ;)
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Perhaps we should audition together. I can make William Hung sound like Pavarotti.

You and me both. :lol: Think they take duos?

If you could manage to get his song one of those American Idol "Best of the Worst" episodes, that'd be some serious fangirl support. The ratings for that show are insane. Think of how many additional people would be introduced to his work. He'd owe ya a little somethin' somethin'. ;)

I'll add it to his tab. ;) Seriously, American Idol's ratings are insane! Like 30 million viewers or more. I think I've watched half an episode. I tend to like a lot of the singers, but I can't be bothered to watch the show when scripted TV I like is opposite it. I just get the artist's CDs eventually.
A advice to all of you who want Ceesau on your computer. Record it with your mobile and send it via MMS to your mail-adress.
I tried it yesterday and it worked. If your mobile's sound quality is good you can hear it clear on your pc. ;)
itll be great to go on American Idol and wear a shirt with carmines pic on it and looking at the camera and saying this is for u carmine. :D
This idea is a little to late. Here in Germany they started a new season "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" ("Germany searches the superstar"). That would have been great but I think they would have been very surprised by this way of acting :lol: