Carmine Giovinazzo

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Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

DaWacko :lol: I really did picture myself falling down and those hot, moist lips coming closer to touch mine. *sigh*!

I am glad to see this morning that the locker room has gotten dirtier since I last posted, I am so proud! :p
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Actually, if you want to get technical, it sorta would

Actually, it would blow. And I'm not going any further with that! :lol:

I was gonna say the exact same thing. Great dirty minds think alike. :lol: :devil:

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Honey, you're about as innocent as the rest of us! :lol:

Piccie, just for the heck of it...


Damn, I love that look. I think if I was a witness/suspect, I'd just grab his hand, draw out the story/confession and then ask him to dinner. Course, if it was a confession, it might make him more likely to say no, but then I'd just tell him the bad girls are the most fun. :lol: :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

There has been explosion in Locker Room. Scared members are standing around the body, what is lying on the floor, ThumpyG. CSIs Messer and Taylor arrive to scene. Messer walks next to the body, goes on his knees. Soon he realizes something and yells "THIS ONE IS STILL ALIVE BUT NOT BREATHING" and then Messer starts CPR. All sudden 20 other Locker Room members fall down for some strange reasons...

:lol: Cute!

Great dirty minds think alike.

Rock on! And all I'm saying is that he can do, uh, CPR on me any time. :devil:

Damn, I love that look.

I know, it was so nice to open up the Locker Room this morning and see that lovely pic of him looking so stern and gruff. Yummy!

I think if I was a witness/suspect, I'd just grab his hand, draw out the story/confession and then ask him to dinner. Course, if it was a confession, it might make him more likely to say no, but then I'd just tell him the bad girls are the most fun.

:lol: Indeed we are! Besides, you know what they say...good girls are just bad girls that don't get caught! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

^ :lol: So true! :lol:

I gotta say, I think Danny could handle a bad girl. He'd be bored with a Mary Jane. He needs someone who's tough, possibly even a bit tougher than he is. ;) That's why either Stella or Maka would make a good love interest for him. Either of those women could handle Danny! :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

I think maybe Danny's the type that would think he wants a good girl. After all, he tries to portray the image of tough guy so perhaps he consciously has the need to be the "dominant" one. However, we've seen that he can be naive and sensitive in some respects, which leads me to believe that it wouldn't be hard for a bad/tough girl to wrap him around her little finger and, in fact, would be an excellent complement to his personality.

I mean, come on, can we say "smitten"...? :D

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
I think maybe Danny's the type that would think he wants a good girl. After all, he tries to portray the image of tough guy so perhaps he consciously has the need to be the "dominant" one. However, we've seen that he can be naive and sensitive in some respects, which leads me to believe that it wouldn't be hard for a bad/tough girl to wrap him around her little finger and, in fact, would be an excellent complement to his personality.

Yeah, I think it's more the fact that Danny might think he's the dominant one, but I think he's too emotional to really be in that role in a relationship. I think he'd be a total sucker for the girl he's with, if he was really into her. I mean, there's no way either Stella or Maka wouldn't be the one running things if he was with one of them. :lol:

I mean, come on, can we say "smitten"...? :D


:lol: I don't know...I'm not totally sure yet, but there's potential. There's definitely potential. :cool: Mac certainly picked up on it! :D
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Danny might think he's the dominant one, but I think he's too emotional to really be in that role in a relationship.

I agree, he comes across as tough but we know he's a big ole softy! But seriously, I rewatched Hush last night (nerd = me) and when they were figuring out what the hitch was for he honestly looked like he couldn't fathom that sort of thing. Granted, Aiden was shocked as well but she seemed to have a dose of cynicism mixed in too.

Oh, innocent Danny...what I wouldn't give to sink my claws into you! :devil: :lol:

I don't know...I'm not totally sure yet, but there's potential. There's definitely potential.

I'm totally smitten with Danny/Maka. I've yet to see any fics concerning them together, much less any PWPs so I've taken it upon myself to write one (I've had to put the shower fic aside until a time when I can put more focus into it...spring break, maybe.) I think they'd be an adorable couple, she'd say "jump" and he'd ask "how high?" :lol:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Awwwww, what a sweet picture of our Danny. Danny's personality is rather interesting to say the least. I think that what I like about him is the fact that he can be innocent/naive. I find myself drawn to his character Danny more and more because of it. It is refreshing to see that in a character, esp. a male character, who is in my book one of the sexiest men alive.

