Carmine-What is Cessau?

I doubt it to ... as I said, it was just at thought.

Yeah people do it all the time, but I kind of feel weird doing it with people's personal pictures. You can get into all sorts of ethical debates there, including if you don't want people to nick stuff, don't put it up there. But anyway, this is OT and I probably shouldn't have bought it up. Put it down to a brain fart in judgement :D :lol:
crankyjules said:
I doubt it to ... as I said, it was just at thought.

Yeah people do it all the time, but I kind of feel weird doing it with people's personal pictures. You can get into all sorts of ethical debates there, including if you don't want people to nick stuff, don't put it up there. But anyway, this is OT and I probably shouldn't have bought it up. Put it down to a brain fart in judgement :D :lol:

No, I agree with you--I'd feel weird about taking someone's personal picture, too. But I think once something is on the internet these days, anything can happen. There could be hundreds of people who saved that pic.

Carminefan, sometimes it takes a while to get a response. I don't think he's answered any e-mails in a long while.
Whatever it is he's up to that tune is damned catchy. I listened to it this morning and can't get the song out of my head....
Oh. My. God. I've just went to and saw the trailer. I--I don't know what to say. Yes, the tune is catchy, but I'm just like "WHOA, DANNY MESSER IS SINGING... I mean--Carmine." I still can't get the idea in my head of him as a singer?!?!?!??!?! I'm sorry. I love him to death and the song isn't bad at all. His voice is nice (even though I can't hear the lyrics clearly), but maybe the song is a little boppy... but it's still weird that he's singing!

I'm so sorry and maybe I'm not the only one who feels like this!! :lol:
You're not. I'm not terribly fond of the song either, even though I'll probably run out and buy the cd anyway :rolleyes:.

He should stick to the acting and writing (I hope) bits. ;)
Just my two cents on the gallery and pictures issue: As Top41 mentioned, people are constantly saving pictures all over the internet onto their computers everyday. Celebrity pictures are no exception. Heck, I'd say they make up a hell lot of those pictures people like to save. :lol: I must add that I can understand people feeling troubled by others saving their pictures / art, especially if they post the pictures on their website and no credit is given. Or worse, the person who nicked it takes the credit instead. However, if credit is given, it's instant promotion! (And you don't even have to pay a cent for it. Can't complain about that. :p)

My guess is he's simply clearing up his gallery for new pictures. He is renovating the place, after all, so I wouldn't worry about sections here and there going missing. All part of the process of website construction. :)

I have my own website where I display my art, and after a certain period of time, I like to clean it up and put out just the new stuff for visitors to view instead. Keeps the visitors coming back from time to time. ;) Moreover, it's good to show the most recent stuff ya got Shows ya like to keep your fans / visitors updated and that you actually care to maintain your image.

But, if he really did take off those pictures because he didn't like people taking them ... uhm, well. Dude, pictures publicly displayed on the internet won't stay just where they are for long. :lol: He could go for a Flash-based gallery to stop people from saving his pictures, but I'm afraid even that won't stop determined people, if they know the tricks of the trade.
Springmoon said:
You're not. I'm not terribly fond of the song either, even though I'll probably run out and buy the cd anyway :rolleyes:.

He should stick to the acting and writing (I hope) bits. ;)

:lol: I have to admit I felt the same way after listening to that uh, rap? *ducks from flying objects* Maybe a ballad or a rock song would be different but there was something that just didn't convice me though you can definitely add me to the list of people who'd buy his CD like, the day it's released... :D
^ Add me to the list of people who will buy any CD he puts out the day it hits the shelves. But I've gotta say that clip on his website makes me fear something Federline-eque is coming our way. His voice has a really nice tone to it. I'd love to hear him do something accoustic, where you could really focus on the vocals and hear him strum his guitar without distraction. White boys shouldn't rap (Eminem being one exception).
^^^ To be honest when I heard that Carmine was going to be recording some rap stuff my heart sank so I was pleasantly relieved when I heard this clip. It's not the best in the world but it's no-where near as bad as I feared; he has an interesting if not perfect voice and the track has a good rhythm to it. And, as I said, it's friggin' catchy...still singing it... :)
^ It is catchy. You only have to hear it once to remember the lyrics ... possibly because of the high degree of repetition, but it sticks with you.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I'd love to hear him do something accoustic, where you could really focus on the vocals and hear him strum his guitar without distraction.

That's real music to me. And well, that's exactly what I told the man in my latest email... ;)
Orison said:
MrsGiovinazzo said:
I'd love to hear him do something accoustic, where you could really focus on the vocals and hear him strum his guitar without distraction.

That's real music to me. And well, that's exactly what I told the man in my latest email... ;)

I can't say that I don't like what I hear on his website. It's really catchy and I also would buy the CD as soon as it hits the store - or - as I'm not a US citizen as soon as I found a way to get it. But that suggestion - some accustic -would be really great! At least I can imagine it would be great...
It is catchy. You only have to hear it once to remember the lyrics ... possibly because of the high degree of repetition, but it sticks with you.
Wait, you mean that you can understand the words? :eek:
