Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Khrissy_25:
hiya !

I'm new!
And Come from Australia so Iv'e only recently discovered Danny! ;)

And Iv'e been reading your posts and was wondering if there is any good sites with Danny pictures I can go get? :D

From Khrissy

Welcome Khrissy. It's better late than never. :lol:

You can look at Lots of nice pictures there. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

If you're on this side of the world, this is your morning wake up call...

Is this man gorgeous, or what?


I'd love to see this man's baby pictures...I bet he was adorable...


Requisite microscope shot...

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

I'd love to see this man's baby pictures...I bet he was adorable...

Oh, I'll bet he was precious! But, you know, I infinitely prefer the non-diaper version myself.

*glues self to Microscope!Danny*
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
If you're on this side of the world, this is your morning wake up call...

Is this man gorgeous, or what?


That smile makes me all melty. :D It's just gorgeous.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

His smile is delicious, isn't it?

So, guess what ya'll? I talked with my Linguistics professor today and asked him about the origin of the name "Messer." It is indeed German and means "knife," probably anglicization of Messerschmidt or the like which means "knife-smith."

So...what is your take? Do you think the writers knew this when they named him or do you think they just pulled a name randomly out of the air?

*Goes into English major, analytical mode* Ok, so knife definitely has connotations. I mean, as soon as my teacher said knife I had images of dark alleys and fighting and things like that. So maybe the name Messer was on purpose...after all, we know now that Danny has something shady in his past. Hmm. I think I'll let this question brew for a while...
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^Interesting. I doubt it's random--I mean, it could be, but I doubt it. Writers like to pick names with connotations. If you look at the CSI: NY names together, they're even more interesting:

Taylor (not sure if this one has any connotations)
Bonasera (good day in Italian, right? Also, it might just be me, but the Bona also makes me think of "bone")
Messer (knife)
Burn (self-evident ;) )
Hawkes (Hawk/eagle-eyed?)
Flack (as in, don't give me any. ;) )

Put them together, you've got a group of tough, forceful names. Knife and burn also have violent overtones as well, as in, these folks are tough and deal with crime on a regular basis. Flack's name fits him.

Not sure about Mac Taylor--it's bland compared to the others, almost on purpose. A good all-American name.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

They should legilize clones. Then we could all have a Carmine/Danny clone and fulfill all our fantisies with him. Boy for me that could equal up to some pretty wild nights. :devil: I need a clone. But I would prefer the orignal. Originals always do it better.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Hmm, Taylor...a taylor is somebody who sews together fabric to make clothes. Perhaps this is indicative of Mac being the supervisor and the one who sort of keeps things together?

You know, I too think of "bone" when I see Bonasera. Interesting...

Flack's name certainly fits him. And it doesn't hurt that is sounds an awful lot like another word... ;)

Burn, yes, and doesn't the CBS website state that Aiden is like a chameleon? Aren't chameleons supposed to have some sort of mythical connotations associated with them of living in fire? Or is that a different creature? Crap, I can't remember.

Hawkes...indeed eyes like a hawk, perhaps. Hey, remember Hawkeye from M*A*S*H? (I <3 M*A*S*H!) Are there any other major features of hawk habits that could possibly be associated with Hawkes? Or maybe we don't know enough about him, yet.

Knife. And you know, knives don't have to be for bad purposes. After all, they are tools and can be used for non-violent purposes, as well. Perhaps this is indicative of a dual nature within Danny.

Knives can be dirty and grimy from the work they've done (or from blood...?) and yet can be cleaned, which makes them shiny and...well, pretty (or maybe I just think so...I have a fear of knives which has thus turned into an intense fascination for them.)

Knives are sharp. Sharp wit? Sharp tongue? Sharp as in smart? Looking sharp?

Sorry, I'm mostly doing a bit of free-associating here but yeah, it all adds up to the fact that I don't think the name Messer was chosen randomly. There's just too much there.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Indeed...chameleons are associated with fire in some beliefs:

Chameleons are widely regarded with unreasoning fear, especially in West Africa, where various beliefs associate the reptile with the Sun. In Dahomey, the chameleons are said to fetch fire from the Sun.

