Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I've been watching the viewed count go up and up. This thread should hit 10,000 in the next day or so.

As a reward, the loyal fans here should get that shower scene.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Well, I'm wondering...of the two guidos (Carmine and Eddie) and one dego (Vanessa), why are they all NOT playing italian characters?

Why is Kanakaredes playing the ONLY italian character in the show? And she's not even Italian...:p Maybe they should make Hawkes a Hassidic might even out the cultural background not matching the actual ethnicity of the person playing the character vibe they got going.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Is Eddie Italian, too? For some reason I thought Cahill was an Irish name. I'd guess Vanessa's character is supposed to be Latina, but I could be wrong--they've never really said one way or another. As for Danny...I think he is supposed to be Italian, despite the name's origins. Again, I could be wrong, but that was kind of what I assumed.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

His mama is italian, you can sorta tell my his guidesque nose. His dad is Irish.

(BTW, I'm Italian and Irish...please don't be offended by my usage of guido and's all with love).

Danny/Carmine is very "bada bing", he looks very at home in that one photo of the 20's gangter photo. He's very reminiscient of Italian pride. :)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Khanada:
I've been watching the viewed count go up and up. This thread should hit 10,000 in the next day or so.

As a reward, the loyal fans here should get that shower scene.

I second the motion. Shower scene, shower scene. *continues rant while drifting into imagination with danny and self in shower.*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by rochesterkaet:
His mama is italian, you can sorta tell my his guidesque nose. His dad is Irish.

(BTW, I'm Italian and Irish...please don't be offended by my usage of guido and's all with love).

That's cool...Italian/Irish is a nice combo! I didn't know 'dego' was the term for a gal in Italian.

Danny/Carmine is very "bada bing", he looks very at home in that one photo of the 20's gangter photo. He's very reminiscient of Italian pride. :)

Danny/Carmine is soooo my idea of NY Italian-American. I could be off, and maybe it's because I know he is Italian, but he just seems so quintessential to me.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:

That's cool...Italian/Irish is a nice combo! I didn't know 'dego' was the term for a gal in Italian.

Danny/Carmine is soooo my idea of NY Italian-American. I could be off, and maybe it's because I know he is Italian, but he just seems so quintessential to me.

I'm Irish and Italian. It's a hard temper, italian pride...lethal combo. Eddie's not very city-sider though, he went to school outside Westchester.

Danny/Carmine IS quintessential NY italian-american. The accent, the attitude, the charm. Vanessa is very ny italian-american, she's mouthy and says whats on her mind...I like that.

My uncles say it in a phrase like this, "it's a dego girl, where ever you go dego..."
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

thanks everyone for such kindeness! :)
Sadly I have to go without Danny this week as in Australia its the last week of term and Easter holidays coming up and thats when the channels take off the new stuff until after the Easter holidays so no Danny for 2 weeks....
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Khrissy, fear not--there's always Danny in here! :D

Posted by rochesterkaet:
I'm Irish and Italian. It's a hard temper, italian pride...lethal combo. Eddie's not very city-sider though, he went to school outside Westchester.

Yeah, but for some reason those two things often add up to passion, which is a good thing! Do you think Eddie's NY accent is real?

Danny/Carmine IS quintessential NY italian-american. The accent, the attitude, the charm.

Yeah, it's a sexy mix. :D

Vanessa is very ny italian-american, she's mouthy and says whats on her mind...I like that.

Vanessa seems very cool...very straightforward and what you see is what you get. I think she'd be fun to sit down and have a conversation with.

My uncles say it in a phrase like this, "it's a dego girl, where ever you go dego..."

:lol: :lol: I like that! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

His accent is real, although it's very light, like Vanessa's. You only hear it in certain words and phrases.

I'm an upstater, so my accent isn't like most downstaters, it's a cross between New England and Canadian. While downstaters have more of a Jersey/Philly lite. Rory Cochrane is a new yorker, but he was raised in another country so you can barely pick up that he did live in New York in seldom words.

We italian/irish americans, are empassioned aren't we? Except for when we drink, then we're just belligerent.

I loved what Vanessa said about the spinoff bitching in-fighting. "I heard the bullshit, wanna know how I feel? dude, it's showbiz, get over it." Ya know? Very mouthy.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
Khrissy, fear not--there's always Danny in here! :D

Yea ! Thats a huge upside of it all! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by rochesterkaet:
His accent is real, although it's very light, like Vanessa's. You only hear it in certain words and phrases.

Yeah, I notice it occasionally. As opposed to Danny's, which is soooo heavy!

I'm an upstater, so my accent isn't like most downstaters, it's a cross between New England and Canadian. While downstaters have more of a Jersey/Philly lite. Rory Cochrane is a new yorker, but he was raised in another country so you can barely pick up that he did live in New York in seldom words.

Yeah, I couldn't pick up any accent with Rory. I really like his voice though--it's nice and deep. IIRC, he was raised in London, but he doesn't really have a British accent as far as I can tell.

We italian/irish americans, are empassioned aren't we? Except for when we drink, then we're just belligerent.

Hee. That's what legendary bar fights are born from, right? ;)

I loved what Vanessa said about the spinoff bitching in-fighting. "I heard the bullshit, wanna know how I feel? dude, it's showbiz, get over it." Ya know? Very mouthy.

That cracked me up, too. Girl's got attitude--it's very cool. Nice to see that she doesn't take BS from anyone.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I think Carmine also has Jersey ties though. Some Joisey peeps gots the heavy accent.

Rory's got a nice voice...Rory and I will marry someday...he will realize that sooner or later, because I WILL NOT BE IGNORED (kidding)...:p He has some british phrases and mannerisms kicking in and out every so often, he saws "awunt" not "ant" for aunt. If you watch him on Dinner for Five, he speaks a certain way, and people say he's incredibly polite.

with vanessa, I almost wanted to throw a few punches with her, she's inspiring.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
I've seen that mentioned before, but call me a dope, I have no idea which word you guys mean! I can think of a lot of words Flack sounds like/rhymes with. I'm a doof.

Repeat after me (preferrably out loud, you'll hear it better):

"I wanna get Flacked."

Oh yeah! ;)

ETA- You know, I almost edited this to tell you to put your mind in the gutter before you said it but then I remembered who I was talking to. :lol:

As for wondering where Danny could possibly have gotten mob ties...well, the man does have a mother so maybe it's from that side of the family?

It's a hard temper, italian pride...lethal combo.

:lol: Try mixing a Scottish-Irish temper with Polish stubborness. :D For Pete's sake, I sometimes piss myself off! :lol:

*Sigh* I think we're in desperate need of that shower scene.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

mob ties I am thinking mother's side.

as for tempers: hee hee I am Irish/Scottish on one side with a whole lot of German/Swedish on the other. What an interesting combination. at least I know how to have good time with alcoholic libations!
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