Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Aglarelen:

And if Danny wants to get "freaky"...I'm available. Oops! I think I've said too much. I must step away before the PG-13-o-meter starts detecting my thoughts. :lol: :devil:

I'm pretty sure the meter is dead, the strain on its system was just too much. At this point, when it comes to Danny I'm trying to figure out what to call thoughts that have left NC-17 in the dust. :devil:

The senior class, I'm one of the advisors, held a bingo fundraiser, and the serious bingoladies (if this isn't one word it should be) almost had a rumble with a crew of novices. :lol:

I took advantage of the break to expound on all the virtues of loving Danny. My message was quite persuasive (eyes, accent, ass, etc.), there were many who converted. If I'd had visuals . . . ;)

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by JDonne:
I'm pretty sure the meter is dead, the strain on its system was just too much.

Yeah, wasn't it Top41 who broke it? :lol:

The senior class, I'm one of the advisors, held a bingo fundraiser, and the serious bingoladies (if this isn't one word it should be) almost had a rumble with a crew of novices. :lol:

Lmao! :lol:

I took advantage of the break to expound on all the virtues of loving Danny. My message was quite persuasive (eyes, accent, ass, etc.), there were many who converted. If I'd had visuals . . . ;)

Reason number 247 why Danny should get nekkid for a shower scene: So we can have our damn visuals, already!
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Did I miss something but how did we get onto this topic of Danny. Now don't get me wrong I like it but I was just wondering. Oh and the best aspect Il ike of Danny is when he gets all mean and bitchy with the suspects.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Khanada:
Danny: The latex this bodysuit's made of holds prints like a sponge holds water. You take the bottom; I'll take the top.
Aiden: No, I like being on top.
Danny: You gettin' all free here on me because we drew a bondage case?
Aiden: You wish. The lights.


God i loved this part soo much, i just loved the ep a lot. Aiden and Danny were/are soo cute together. i don't get all crazy when Aiden is working with Danny on a case b/c she's representing for all the girls out there like me that are in love with Carmine/Danny. the only way i would ever flip out on her is if she gets to touch his ass then i would totally freak and not like her as much.
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Yeah, wasn't it Top41 who broke it? :lol:

It was indeed me! :eek: And I brought a brand spankin' new PG-13-o-Meter back with me from my trip, and what do you know...I broke it before I even got off the plane. Must have been that dirty, dirty dream I had about Danny. :devil:

We'll just have to send the old one in for repairs...not that it will stay fixed for long. We have lots of dirty thoughts in here, ladies! :D

So I think I'm finally caught up on this thread at least...but it seems like there hasn't been a Danny picture in ages! What's with that? :confused:

I loved Aiden's comment about being on top--I think it's great that she initiated the dirty talk/jokes about the case. :lol: Go Aiden! :D

I'm still all about spanking Danny with the Robospanker. Wasn't that thing invented for fine asses like his...? :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Aww, midnight_tiptoes and I had been sort of hoping that, while you were away, you'd forget that the meter was broken... :D

Anyways, I hope you had fun on your trip!

And, I tell ya, when you're on spring break people expect you to like, have a life and stuff. I've been remiss in my Danny pic duties and I know it (I should be punished. Preferrably by Danny. He can bring his whip.) So anyways, my nose is back to the grindstone (ha!) so I can try and make up for lost time...

I love this pic, he looks so sweet...


Oh, the microscope! Be still my heart!


He should show off his muscles more often. Perferrably in the shower scene...

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

*Left the image tags in for reference*
Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
I love this pic, he looks so sweet...


Oh, the microscope! Be still my heart!


He should show off his muscles more often. Perferrably in the shower scene...


Oh so wonderful. Thank you so much for the pictures. I've been working on getting my Carmine site ready to publish, so I've been staring at code for hours. It's so great to get back to the images and man that actually inspired my site. I need to do more work with the graphics for my site, so I can look at him more often. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Aww, midnight_tiptoes and I had been sort of hoping that, while you were away, you'd forget that the meter was broken... :D

How could I forget, when it was broken in such a spectacular way? :D :lol:

Danny blushes when we tell him just how we broke the PG-13-o-Meter

The trip was great! It's good to be back, I think, even if it is a Monday. Mondays= :p

And it's especially good to see Danny pics... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by bluefluorescence:
mm....good pics...
a very welcoming sight for a first post. :)

Welcome to the forum, and the Locker Room! We like Danny just a bit in here. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Welcome to the Locker Room, bluefluorescence! We're a nice bunch, even if we are a bit naughty at times. :lol:


We like Danny just a bit in here.

*Raises eyebrow* Just a bit?
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^I was using that literary device...the one I can't think of the name of right now...the one that's basically a major understatement. I think it starts with a z... (curse my brain! I know this one! ).

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
We're a nice bunch, even if we are a bit naughty at times. :lol:

a bit naughty? i've only been here a day and already caught on to a certain erm...obsession...with a shower scene. ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

That's our mantra...

Put Danny in the shower, put Danny in the shower, put Danny in the shower...


Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by Top41:
^I was using that literary device...the one I can't think of the name of right now...the one that's basically a major understatement. I think it starts with a z... (curse my brain! I know this one! ).


Hmm, I don't think I know it either. The only literary device I can think of right now that is an understatement is litotes, but the way you said it doesn't fit the form.

a bit naughty? i've only been here a day and already caught on to a certain erm...obsession...with a shower scene.

Yes, the shower scene! :devil: And we also have a thing for potted plants (who also have a thing for Danny.)
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