Taken from here.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:

So, guess what ya'll? I talked with my Linguistics professor today and asked him about the origin of the name "Messer." It is indeed German and means "knife," probably anglicization of Messerschmidt or the like which means "knife-smith."

I'm sorry but quite funny to think his name would come from German WWII airplane. :p
Any chance word "messen" (=measure) would have anything to do with the name? Or "das Feldmessen" (=geodesy,land survey) then then man doing it would be...
am I getting too complicated again?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Did I miss something with all this name stuff?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

A couple pages back someone mentioned what "Messer" might mean. I asked my linguistics professor what his take on it was and he told me it was German for knife. Now we're being all analytical and stuff. :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

wow knife that sounds dangerous
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
I talked with my Linguistics professor today and asked him about the origin of the name "Messer." It is indeed German and means "knife," probably anglicization of Messerschmidt or the like which means "knife-smith."

So...what is your take? Do you think the writers knew this when they named him or do you think they just pulled a name randomly out of the air?

You know, instead of knife as a noun, I immediately thought of its usage as a verb. I can see connotations both in Danny's personal and professional life of knifing through cases or former gang affiliations or life in general. But, I think that all the literary possibilities of "Messer" makes the choice seem purposeful. The name just doesn't mesh with his bio. So, now I have a new concern about Danny's bio as provided by that sleepy intern at CBS. How did a non-Italian, non-Irish kid manage to make his way into a mob family? The Tanglewood boys are affiliated with the Lucchese Family and the Pelham Bay Boys are Irish (at least in real life). So I can see him being recruited by the Tanglewood boys, but Danny's family living under FBI scrutiny for mob-related activities escapes me. Any thoughts on how this one will work itself out? :confused:

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Hmm, Taylor...a taylor is somebody who sews together fabric to make clothes. Perhaps this is indicative of Mac being the supervisor and the one who sort of keeps things together?

I thought of that, too. It might be too obvious, but I think it's a good basic explanation. Certainly Mac does hold his team together.

You know, I too think of "bone" when I see Bonasera. Interesting...

Given that it's a forensics show, that can't be accidental. On a metaphorical level, Stella is the backbone of the team. She's the strength.

Flack's name certainly fits him. And it doesn't hurt that is sounds an awful lot like another word... ;)

I've seen that mentioned before, but call me a dope, I have no idea which word you guys mean! I can think of a lot of words Flack sounds like/rhymes with. I'm a doof. :D

Burn, yes, and doesn't the CBS website state that Aiden is like a chameleon? Aren't chameleons supposed to have some sort of mythical connotations associated with them of living in fire? Or is that a different creature? Crap, I can't remember.

Good catch--I wouldn't have gotten that one. She doesn't seem terribly hot-tempered, so I think it's more a reference to her being able to take the heat (hello, "Officer Blue"!) or that she thrives on it.

Hawkes...indeed eyes like a hawk, perhaps. Hey, remember Hawkeye from M*A*S*H? (I <3 M*A*S*H!) Are there any other major features of hawk habits that could possibly be associated with Hawkes? Or maybe we don't know enough about him, yet.

Observant, doesn't miss much, intelligent, piercing. The guy is sharp.

Knife. And you know, knives don't have to be for bad purposes. After all, they are tools and can be used for non-violent purposes, as well. Perhaps this is indicative of a dual nature within Danny.

Oooh, very good point! Knives are pretty necessary--try getting by without one. But they're dangerous, too.

Knives can be dirty and grimy from the work they've done (or from blood...?) and yet can be cleaned, which makes them shiny and...well, pretty (or maybe I just think so...I have a fear of knives which has thus turned into an intense fascination for them.)

I actually like knives--I have a really, really cool one from Scotland that I got in a sword shop. I wanted a sword, too, but just imagine trying to clear that through customs! :lol: So I settled on this knife--it's literally in the shape of a dragon's tail. It's very sharp.

Knives are sharp. Sharp wit? Sharp tongue? Sharp as in smart? Looking sharp?

Sharp wit certainly fits Danny.

Sorry, I'm mostly doing a bit of free-associating here but yeah, it all adds up to the fact that I don't think the name Messer was chosen randomly. There's just too much there.

It's an English major thing--heh, I do it, too. It's fun!
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