Carmine-What is Cessau?

I think...but I'm not sure... that those sound effects may have been added in later to fit in with the visual stings on the trailer.
I know I'm way ahead, but I start picturing the videoclip in my mind.
Expecially after what Mrs G and Orison said about acoustic music.
I agree, I'd love to listen to Carmine and his guitar alone.
And imagine this video, with him playing, sit on the floor, near an undo bed... :rolleyes:

But hey, in the music industry, you're nobody until somebody parodies your song
Great Top! :D the parody is so funny :lol:
tiara4carmine said:
Lucky me I have music recording software on my computer so I was able to record it, I don't think that's illegal since I'm keeping it for myself and not sharing or sending it anywhere, so I can listen to it constantly.

Still not sick of it :D :lol: :D
You are correct. That's not illegal. Distribution is what makes copying illegal. ... But you recorded it so you can listen to it constantly? :eek: Dude, you're scarring me. :lol: That clip is like 30 seconds or less. I adore the man as much as the next girl, but I'd lose my mind if I looped that and listened to it more than a couple times.

I agree, I'd love to listen to Carmine and his guitar alone.
And imagine this video, with him playing, sit on the floor, near an undo bed...
Good call. Now that is something I could record and never tire of. Just a man and his guitar. HOT!!! Throw in him sitting on the floor near a bed while playing guitar and I think I'd be due for a panty change. :devil: :lol:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
You are correct. That's not illegal. Distribution is what makes copying illegal. ...

Sorry to be a bearer of bad news Tiara, but in Australia it IS illegal. Our Fair Usage copyright laws don't even allow copying of LEGALLY acquired music (ie, music that is paid for). You aren't allowed to make copies for back-up. You aren't allowed to have music you bought from i-tunes on cd, even if it is only for private use ... absolutely ridiculous bloody law.

So recording/copying someone else's music, no matter how short a clip it is, no matter what you intend doing or not doing with it, is most definitely illegal.
Damn, life is harsh down under. Here since he put in on his site for fans to listen to, you could copy it and listen to it 24/7 if you want to. But you can't do anything else with it. And, of course, if it were a full track that were available for purchase, any true fan would buy it as that's only fair.
(sigh) That's not fair :( We do get the raw end of the deal but we're not the only country to do so. I think I've seen people from other places mention how far behind in epsiodes they are and they're even worse off than we are.
Nim said:
Expecially after what Mrs G and Orison said about acoustic music.
I agree, I'd love to listen to Carmine and his guitar alone.
And imagine this video, with him playing, sit on the floor, near an undo bed... :rolleyes:

That reminds my of my last holiday. Like that very much, a man only with his guitar playing some acustic songs... ROMANTIC :devil:
Mrs.G - :lol: :lol: :lol: I don't listen to it that constanly, but every now and then when I'm on my computer.

Crankyjules - the law here in Aus is in the process of changing, the new rules that were suppose to happen didn't and that was only a few months ago. However I do buy from itunes and bigpond and they both know that people transfer the songs to their ipods, mp3 and burn onto cd's, they even mention it at their sites and that's why itunes started so you could transfer to your players. But as I said, I haven't passed it on or even burned it, and besides, if recording is SOOOO illegal, why have they put record buttons on stereos, cds, vcr's, dvds,etc, etc, for as long as the stuff has been around. The law isn't upheld that well here, they mainly go after bootlegs and unauthorised downloaders of which I am not.
I understand all of that. Just stating the fact that at this point in time, it is illegal (shrug). And if I remember correctly we're not supposed to talk about illegal methods of 'collecting' on this board (ahem I know, because I've been pulled up on it myself :D :D :lol: :devil: )
The song is in my head again! :mad:

What sucks about it only being a thirty second sample is that the chorus is pretty much on an endless loop! :lol: I don't think I've listened to the thing in like 6 months, but damn, that chorus is unforgettable.
Top41 said:
The song is in my head again! :mad:

What sucks about it only being a thirty second sample is that the chorus is pretty much on an endless loop! :lol: I don't think I've listened to the thing in like 6 months, but damn, that chorus is unforgettable.

"How it stays in my head for so long! :lol: