Carmine Giovinazzo

Not yet. The new season'll premier two days after my birthday! Hahahah....

Anyway, Carmine's sooooo good in emoting. Not to mention crying. I saw a card in a store once, Boys don't cry, Men do. It's perfect for him, is it.

^Yeah, that is. :lol: I like how he explained it--his brother's in a coma, of course he's going to cry. Very basic emotions at work there.
^Yeah, I liked that, too. Danny seemed like such a child in that scene, like he couldn't comprehend what had happened to his brother. It made me feel so bad for him.
It truly made me wanna hug him.
The way he delivered that was just so superb. It's not easy to just read a script and project it as convincing as that.
chaostheory08 said:
It truly made me wanna hug him.
The way he delivered that was just so superb. It's not easy to just read a script and project it as convincing as that.

Yeah, that was a truly fantastic performance. It is hard to translate emotion from script to screen sometimes--it sounds like from what he said he had a choice as to how he played it. I think he made the right call--Danny is too emotional to not break down when his brother got hurt.
^Very true. Yet he's bound to breakdown one way or another. One problem I had with the pacing of the latter part of the season, particularly with what they did with Danny was they bombarded him emotionally after he'd already broken down.

It would be more dramatic if he'd broken down after what happened to Aiden at least -- or that's just me pushing for a Danny/Flack breakdown scene. Lol!
Man,Have i been away for a long time or what?!?!?!?!?

Let's get back to business...
I just saw RSRD here in Singapore as well...
One hell of a show...
I gotta say,just like the rest of you,Danny WAS FANTASTIC!!

That eppy has got to be his personal best as Danny!!
I would have loved to see Danny break down in "Heroes" and then Flack would have had to comfort him. I think Danny's reaction was a little too mild, though I did like the scene where Danny started to get a little upset/sad, and Flack had to steer him back on track. Flack takes such good care of Danny.

And yes, I think RSRD was a great Danny episode! I would have liked a scene between the brothers, but that last scene with Mac and Danny was great!
Hmm, a Danny breakdown in Heroes more than what was portrayed may have been a little too much. Of course, this may all hark back to the general poor pacing of the second season where all of the emotionally draining episodes were packed into the sweeps periods in February and May.

So, if we could go back in time and adjust the pacing so that *all* those episodes were spread out evenly over the season, then a greater reaction to Aiden's demise may have been appropriate. But, given where the episode was placed, I think it would have painted Danny as even more of the drama queen that many already believe him to be.
I see where you're coming from about a Danny breakdown in "Heroes," but I also think having him not breakdown kind of didn't fit in with his character. Danny is a drama queen, and he had just found out one of his best friends had been murdered. Danny doesn't handle that kind of thing well. And yeah, after RSRD it might have been a lot, but Danny is pretty dramatic, and Carmine can carry that stuff. I did like his reaction when they first figured out it was her.

The pacing was totally off last season--it was too light in the beginning and middle, and then got really heavy towards the end. Hopefully third season is a better balance.
Yeah, he is the resident drama queen after all. Then again, Lindsey tried to steal that title from him starting from "All Access" -- all her disturbing and uncomfortable outbursts in all the wrong timing.

I was thinking, if I was Danny and Aiden and I were supposed to have dinner the weekend she was killed, how would I react? Hell, I'd freak out. I mean, I like it that they made him teary-eyed in the A/V room with everybody else. And he's the first one to exit. Was Flack there in that scene? It would be better if he was... then again, that's just me and my D/F infatuation lol!

I agree that the pacing was kind of poor. And they barely gave screentime to the heavy scenes. RSRD should be like the 90minute episode of CSI:LV. Something that heavy should be given a special episode.
I would expect Danny to be pretty freaking out by Aiden's murder, too, especially given that they were clearly still very close. Flack wasn't in the room when the CSIs realized Aiden was the victim. I liked his interactions with Danny, but we never really got to see his own reaction to Aiden's death. I was surprised that Danny was calmed so easily, but I guess in 42 minutes there's not a lot of time for Danny drama, at least not in every episode. :lol:

I think losing the B-story would have given RSRD enough time, but I guess they wanted to have a case Danny was being pulled off of.