PS:Who wants to be good all of the time? That is way too boring! ;)
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
I agree, he comes across as tough but we know he's a big ole softy! But seriously, I rewatched Hush last night (nerd = me) and when they were figuring out what the hitch was for he honestly looked like he couldn't fathom that sort of thing. Granted, Aiden was shocked as well but she seemed to have a dose of cynicism mixed in too.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. I think Danny's probably not into that freaky stuff. Something tells me he treats his gals well--he's all tough talk but when it comes down to it, he's a good guy. Kind of like the prostitution thing--he was very genuine when he said he didn't go to places like that. Not that he'd need to, but some guys, no matter how hot, are sleazy. But Danny doesn't seem to be about that.

Oh, innocent Danny...what I wouldn't give to sink my claws into you! :devil: :lol:

:devil: Same here. I'd like to corrupt him...just a little bit. Enough to make him blush. :devil:

I'm totally smitten with Danny/Maka. I've yet to see any fics concerning them together, much less any PWPs so I've taken it upon myself to write one (I've had to put the shower fic aside until a time when I can put more focus into it...spring break, maybe.) I think they'd be an adorable couple, she'd say "jump" and he'd ask "how high?" :lol:

Heh, so true! I want to read this fan fic when you finish it! :D

I can see how the shower fic would require intense...concentration. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Yeah, I noticed that, too. I think Danny's probably not into that freaky stuff.

Maybe not stuff that freaky...but you can't deny that he wielded that whip/strap/whatever it was with finesse...*fantasizes* :devil: Oh the things I could teach that boy about being freaky... :lol:

Same here. I'd like to corrupt him...just a little bit. Enough to make him blush.

God, how hot would that be? Danny blushing innocently as I...well, I'm gonna stop there. :lol:

I can see how the shower fic would require intense...concentration.

:lol: Indeed!

PS:Who wants to be good all of the time? That is way too boring!

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
Maybe not stuff that freaky...but you can't deny that he wielded that whip/strap/whatever it was with finesse...*fantasizes* :devil: Oh the things I could teach that boy about being freaky... :lol:

:lol: Yeah, he struck me as a silly boy playing around with toys in that scene. It was so cute. But I bet if Aiden had slapped him on the ass on the way out, he would have turned beet red. :lol:

God, how hot would that be? Danny blushing innocently as I...well, I'm gonna stop there. :lol:

:lol: The PG-13-o-meter is flashing red again, isn't it! :lol: We give that thing one heck of a workout... :devil: And yes, Danny blushing in the bedroom is one hell of a sweet image. :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

But I bet if Aiden had slapped him on the ass on the way out, he would have turned beet red.

:lol: She so should have! I would've. :devil:

The PG-13-o-meter is flashing red again, isn't it! :lol: We give that thing one heck of a workout...

We're gonna break it one of these days. It's just gonna go kaput. :lol:

And yes, Danny blushing in the bedroom is one hell of a sweet image.

Who says it's gotta be in the bedroom? :devil: Oh dang, bad me for saying such naughty things! :lol:

:lol: I've noticed our posts go in waves around here. We'll talk for a little bit about his character and development and other safe stuff but it always comes back to the dirty. The man just inspires NC-21 thoughts. :devil: :lol:

I know I've put this one up before but the sight of Danny engrossed in a book is just too delicious...

Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Posted by BittenByTheWolfe:
:lol: She so should have! I would've. :devil:

No kidding! And she had the perfect excuse. Heck, if I'd been hand, Danny's butt--I'm thinking like a magnet here. :lol:

We're gonna break it one of these days. It's just gonna go kaput. :lol:

We are. It's going to explode and then kinda sizzle in a resigned way. And damn, I think it just went off again. :lol: Unintentional--I swear!!! :eek:

Who says it's gotta be in the bedroom? :devil: Oh dang, bad me for saying such naughty things! :lol:

Could be anywhere...even in the shower...

:lol: I've noticed our posts go in waves around here. We'll talk for a little bit about his character and development and other safe stuff but it always comes back to the dirty. The man just inspires NC-21 thoughts. :devil: :lol:

Yeah, we always make an attempt to have some real discussion in here, but then we just take a look at some of these pics and it's like: mind + Danny pics = straight to the gutter. Whatcha gonna do? We're red-blooded women in here. We've got eyes. And the gentleman is fine.

I know I've put this one up before but the sight of Danny engrossed in a book is just too delicious...


Never, ever apologize for putting pictures of Danny up. That is a public service...and we're all thanking you for it. :D

EDIT: I could lick those lips... :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

Bitten, I agree with Top41, please don't apologize for putting up THE HOTNESS, to be quite honest, I don't think that there are enough pictures of him!

heh heh, I could do many things with those lips :devil:
Re: The Locker Room: All Danny, All The Time

The more Danny, the better. That's all there is.

And looking at those lips...I think it's time for me to get on home. There's nothing I could type right now that wouldn't set off Ye Olde PG-13-o-Meter. :lol: :devil:

Enjoy the ep tonight, ladies! Hopefully we will have much to discuss tomorrow. :cool:
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